Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 784: The Meteor Fire Rain of the Ancient Demon War

"Okay, let's take a look at His Excellency Saint Alchemist first, and he will be dispatched by His Excellency Saint Alchemist. This is not the time for arguing. We have no good way. The only way is to attack. I believe everyone knows that we don't attack the ancient demons. , the ancient demon will swallow up Fengyue Continent sooner or later."

Tian Mu said softly, and looked at Xiao Lin beside him, but Li Qiuyu didn't pay attention, waiting for the reaction of other monks. At this time, he could afford to wait, and the monks of the Great Merchants couldn't afford to be hurt.

"In this case, I will order that at noon today, we will attack Jiugan City with all our strength. The real victory or defeat depends on our cultivators in the transformation stage. I still say the same thing, destroy Jiugan City with all our strength, and wipe out all the people in Jiugan City. Kill all the ancient demons."

Li Qiuyu waited for a while, and seeing that the other monks did not respond, knowing that these monks were silent, she stood up and said loudly.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you, Your Excellency, Holy Alchemist, for the specific assignment."

The other monks at the stage of transformation said lightly, anyway, in their opinion, whether Li Qiuyu is dispatched or not is irrelevant, because in such a battle, the victory or defeat is determined by the number and strength of the stage of transformation.

The last is the battle of the big monks. As long as the opponent's demon king is killed, the victory will be biased towards the human monks, and the monks in the transformation stage can also bring a fighting spirit to the monks below.

Li Qiuyu arranged some matters, and handed over the main affairs to the three monks in the late stage of transformation. He only needs to raise his momentum, and he has nothing to do with himself.

Of course, this depends on the power of the Four Nine Sword Formation and the effect of ice and fire compatibility. Although there are two hundred demon kings, twice as many as the ones in the Northern Jin Dynasty, but now the human monks in the stage of transforming into gods are more powerful than the demon kings. You are twice as many.

Needless to say, the outcome is known. The most important thing is that these monks should not be lost. The real battle is in the ancient magic castle. .

In other words, when killing Jiugan City and the other three cities, the monks in the human transformation stage cannot be lost, so Li Qiuyu can only do his best.

At noon, Tian Mu took all the monks back and put them all on standby. For a while, the ancient demons and monks who had been fighting wantonly were now extremely calm.

It looks like a storm is about to come, and everyone knows that this is the tranquility before the war. Behind Li Qiuyu is a hundred monks of the Diyan Peak, and the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue are also beside him. The four daughters all know that Li Qiuyu To use the Four Nine Sword Formation, there is no spare time to pay attention to other attacks.

They could only protect Li Qiuyu's Dharma, but Li Qiuyu arranged a hundred monks from Emperor Yanfeng beside the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue. Their task was to protect the safety of the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue.

In the Northern Jin Dynasty, the 110 cultivators of the transformation stage were on the left of Li Qiuyu, and the monks of the Dashang Empire were on the right side of Li Qiuyu. In the late stage of individual transformation, the monks responded accordingly to support these early and mid-stage transformations.

In the formation of the city, the ancient demon could not find the strength in the city at all, only the ancient demon did not understand the formation. Li Qiuyu and others could clearly see the strength of the ancient demon, 210 demon kings.

Seeing that the human monks had withdrawn their forces, the ancient demon also knew that the human monks were going to launch a full-scale attack, and all the ancient demons were ready to fight.

The distance between the two cities is two thousand miles, and the distance of these two thousand miles is not a distance at all for monks above the Nascent Soul stage. Li Qiuyu's eyes are on the open space of the two cities.

There are nearly a million human monks and tens of millions of ancient demons. Millions of human monks are in the Nascent Soul stage and the alchemy stage, and there are also big monks. Although there are tens of millions of ancient demons, most of them are low-level ancient demons. The devil will be inside.

There is too much difference in the number between the two, but the strength level is much stronger than that of human monks. There is a distance of fifty miles between the two, and there is a dark crowd of ancient demons and monks.

Without a single soldier making a move, the tranquility before the war finally broke, and a faint voice cut through the silent space.

"My seat, Li Qiuyu, from the Fengyue Continent, the ancient demons invaded our Fengyue Continent's human world, which violated the regulations of the cultivation world and the upper realm. I, with all the power of the Fengyue Continent, will kill the ancient demons and restore the peace of my Fengyue Continent. The soil, I ordered to kill the ancient demons and clean up the wind and moon."

Although the sound was not loud, it was transmitted to Jiugan City. The sound cut through a distance of two thousand miles, and all the ancient demons and human monks could hear it clearly.

"In front of this seat, all ancient demons are ants, kill them."

As soon as Li Qiuyu's voice fell, with a movement of his body, he left the city wall and quickly shot at the thousands of ancient demons. At the same time as he was moving, the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue also moved their bodies and followed closely behind. The other hundred emperors Yanfeng's disciples are also behind.

Seeing Li Qiuyu leave, the cultivators of the Northern Jin Dynasty and Dashang's stage of transforming gods froze for a moment, and then followed Li Qiuyu and shot out. Five hundred miles away were tens of thousands of ancient demons and ancient demon puppets.

At a distance of five hundred miles, the monks of the transformation stage arrived in an instant. Li Qiuyu came to the sky above the ancient demon army and stood firmly in the air. Protect these low-level disciples.

"World Burning Flames."

When he came to the air, he looked at the ancient demon below, waved his hands, and a fiery red light appeared in his hand, and then the fiery red light fell down, and the moment the fiery red light let go of his hand, there was a sharp change .

The original size of one foot becomes one foot, ten feet, one hundred feet, one li, five li.

A huge sea of ​​flames pressed down. The sea of ​​flames carried the power to burn the world. In a short while, the sea of ​​flames landed ten feet above the ancient demon army. The area of ​​the sea of ​​flames had reached a radius of twenty miles.

When the sea of ​​fire was ten feet away from the ancient demon, countless ancient demons with lower cultivation bases turned into air and completely evaporated in the air.

"Ah, ah."

The demon soldiers at the Nascent Soul level were not damaged for a while, but they were suppressed by the sea of ​​​​flames that burned the world, and they had no leisure time to use their mobile phones. All their strength was used to resist the erosion of the sea of ​​flames.

After one breath, within a radius of twenty miles, only a few ancient demons survived. The other ancient demons were all turned into nothingness.

"Try the method of this seat, meteor fire rain, extinguish."

Li Qiuyu unleashed the first World Burning Flame, and seeing that the demon kings in the distance did not come immediately, it was just time to try the meteor fire rain of the nine-style shocking sky. This meteor fire rain has not been used since he succeeded in cultivation.

After speaking, he waved his hands quickly, and a red light circle appeared between his hands, and there was a faint blue in the middle of the light ball.

Seeing that the red light ball was almost ready, he pushed the light ball with both hands, and then smashed it into the distance, and the light ball flew directly hundreds of miles away.

The ball of light carried the same aura of burning the heavens and the earth, but the aura inside contained another mysterious aura, and it was discovered immediately what it was.


The red light ball slammed down fiercely, and more than a hundred demon generals saw the red light ball coming, and at the same time shot out a wave of magic energy, trying to break the red light ball in the air.

But when the ball of light exploded hundreds of feet above the sky, the ancient demon was overjoyed, and then showed a look of despair. After the ball of light exploded, a sea of ​​flames was formed, and the sea of ​​flames spread rapidly.

The spreading speed of the burning flames was several times faster than that just now, and the sea of ​​flames landed on the ground as expected, and immediately there was a sea of ​​red flames within a fifty radius. 】


The monks of the Northern Jin Dynasty and the Dashang Huashen period above the human monks were all surprised, and the ancient demons in the ancient demon army were also surprised, because this fifty-mile-sized sea of ​​​​flames has no killing power at all.


After being surprised, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. At this moment, countless hailstones appeared in the sky.

The moment the hail came into contact with the sea of ​​fire on the ground, a red and blue light curtain swept out close to the ground, and all the sea of ​​fire turned purple.

The purple flames and the hailstones were in constant contact. Immediately, countless ancient demons were strangely killed by the flames and the hailstones, and the left back turned into nothingness.The power of the sea of ​​fire and the power of the hailstone gradually increased exponentially.

The ancient demons within fifty miles gradually disappeared, and the red sea of ​​flames would turn purple whenever it was touched by hailstones. The purple flames carried terrifying erosive power, and even demon generals could not resist them.

"Haha, it's finally here. I thought you guys didn't want to come out."

Li Qiuyu stopped, and in an instant, with two blows, tens of thousands of ancient demons disappeared. The human monks were horrified. This move was too terrifying.

"Humble human being, you are too despicable. If you use such a forbidden technique to deal with low-level demons, this demon king will devour the heart of you, a humble human being."

The leading demon lord roared angrily, and more than two hundred demon lords were also hesitant when they saw that the cultivators at the transformation stage behind Li Qiuyu were stronger and more numerous than Jiugan City. It's here to help.

But seeing the forbidden technique performed by Li Qiuyu was too terrifying. If he was allowed to go on like this, one person might wipe out all the ancient demons and puppets in front of him.

In desperation, he brought more than two hundred demon lords to resist. With the strength of the ancient demon, it is not difficult to resist for a while. As long as a quarter of an hour later, the demon lords of the other three cities will rush here Come, kill these human masters in one fell swoop.

In this way, I will claim credit in front of the Lord Demon King, so why not do something that kills two birds with one stone, driven by interests, other Demon Lords also agreed to come to resist the attack of human monks.

"Haha, you will be the targets of this seat before killing the demon king. Try this seat." Li Qiuyu looked at the more than two hundred demon kings in front of him, and said with a smile.

After finishing speaking, a golden light shot towards the demon king who was the leader who spoke. The golden light was as fast as a meteor, and it came to the demon king thousands of feet away in an instant.

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