Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 781 The Great Harvest

What's more, Li Qiuyu is the most famous Holy Alchemy Master in Fengyue Continent. The elixir that came out of his hands is naturally extraordinary. He politely thanked Li Qiuyu and threw the elixir into his mouth.

Once the pill melted at the entrance, a powerful medicinal effect quickly circulated through the meridians, and it circulated once in an instant. By the time he discovered it, his mana had returned to its peak.

The horrified expression on his face, staring at Li Qiuyu blankly, made the three of Tianji extremely puzzled, even in the stage of transforming spirits, he thought that Li Qiuyu had manipulated this pill.

"Fellow Daoist Qi, what's wrong with you?"

Tianji hurriedly asked, and finally looked at Li Qiuyu. Li Qiuyu ignored him at all, but looked at the battlefield before him.

"Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist is indeed a genius, and such a pill can be refined. This pill is against the sky, and Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist is even more against the sky. The identity of this Holy Alchemist is indeed well-deserved. , it is not necessarily possible to have such a means.”

The monk surnamed Qi who took the elixir on the ground did not answer Tianji's question immediately, but said to Li Qiuyu in horror that these two elixir can restore mana instantly, and with such elixir, there is no need to worry about mana at all , as long as you don't lose, you can fight forever, even gods are consumed to death.

Finally, I heard Tianji ask him, and out of politeness, I replied to Tianji: "Fellow Tianji, I'm fine, it's just that this elixir, Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist, is too miraculous. to the pinnacle of its glory.”

"Instantly recovering the mana of a cultivator in the transformation stage, there is such a elixir, it's really the case, brother Li Dao's methods are really emerging one after another."

Tianji was also horrified after hearing what the monk surnamed Qi said, not only him, but also Fairy Bingfeng and Fairy Anyun around him. The mana of the monk surnamed has returned to the peak of its heyday.

"Hehe, it's just a fluke, it's just a fluke."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, at this time, some monks in the spiritual transformation stage have returned in twos and threes, because the demon generals of the ancient demons were killed by the monks in the spiritual transformation stage, and countless losses were lost. After a quarter of an hour, the demon generals were almost lost the second half.

In addition to the original loss and those killed by Li Qiuyu, there are still half of the demon generals left. At this time, the number of human monks is far twice that of the demon generals. Almost the same.

If this continues, the human monks will be able to kill these ancient demons even if they no longer use the monks of the transformation stage, reducing the casualties to a minimum.

They are no longer helping the big monks to kill the demon generals. The current demon generals, the ancient demon aura has long been defeated by Li Qiuyu's ice and fire compatibility, and now it is the monks of the transformation stage who are killing indiscriminately, and they have no fighting spirit at all. up.

"I will wait for you here for a day. You should rest as much as possible to recover your mana, and set off the day after tomorrow to support the Great Merchant Empire, destroy the Demon King in the Ancient Demon Castle, and wipe out the ancient demons in the Fengyue Continent of the Human World."

What about Li Qiuyu? After returning from all the monks in the stage of transformation, he said lightly, his eyes scanning the monks in the stage of transformation.

"This time, I really want to thank His Excellency Saint Alchemist for coming to help. Your Excellency Saint Alchemist is super powerful, and I admire you. The day after tomorrow, I will wait for Your Excellency Saint Alchemist to go to the Great Merchants Empire."

A middle-aged man cupped his fists and said to Li Qiuyu. After he finished speaking, other monks also agreed to go to Dashang Empire with Li Qiuyu. All of a sudden, all the monks in the Northern Jin Dynasty agreed to go to Dashang with Li Qiuyu.

Li Qiuyu nodded in satisfaction, this is also considered their understanding, if their own strength is not enough, even if they help them, they will not agree to go to Dashang, this is strength determines everything.

"Let's go, let's go back to rest first, and leave it to those little guys to deal with. If we can't solve these ancient demons, we will be in trouble when we encounter disasters in the future. We have to let them solve it alone."

Master Beiming took a look at the battlefield in the distance. Although it was thousands of miles away, there were still vibrations here. If this city wall hadn't been built by powerful monks, it would have ceased to exist long ago.

After Master Beiming's proposal was finished, the monks of the Huashen Stage flickered quickly, left the city wall, and returned to the palace of Lingyun Tiancheng again.

Li Qiuyu was arranged in a luxurious courtyard, which was the size of a mansion, with everything in it, and the servants inside were all ordinary people without cultivation.

When Li Qiuyu came to the courtyard, he imposed two simple prohibitions on the courtyard, and then rested in it with the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue. Although this place was the core power center of the Northern Jin Dynasty, Li Qiuyu was not worried about Beiming. Real people will be against themselves.

Give him the guts, and he doesn't dare to touch himself. If he hadn't seen his own strength before, then maybe he would, but now that he has seen Li Qiuyu's strength and means, he has this heart, and he doesn't have the courage and strength. .

"Brother Qiuyu, today's Four Nine Sword Formation is so powerful that it is compatible with ice and fire. There are not many monks who can resist it, especially the last move of ice and fire. I didn't expect such a pervert. Within, almost all of the ancient demons were lost."

Ling Ling happily took Li Qiuyu's arm, and said coquettishly, she had seen Li Qiuyu perform ice and fire many times before, but it was not one-tenth as powerful as it is now.

The power of Yu Jin in the past can destroy everything within a radius of ten miles at most, but this time the compatibility of ice and fire can turn a radius of fifty miles into nothingness.

The main thing is that within these fifty miles, all the ancient demons are at the level of demon generals. Although they were hastily defenseless and did not have time to display their defenses, the physique of the ancient demons cannot be broken by ordinary attacks.

"Really? But this time Ice and Fire Compatibility is beyond my expectation, and I didn't expect Ice and Fire Compatibility to become like this, and this Yujin light curtain doesn't have the slightest hostility towards me."

Hearing what Ling Ling said, Li Qiuyu also smiled slightly. It is true that this time he also made a mistake in his calculations. Originally, he only planned to use the Tiantian Ruler to kill the mid-term demon king, but he did not expect to use the Ice and Fire Compatibility to make the Ice and Fire Compatibility breakthrough. up.

Ice-Fire Compatibility, which has not made much progress, has reached its peak in the past few decades of cultivation, and now it is fully exerted, making Ice-Fire Compatibility break through to another level.

This has to be said to be a great harvest. This time to support the Northern Jin Dynasty, I just want to use the Four Nine Swords to show off the prestige and suppress the monks of the Northern Jin Dynasty. Now the goal has been achieved, and it is beyond my original plan. .

"Come on, son, let's go in and count the spoils this time, and see if there are any good things."

Xiao Qiuyue said softly, the last five people came to the hall inside, in the hall, Li Qiuyu cast a simple prohibition, and the three daughters of Xiao Hanyue took out all the trophies in the space ring.

They were all storage bags, space rings, and some magical treasures. Li Qiuyu and others quickly counted these storage bags one by one. There are usually only about 43 space rings.

After three full hours, Li Qiuyu and his team finished counting the 970 six storage bags and the 43 space ring. Counting treasures is also a hard job.

However, the most inside are black magic crystals, thumb-sized black magic crystals, and some are red. The two kinds of magic crystals are almost the same as spirit stones, but black magic crystals are the same as intermediary spirit stones. It is a strong aura.And inside the magic crystal is magic energy.

The red magic crystals are the same as high-level spirit stones. After counting, the black magic crystals actually reached tens of billions, a total of 130 billion black magic crystals.

There are 19 million red magic crystals. If these magic crystals are replaced with low-level spirit stones, there will be nearly trillions, trillions of low-level spirit stones.

This is also a statistic. If it really falls into the monks of the demon world, these magic crystals are far from low-level calculations. There is no difference between low-level spirit stones and intermediate-level spirit stones, but there is not a little difference between intermediate and high-level spirit stones. No monk would be so stupid as to exchange high-level spirit stones for intermediate spirit stones.

The same is true for the magic crystals of the demon clan, but after all, Li Qiuyu looked at the nearly 1000 billion magic crystals with a wry smile. He had also obtained countless magic crystals before, and finally used them as raw materials for the magic crystal cannon.

Now the magic crystal cannon can't be used, because the magic crystal cannon can only deal with the monks and demons who are below the big monk, and there is no need for the first battle. Even in the ancient demon war, the magic crystal cannon can't be used at all.

Looking at these magic crystals with a wry smile, he is not a demon, and he doesn't need to use magic crystals, and his own spirit stones are nearly 5000 billion, and there are many ancient treasures, and his wealth can only be a statistic up.

"Each of you bring some of these magic crystals, I don't need them, but here are some good magic treasures, you share them, although they are useless to you, maybe you can exchange them when you meet a magic cultivator in the future. "

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, giving each of the four girls a share of magic crystals, 20 billion black magic crystals each, 5000 million red magic crystals each, and five or six pieces of top-level magic treasures. It was left in the hands of the Demon Lord.

Xiao Hanyue and others didn't say anything.Anyway, with Li Qiuyu together, there is no need for spirit stones at all, but the magic crystal spirit stone is the same on anyone.

After dividing it, Li Qiuyu put all the other magic crystals and treasures into a separate space ring, and this space ring was full of items from the demon clan and demon cultivators.

After tidying up everything, Li Qiuyu asked the four girls to rest, and she also needed monks to take care of her. Taking elixir is against the sky, it is not as good as letting nature take its course, and the same is true for recovering consciousness and mana.

In this palace, besides resting at night to heal their injuries, the five of Li Qiuyu wandered around the palace during the day. This palace is even more luxurious than Tianlong Palace.

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