Seeing the golden light shooting in front of him, the leader of the Demon Lord did not dare to underestimate it. A huge magic fork in his hand slashed towards him, which was bound to defeat the golden light.

The scene on the battlefield of the Northern Jin Dynasty reappeared in this great merchant empire. The golden light turned into 36 delicate golden lights, and suddenly the 36 delicate golden lights turned into short swords.

Da Shang monk and Gu Mo were stunned, and then they came over. The golden light turned into 36 rays of light, which fooled the demon king, and the 36 rays of light instantly formed a circular sword formation.

Li Qiuyu quickly mobilized his consciousness, and the sword formation was formed instantly, and the sword glows radiated out, and the golden and colorful sword glows instantly joined together, and the 36 fine lights disappeared completely, completely fused into the sword glow, I can't tell where the essence is.

"Fourty Nine Destroying Heavenly Sword Formation, destroy."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he pushed the seven-color light beam with a size of one hundred feet, and the light beam rotated rapidly, like a huge colorful vortex, and rushed forward with a huge seven-color sword array. Follow closely.


"Chi Chi Chi Chi."

Countless attacks hit the sword glow of the sword array with shocking demonic energy. The sword array paused, and suddenly spun rapidly, rushing straight towards the more than two hundred demon kings.

"Ah, ah, ah."

"Roar, roar, roar."


There was another burst of screams, and more than ten of your demon kings in front of the sword formation suddenly disappeared into the sword light of the sword formation, and more than ten demon kings dodged in time, leaving an old life, but it was all residual value broken arm.

Li Qiuyu's spiritual consciousness was running, ignoring the attacks of these monks, and striking the sword array towards the place where there were many demon kings, Xiao Hanyue and the hundred monks of the transformation stage behind him did not take the initiative to attack.

Only when they see another person attacking Li Qiuyu or the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue will they take action, but they don't mind killing the demon king who is about to be lost again.

Nearly forty demon kings were lost. Seeing such a situation, the ancient demon was dumbfounded. What kind of attack was it? Turned into air.

"Hurry up and spread out, don't gather together, ah!"

Seeing the power of the sword formation, a demon lord warned the other demon lords in horror, but when he was distracted, the sword glow smashed him into pieces, and the screams disappeared into the air.


Xiao Hanyue saw the power of Li Qiuyu's sword array in front of her, and naturally some demon kings who slipped through the net would not let them go. In desperation, those demon kings simply ran for their lives. Now the hundred cultivators at the transformation stage behind her can only attack with all their strength and slip through the net. The solo Demon Lord has no chance of escape at all.

After she finished speaking, sure enough, hundreds of cultivators at the stage of transforming gods launched attacks at the same time, and powerful attacks hit the demon kings on the edge of the sword array.

"Ah. Ah."

There were screams one by one, and just escaped from the sword array, and when I was shocked, I was attacked by hundreds of attacks at the same time, not to mention the devil, I believe that the devil came, and he would suffer a lot.

Li Qiuyu shuttled among the ancient demons with his sword array, meeting gods and killing gods, encountering demons and devouring demons, all the demon generals and demon kings were lost. in place.

This is not a fighting method at all, but a massacre. A cultivator at the transformation stage tortured and killed countless demon kings and generals. They didn't even dare to imagine such a thing, but they didn't expect to see Li Qiuyu do it in front of their eyes.

"I don't want to bully you clowns, I will wait for you first."

Li Qiuyu killed one back and forth in the ancient demon army, and all the ones killed were demon generals and demon lords. 61 demon lords were killed, and hundreds of demon generals were lost in the sword array.

Finally, after coming to the city wall, with a move of consciousness, the sword array disappeared immediately and turned into 36 golden lights. Finally, the 36 golden lights turned into a golden light and shot towards the center of Li Qiuyu's eyebrows, where it disappeared in an instant.

"It's over to you here."

Li Qiuyu said coldly, and finally landed on the city wall, Xiao Hanyue's four daughters and a hundred monks at the transformation stage also came to the city wall, and surrounded Xiao Hanyue and Li Qiuyu five people.

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, the 110 monks of the Northern Jin Dynasty and the [-] monks of the Dashang quickly shot into the air ahead.

After Li Qiuyu returned to the city wall, he ignored the battle ahead. It was not a problem at all for more than 300 cultivators at the transformation stage to deal with 130 demon kings.

The battle just now consumed a lot of consciousness and mana. Instead of being in front of the formation of human monks, he returned to rest on the city wall.The only way to deal with the ancient demon in front of him was to wait until his mana and consciousness recovered.


Xiao Hanyue sent a voice transmission softly, ordering a cultivator at the transformation stage to give orders, ordering millions of cultivators in the distance to attack the ancient demon army.

We all know that Li Qiuyu is the general leader of the exorcism this time, and the four girls around him are also monks of the transformation stage, and they are also the closest people of the leader.

Such a guard group, in Fengyue Continent, there is no force or country that is so exaggerated. It is almost enough for ordinary people to have Nascent Soul stage monks as guards, but the general leader in front of him has a hundred guards of the Transformation God stage.

Just now Li Qiuyu was dumbfounded by the power of killing countless demon generals and demon kings. This is not a method for monks in the stage of transformation. No wonder he can become hundreds of monks in the stage of transformation and the general leader of the whole Fengyue continent.

Under the order of Li Qiuyu's guards, millions of Nascent Soul Stage monks and Core Formation Stage monks flew towards the ancient demon legion in front. Immediately, the two powerful battle groups collided fiercely, and the whole earth was shaken. Under the impact of the two legions, every inch was cracked.

Tian Mu and Lan Wuji were amazed when they saw Li Qiuyu's formidable strength. Even if he was in the late stage of transformation, he couldn't do this method.

Even Xiao Lin, who was dissatisfied with Li Qiuyu, finally admitted Li Qiuyu's strength. The difference between his strength and the status of a monk in the realm was too far. It turned out that a monk in the early stage of transformation into a god could also unleash such a powerful attack.

They all found that the 36 golden rays of light in Li Qiuyu's hands were 36 top-level psychic treasures, and the 36 psychic treasures together, the power of the psychic treasures alone could suppress the cultivators in the transformation stage.

Every time I thought that this monk had 36 identical top-level psychic treasures, I thought to myself: "Could it be that the treasures of this sword array are the psychic treasures refined on Phoenix Island?"

In fact, the fact that Li Qiuyu spent five years refining treasures on Phoenix Island was also leaked out. In the world of cultivation, there is no wall that does not leak, but this matter is also an open secret.

If other monks forged a treasure, it would be nothing special at all, but this Li Qiuyu, as the supreme existence of the Tianlong Empire, possessed countless treasures in his hands, and his attack methods were unmatched.

Unexpectedly, he would refine the treasure himself, and when the treasure was successfully refined, the treasure's brilliance would be astonishing, although no one knew that it was the treasure refined by Li Qiuyu.

However, after the Phoenix Island was sunk by the treasure, some people came to check it out. They saw that the island with the size of thousands of miles was also sunk into the sea, and it was petrified on the spot.

Although the strength of the three late-stage gods is not as powerful as Li Qiuyu's methods, each demon king can survive several rounds in front of the three of them.

Almost all of them took a few breaths of effort to lose one demon lord, and within a short while, more than [-] demon lords were lost in the hands of the three of them.

For other monks in the stage of transformation, two people team up to deal with one. From time to time, a monk in the stage of transformation has no opponent, so they support the nearest combination, three against one, and quickly kill the demon king.

"Haha, haha, kill kill kill kill."

Some cultivators at the transformation stage laughed loudly and said that for more than a hundred years, they have been suppressed by ancient demons, and they have been attacked everywhere. The strength of ancient demons is getting stronger and stronger. Your opponent.

In the end, when they are combined together, the number of the opponent's ancient demon kings is often more than that of the monks in the transformation stage, and the strength of the devil kings is generally stronger than that of the monks in the transformation stage.

Now I saw Li Qiuyu's sword array displaying its majesty, raising the aura of human monks, and killing 71 demon kings and countless demon generals in a short time with the sword array.

Now the powerful Li Qiuyu is in charge of the formation, and he is fighting with hands-off, and it is two or three fighting one. It is the first time that he is suppressing the same demon king. It is no wonder that he is not happy, and he has vented the suppression of more than a hundred years.

"Be careful, the demon lord they supported has arrived, let's go and intercept it, don't let our human monk's momentum drop, and stop the ancient demon lord thousands of miles away."

After a cup of tea, Li Qiuyu used the Tianying Pill to restore his mana, and the Huishen Pill to restore some of his consciousness, opened his eyes, and said calmly.

"Well, young master, can you still use the Four Nine Sword Formation?"

Xiao Hanyue asked softly, the expression of concern on her face was self-evident, and the other monks also looked at Li Qiuyu, knowing that Li Qiuyu could use the better Heaven-defying Resurrection Pill to restore the consciousness, and he could restore the consciousness to the pinnacle of prosperity.

It's just that this elixir also has restrictions, that is, it must be effective after a one-day interval, and Li Qiuyu is restricted from recovering the Defying Resurrection Pill, which is to be used until a critical moment.

He could only take pills like Huishen. The Huishen pill didn't have much use for him, but it was better than nothing. The reinforcements from the ancient demons were restricted, and there were a lot of them. Forty-nine sword formations were necessary.

"It's not a serious problem. Hey, I can hold on for a while. As long as half of the future demon king is killed, I can rest assured. If it doesn't work, I can still use the Heaven-Defying Resurrection Pill."

Li Qiuyu said lightly, with a hint of a smile on his face, the four women around him were his closest friends, and the other hundred cultivators at the transformation stage were also his disciples.

After he finished speaking, he flashed his body and quickly disappeared on the city wall. The moment he left, the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue and a hundred monks of the transformation stage also left.

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