When he came within 5000 million miles of the Great Merchant Empire, Li Qiuyu stopped the Heavenly Emperor's chariot. There is a teleportation array here, and he has been cultivating here for ten days.

Everyone was extremely puzzled. They didn't know why Li Qiuyu wanted to stay in this place, but it had already been agreed that Li Qiuyu was dispatching and arranging the Ancient Demon War.

However, Li Qiuyu was discussing with the high-level officials of Dashang. If the Northern Jin Dynasty and Tianlong wanted to support Dashang, he had to arrange and dispatch them. Otherwise, the monks of the two empires of the Northern Jin Dynasty and Tianlong would withdraw from the Dashang Empire.

Although the distance is far away, it only takes two days to go back and forth for the transmission of letters. After ten days of discussion, the top management of the Great Shang Empire finally agreed. For the first time, another empire will lead and command the monks of the Great Shang Empire.

The conditions of the Great Merchant Empire were the same as those of the Northern Jin Dynasty, that is, Li Qiuyu could not participate in other matters except the war of the ancient demons, so naturally Li Qiuyu would not take care of the matters involved.

Moreover, the monks of his own Tianlong have already stationed at the border of the Great Shang Empire. As long as the battle of the ancient magic castle starts, they will do their best to kill the ancient demons and invade the territory of the Great Shang Empire.

In the family of these ten days, the situation of the Great Shang Empire is getting worse and worse. Otherwise, it would not agree to Li Qiuyu. There is a devil king in the devil castle, and the more than 200 monks at the stage of transforming into gods can't play any role at all.

Moreover, he had to put his strength on other cities, so he agreed to Li Qiuyu in desperation. He was also horrified by Li Qiuyu's strength. During the Northern Jin War, the Great Shang Empire naturally knew it.

"Dear friends, I believe that the mana has been restored. We have to go to the ancient magic castle with all our strength. Let's ignore the ancient demons in other cities, so as not to waste time."

Li Qiuyu said to the monks of the Northern Jin Dynasty, and finally led all the monks towards the teleportation array. This teleportation array is also small, it can only teleport ten people at a time, and the teleportation distance is only a few million miles.

But this teleportation array has reached the only teleportation array in another city, and only after reaching another city can there be a larger teleportation array.

In this way, more than two hundred monks who transformed themselves into gods transmitted in batches, and finally transmitted directly, and there were also transmission arrays in every city. In this way, they had to fly, which depended on the speed of the Emperor's chariot.

The teleportation array and the fast flight of the Emperor's chariot finally reached Tiankui City after 20 days. Tiankui is a city 500 million miles away from the ancient magic castle.

Although the two cities are far apart, the ancient magic castle, which is 500 million miles away, can sense the monstrous magic energy from a distance. There are millions of magic generals, tens of millions of magic soldiers, and hundreds of millions of magic soldiers. soldier.

There are as many as 600 demon lords. After getting this accurate data, Li Qiuyu's face became serious. Apart from the demon lord, other human monks can still compete. The number of general demon kings is more than that of human monks.

And there is also a terrifying demon king, the strength of this demon king is enough to easily kill the cultivators at the transformation stage, and dozens of monks at the stage of transformation will be lost in his hands every now and then.

Originally, Dashang's cultivators at the stage of transformation could compete with the number of demon kings of the ancient demons, but during this period of time, many monks at the stage of transformation were lost, and more than ten monks at the stage of transformation were killed every day.

If he had come a few days earlier and hadn't delayed the ten days, such a situation would not have happened. However, there are no definite issues in the cultivation world. If he didn't stay for the ten days, the top management of the Great Merchant Empire would not agree to Li Qiuyu. condition.

Tiankui City

There are still four cities gathered from the ancient magic castle, but these four cities are occupied by masters from both sides. If you want to reach the ancient magic castle, you have to go through a big battle to get there. Only by killing all the ancient demons in these four cities.

The city lord's mansion in Tiankui City is full of monks at the stage of transformation, forty monks at the stage of transformation, three monks at the late stage of transformation, and the rest are at the middle stage of transformation.

Li Qiuyu brought the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue to the hall, and the rest of the disciples and the monks of the Northern Jin Dynasty rested at the post station in Tiankui City.

"I am invited by Taoist Brother Tianmu to deal with the ancient demons. I know the conditions of this seat. Now that this seat has arrived, you can put forward any opinions and suggestions here."

Li Qiuyu strolled towards the front seat, which was the front seat under the main seat, and when he came here, he sat down slowly, and the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue stood behind Li Qiuyu.

When passing through the hall, the two rows of mid-term monks displayed their powerful spiritual sense and coercion, but they were all secretly suppressed, not daring to be obvious. If they did too much, they would offend the Tianlong monk in front of them.

Moreover, the coercion of the monks at the stage of transformation is enough to overthrow the city lord's mansion, but the forty monks at the middle stage of transformation are all amazed. Simply treat it like nothing.

On the contrary, this cultivator broke his coercion with a vague aura, and got the aura to suppress his coercion.

The three late-stage elders sitting on the top are the only three late-stage monks who were looking for by the Great Shang Empire. If there were no ancient demons invading, the nine late-stage monks had agreed to kill all the ancient demons. Only after they are killed can they ascend, and with their cultivator power, they have already ascended.

The three late-stage cultivators are Tian Mu, Xiao Lin, and Lan Wuji.The three of them reached the late stage of transformation hundreds of years ago, and they have been looking for the critical point. They have found several, but they are all dangerous, and they dare not try lightly. They want to find a place where the critical point is weaker.

But it occurred to them that the ancient demons invaded without waiting for them to ascend. Originally, the invasion of the ancient demons did not worry them, but the emergence of the demon king forced them to stop and deal with the demon king.

The other late-stage deities have been lost, and even several reclusive late-stage monks have also been lost.Now there are only three of them in the late stages of Dashang Huashen.

The strength of the Demon King was beyond their imagination. In less than ten years, the Demon King had killed countless cultivators in the Human Realm's Transformation Stage, and the cultivation strength of the entire Fengyue Continent had regressed by tens of thousands of years.

Most of the cultivators at the stage of transformation were lost. During the whole period, two hundred monks of the stage of transformation suddenly appeared in the Tianlong Empire. They were all surprised. Your Excellency, a holy alchemist, can cultivate so many monks of the stage of transformation. Bring good luck.

However, the Tianlong Empire did not agree to support the Great Merchants, which made them helpless. Who told me to start looking down on Tianlong, until not long ago, Tianlong agreed to help the Great Merchants, but the condition was that all the monks of the Dashang Empire must wait for Li Qiuyu's dispatch.

This condition has been negotiating for so long. After so long, the strength of the Great Merchant Empire has weakened sharply. We can only agree to Li Qiuyu's condition. The key is that Li Qiuyu's power to kill the ancient demons in the Northern Jin Dynasty made them retreat up.

"Your Excellency Saint Alchemy came to Dashang for support. Tianmu would like to thank fellow Taoists here. I don't know how His Excellency Saint Alchemy can kill the ancient demons. In fact, it is easy to kill these ancient demons, mainly because of the ancient demons. The Demon King and the Demon King are a pain in the ass."

Tian Mu stood up and clasped his fists towards Li Qiuyu and said, the Tiankui City has gathered the most elite strength of the Great Merchant Empire, but he dare not attack the four cities in front easily, only after the four cities are defeated can he reach the ancient magic castle .

It is not difficult to take down these four cities, but after killing the ancient demon kings in these four cities, the human monks will also suffer heavy losses, hurting the enemy by a thousand, and injuring themselves by eight hundred.

"This seat has [-] monks at the stage of transforming gods, plus fellow Taoists of Dashang, I believe that it is easy to take down the four cities. In war, the most important thing is to suppress the arrogance of the ancient demons. The odds of winning will be one point higher, and this seat also recommends that all monks attack four cities."

Li Qiuyu said calmly, there are only more than [-] demon lords in the four cities, only the city in front of Li Tiankui City has [-] demon lords.

There are only fifty or sixty demon lords in the other cities. As long as Jiugan City in front of Tiankui City is taken down and all the ancient demons are killed, the three cities behind will be easily taken down.

"Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist, we have also thought about the solution, but we only have 240 monks in the transformation stage of Dashang. With the addition of the three Dao brothers, even if Jiugan City is taken down, there will be heavy losses."

Xiao Lin said calmly, although his voice was polite, but his tone was full of disdain. The cultivator in the early stage of transformation in front of him really didn't want to pay attention to it, but according to the rumors, this early stage of transformation was powerful.

Moreover, they are the masterminds of the Northern Jin and Tianlong empires this time, so it is not easy to offend them. After speaking, they looked at Li Qiuyu, and the other monks also looked at Li Qiuyu.

"Brother Xiao Lin, with your strength and fellow Taoists from Da Shang, it is not difficult to kill the ancient demons in Jiugan City, but you dare not do it lightly, you cannot kill the ancient demons in Jiugan City , it doesn't mean that I don't have the strength to kill the ancient demons in Jiugan City."

Naturally, Li Qiuyu is not someone to be easily provoked. People respect me a foot, and I give him back a foot. Even if he is a late-stage cultivator in front of him, he can't kill himself.

"Since Your Excellency Saint Alchemist said so, we expect His Excellency Saint Alchemist to show his prestige, so let's join forces to deal with Jiugan City first. If the ancient demons in Jiugan City are wiped out, our cultivators in the transformation stage will suffer a lot of losses. If it is too big, attack the other three cities, and finally kill the Demon King."

Lan Wuji saw that the atmosphere between Xiao Lin and Li Qiuyu was not right, so he stood up to smooth things over. Originally, Li Qiuyu came to Dashang, and he had already agreed to listen to Li Qiuyu's orders.

"When I came here, I had something to say first. If our Fengyue Continent is in a state of disunity, I am not willing to send the monks of the Northern Jin Dynasty and Tianlong here in vain."

Li Qiuyu said coldly, and looked at the other mid-stage cultivators. These mid-stage cultivators are all the top figures of Da Shang, and they are also the sharpest existence of Da Shang.

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