Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 782 Rush to the Great Merchant

After two days of rest, the other cultivators at the stage of transformation also recovered a lot. On the third day, when Li Qiuyu came to the hall, all the monks at the stage of transformation were there.

Excluding the loss of five cultivators at the stage of transformation, there are still 110 monks at the stage of transformation. After request, they went to the Great Shang Empire to kill the demon king.

Daoist Beiming wanted to stay, and so did another cultivator of the Transformation Stage, because the two of them had to sort out the remaining affairs of the ancient demons and the Northern Jin Empire.

The other monks agreed to follow Li Qiuyu to the Dashang Empire, Tianji and Fairy Bingfeng to go, and Fairy Dark Cloud to follow.

Li Qiuyu didn't have the slightest opinion. The two cultivators at the stage of transformation could not shake the Tianlong Empire if they stayed in the Northern Jin Dynasty. Besides, it was a good choice for them to stay in the Northern Jin Empire.

If there are no two masters left in the Northern Jin Dynasty, if something happens, Tianlong will also be affected. The Tianlong Empire is more than [-] million miles away from the ancient magic castle. Need your own base camp for security.

However, there were only [-] cultivators of the Transformation Stage going to Dashang this time, and the other thirty or so cultivators of the Stage of Transformation had to stay to preserve their strength.

Besides, the big monks of Tianlong are only on the border of Dashang, and will not be far away from Tianlong. Even if something happens, the monks of Tianlong's transformation stage can also provide timely assistance.

The power of Diyan Peak remains unchanged, and the additional cultivators at the stage of transformation are also hidden in Diyan Peak. Diyan Peak has truly become the largest force in Fengyue Continent. In Fengyue Continent, no force has more than [-] cultivators at the stage of transformation .

And these monks are all trusted by Li Qiuyu, otherwise he would not leave a ferocious tiger behind Diyan Peak to harm Diyan Peak.

The untrustworthy cultivators at the stage of transformation must be taken away. If they are not damaged in the ancient magic castle, it is his fortune and fate. Besides, how can one or two monks at the stage of transformation shake Diyan Peak.

And out of the [-] cultivators at the transformation stage that he cultivated, only [-] followed him to the ancient magic castle, and the other [-] were at the border of the Great Merchant Empire.

Taking over the city of the Great Merchant Empire, the Tianlong Empire has at least a hundred cultivators at the transformation stage nearby. These cultivators will not act alone, and try not to let them be killed by the ancient demons.

In this battle of the ancient magic castle, there were no monks of the Tianlong Huashen stage who actually did it. It was completely the Northern Jin Dynasty and the Great Shang Empire.

After discussing, Li Qiuyu took these cultivators at the transformation stage and left Lingyun Tiancheng, flew in the direction of the teleportation array, and finally used the teleportation array to come to Warwick City in batches.

Two hours later, all 110 cultivators of the transformation stage and Tianji came to Warwick City, and they were all about to use flying treasures to fly to Tianlong.

"Fellow daoists, this seat will give you a ride."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, secretly thinking that if he had to use the ancient flying treasure of Tianmen, he didn't know how long it would take to reach Tianlongdi Yanfeng.

"Your Excellency Saint Alchemist, is there any way to speed up the flight?"

A cultivator of the transformation spirit stage said puzzledly, there are more than 100 transformation spirit stages present, if there are a lot of flying treasures, you can sit down, but such treasures are generally not as good as flying ancient treasures.

"Hehe, I still have a little ability to escape."

With a movement of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, an exquisite chariot appeared in his hand. With a wave of mana hitting it, the exquisite chariot suddenly became [-] feet in size.

The Celestial Emperor's chariot was suspended in the air, and bursts of powerful coercion passed down. Even they who were in the stage of transforming gods felt a sense of oppression. This is the coercion of a treasure itself.

"What a powerful spiritual coercion, Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist, what a means."

A few cultivators at the transformation stage woke up and said enviously, it is impossible to tell what level this flying treasure is, and if Li Qiuyu hadn't successfully sacrificed it, it would not be able to tell what level it is.

"Let's go."

With one wave of Li Qiuyu's hand, a mask brought Xiao Hanyue's four daughters up. Seeing Li Qiuyu go up, other monks also floated up. 】Only when you are really on the top can you feel the power of this treasure.

On the top, a feeling of contempt for the world naturally arises, and after going up, a burst of mysterious aura protects everyone.

With a move of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, a magic spell was shot out, and the Celestial Emperor's chariot shot towards the edge of the sky like a shooting star. The speed was beyond the monk's imagination. The top treasure of flying.

Seeing this speed, all the monks were startled, thinking they were dazzled, but the speed was real, and they all looked at Li Qiuyu enviously.

After five days of flying, Li Qiuyu's mana was fully recovered, and the other cultivators at the transformation stage also recovered almost. It was the first time for them to be taken away by other cultivators with flying treasures.

This is an indisputable fact. Although his own line is also a cultivator at the transformation stage and the overlord of the Northern Jin Empire, he is nothing in front of this young cultivator.

At noon on the fifth day, news of Li Qiuyu's return to Tianlong also reached Diyan Peak, and it was known that Li Qiuyu had only left Diyan Peak's senior management and cultivators at the stage of transformation.

When they came to the border of Diyan Peak, more than two hundred cultivators at the transformation stage had already been waiting there. When they saw Li Qiuyu appearing, and then saw the flying treasure that Li Qiuyu was sitting on, they were startled and shocked. This flying treasure So visually stunning.

"The disciple welcomes the return of the Holy Master."

More than two hundred cultivators at the stage of transformation politely saluted Li Qiuyu and shouted in unison. Although they were both monks at the stage of transformation, they all knew in their hearts that if it weren't for Li Qiuyu, they would have no chance of reaching the stage of transformation.

Even if he reaches the stage of transformation, he is still no match for Li Qiuyu. Li Qiuyu's strength is completely beyond his comprehension.

"That's all, let's all go back, after two days of rest, the Demon Slayer War will begin."

Li Qiuyu waved his hand casually, and said lightly, signaling these disciples in the transformation stage to go back. Some of these disciples will follow him to the ancient magic castle of Dashang.

"Disciple obeys."

After finishing speaking, more than two hundred cultivators at the transformation stage flickered, disappeared into Li Qiuyu's online, and returned to Diyan Peak to practice. They also knew that when Li Qiuyu came back, it was the beginning of the Demon Slayer War.

The Northern Jin monks on the Tiandi chariot were shocked when they saw the sudden appearance of more than 200 monks who had transformed into gods, although they had known for a long time that Tianlong had cultivated more than 200 monks in the stage of transforming gods.

But now that I have seen it in person, I know what kind of shock it is. What kind of existence is this white-clothed boy in front of me? A monk in the transformation stage can cultivate so many.

Moreover, all of them treated Li Qiuyu as disciples, which was enough to see how respectful these cultivators in the transformation stage were to Li Qiuyu, and Li Qiuyu's status in the hearts of these monks in the transformation stage.

This is strength, and one can completely cultivate one's own strength, which is also the transcendent existence of a holy alchemist, and pills can change a monk.

When Li Qiuyu returned to Diyan Peak, he took Xiao Hanyue's four daughters and left, heading towards his own Emperor Yuefeng. The other Northern Jin monks were greeted by Diyanfeng's special reception disciples.

Although some Nascent Soul Stage monks came to receive them, none of them restrained themselves in front of the Transformation Spirit Stage monks, they only had due respect and courtesy, because these disciples all knew that there was Li Qiuyu in Diyan Peak, and Li Qiuyu was the leader of the entire Fengyue Continent. As a super monk, as a disciple, naturally, he couldn't embarrass Li Qiuyu.

After resting at Diyan Peak for five days, Li Qiuyu was about to leave here, and was going to the Ancient Demon Castle to participate in the Demon King War. During these five days, Li Qiuyu arranged many things.

Including that the great monks of the Northern Jin Dynasty must rush to Dashang in a short time to support the ancient demon war in the major cities of Dashang. Disciples who have not reached the Nascent Soul cannot enter Dashang, nor can they fight against the ancient demons alone.

In the Great Shang Empire, the monks of the Northern Jin Empire can only support the Great Shang. Except for dealing with the ancient demons, they cannot fight against the Great Shang Empire for other things.

The Tianlong Empire will also support the Dashang Empire with a lot of strength. The Tianlong Empire has a total of 230 monks at the stage of transformation, and one hundred monks at the stage of transformation followed Li Qiuyu to the ancient magic castle.

Thirty cultivators at the stage of transformation lived in seclusion in Diyan Peak. Generally, there would be no incidents that would shake Diyan Peak.

A cultivator at the transformation stage was guarding Diyan Peak. This person was naturally his most trusted Bai Yuntian, and Liu Yuting's three siblings also stayed at Diyan Peak.

A hundred cultivators at the stage of transformation followed Li Qiuyu to the ancient magic castle of Dashang. After making arrangements, they flew towards Dashang with these monks at the stage of transformation.

When he was leaving, the great monks of the Heavenly Dragon Empire and the Nascent Soul Stage monks also left the Land of Desolation, and went to the border of Dashang with the support of the ancient demon city.

One hundred cultivators at the stage of transformation led these disciples, and Li Qiuyu also repeatedly instructed that there should be at least twenty monks at the stage of transformation in each city.

According to the number of demon lords, two cultivators at the transformation stage must deal with a demon lord, and each time they have to completely wipe out a city of ancient demons before moving forward.

Standing beside Li Qiuyu are the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue, and the three of Tianji are not far behind, and behind them are more than 200 monks in the transformation stage.

There are 110 god transformation stages in the Northern Jin Dynasty, and a hundred dragons, sitting and resting on the chariot of the emperor of heaven, trying to restore the mana to the peak of its full glory before the ancient magic castle.

I have been to Dashang once, and I also know a little about Dashang's route. I choose the most direct route, and I can solve it in a short time when I encounter a powerful ancient magic city.

More than 200 cultivators at the stage of transforming gods are together and attack at the same time. Even a city will be reduced to ashes. Along the way, this kind of thing has been done a lot.

As long as these cities are occupied by the ancient demons, there will be no human monks or mortals left, and all of them will become puppets of the ancient demons. Naturally, they will not care about the damage of these cities.

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