The white clothes are fluttering, and the terrifying evil spirit will continue to emanate from the whole body. A golden-red lotus flower appears between the eyebrows, and the lotus flower flickers between the eyebrows, making the whole human being strange.

With the appearance of this demonic power, all the monks and ancient demons were horrified. When did such a powerful demonic cultivator or monster appear again, but they saw that this shocking demonic power came from Li Qiuyu.

I also understand that this Li Qiuyu is not only a monk in the human world, but also a powerful demon cultivator. Although he has not reached the realm of the transformation stage, the strength of this monster has reached the stage of the cultivation stage monk.

The ancient demon was born to be an enemy of the monster race, and now he feels the demonic aura, and he is disgusted, but this demonic aura emanates from the monk who just cast the sword array.

"Haha, aren't the ancient demons naturally hostile to the demon race? Today, I'm going to let you experience what it's like to be killed by a demon cultivator."

The potency of the Creation Pill in Li Qiuyu's body has reached its peak, and its powerful potency hits the meridians of the whole body. It had already reached the peak of the six transformations hundreds of years ago, and it was also at the peak in the late Yuanying period, but it had not reached the stage of transformation.

I have never dared to take pills to practice, so as not to make mistakes.Unless it breaks through, it will either go mad, and the only way is to break through in a powerful battle.

Break through the Nine Transformations of the Phoenix to reach the seventh transformation, and break through the Yaoying to the stage of transforming gods. This way, the cultivation base will skyrocket, and you will dare to practice the Nine Transformations of the Phoenix in the future.

Before this battle, the Nine Transformations of the Phoenix was a little loose. After a monk reaches an advanced level, he needs an opportunity to break through. This time may be an opportunity.

The elixir filled the meridians with all its strength, and the bursts of stinging pain made him unbearable, and the look on his face was crazy, as if he had reached a critical edge.

After finishing speaking, the whole person rushed towards a demon lord, with bare hands, and a huge fist ruthlessly smashed down at the demon lord who was hundreds of feet away.


The huge fist struck the Demon Lord's ancient magic treasure. The demon energy on the ancient magic treasure shook, and then faded away. Li Qiuyu was also sternly pushed back by the powerful ancient magic treasure.

With a flash of his body, he slammed it hard again, his fist was full of monster power, and the medicine power in his body was still circulating rapidly.

There was a trace of blood on the fist, but he didn't feel any pain at all, because the pain in the meridians in his body being sprinted by the medicine was more severe than the pain on the fist.

This kind of pain can only be eradicated after venting with all your strength. The further you go to the back of the Phoenix Nine Transformations, the harder it is to break through. Now if you want to try to break through, you can only use this method of physical training.


The demon king who was attacked by Li Qiuyu's fist was also afraid when he saw Li Qiuyu's desperate attack. The demon cultivator in front of him was only in the realm of a demon general, but he kept fighting against him, and he still had the upper hand.



"click, click"

With a strong demon power, the fist smashed towards the Demon Lord like the wind. After a few punches, the Demon Lord's ancient castle was completely destroyed by Li Qiuyu's fist.

He could only rely on the powerful physique of the ancient demon to confront Li Qiuyu. After a while, the demon lord's horrified eyes began to despair, because he blocked the previous punch, and the fist behind came to him, breaking through the defense of the resistance, and punched fiercely. Hit on the chest.

A mouthful of black blood essence spewed out, and there was a click in the chest. The Demon Lord's huge body shrank sharply, and was finally bombarded by Li Qiuyu's fist. He flew straight out and fell to the ground with a powerful impact.


With a loud noise, the Demon Lord was hit by his fist and fell to the ground, the whole ground shook for a while, and the Demon Lord was completely damaged. The battle that seemed to last for a long time was actually less than ten breaths.

"Shenlong Seal, sacrifice."

After Li Qiuyu killed the first Demon Lord, the medicinal power in his body hadn't been fully digested, but it had reached a critical point. If he wanted to break through, he still needed some time. With a move of consciousness, the dragon seal appeared in his hand.

This dragon seal is also the most practical treasure for him to practice the Nine Transformations of the Phoenix. The dragon seal of Xuantian Lingbao is originally a treasure belonging to demon cultivators. He does not know the specific origin of this dragon seal.

But this Shenlong Seal is a top-level Xuantian Spirit Treasure, a growth-type Xuantian Lingbao, and exists on the same level as Dingtian Ruler, but the Shenlong Seal is much more powerful than Dingtian Ruler.

This is not to say that the Dragon Seal is stronger than the Dingtian Ruler, but that the Dragon Seal lasts longer than the Dingtian Ruler, and the Dingtian Ruler can also reach the current power of the Dragon Seal.

Just like adults and children, adults are just born some time before children, and children can also grow up, but there are very few treasures that can grow.

Only top-level psychic treasures can grow. For example, the Mietian sword refined by Li Qiuyu is a top-level psychic treasure. As long as it is nourished by mana, it will continue to grow.

He tried countless times to sacrifice the Shenlong Seal without success, and in the end, in desperation, after performing the Nine Transformations of the Phoenix, he unexpectedly succeeded in the sacrifice. It turned out that the Shenlong Seal required both demonic power and blood essence to be sacrificed at the same time.

After Li Qiuyu practiced the Nine Transformations of the Phoenix, he seldom used any treasures and had no treasures to use, but this Divine Dragon Seal is an extraordinary treasure, which can be used when performing the Nine Transformations of the Phoenix.

As soon as the dragon seal came out, a giant dragon figure appeared in the air, and then became a real body. After the dragon came out, it roared loudly, and then under Li Qiuyu's control, it quickly rushed towards a demon king.

The dragon's breath struck the devil's demonic energy with a destructive aura. When the devil's energy met the dragon's breath, it disappeared like a nemesis. Finally, the dragon's breath hit the unprepared demon directly.

Demon king, lost.

"Roar, roar."

Bursts of giant dragon Longwei appeared in the air, and Li Qiuyu followed closely behind the dragon, because he had to consume a lot of demon power to control the dragon, and only a large amount of consumption could consume the demon power and medicinal power in his body.

Demon King, another loss.

Under the huge claws of the giant dragon, under the breath of destruction, every attack will take away the life of a demon king, but Li Qiuyu's demon power is also rapidly consumed, because this dragon seal has not been completely controlled, and needs to be A lot of magic power.

The seventh demon king fell behind the dragon's dragon ball, and the dragon slowly disappeared. A delicate dragon carving was in his hand. Finally, with a movement of consciousness, the dragon carving disappeared into the space necklace.

The entire battlefield was one-sided. After leaving the [-] Heaven Extinguishing Sword Formation for the first time, it took away a lot of Demon Lord's lives. In the end, the monks from the Northern Jin Dynasty and Da Shang jointly killed the Demon Lord.

Two-on-one, three-on-one, or even four-on-one, there were three monks in the late stage of transforming spirits inside. In a short while, the demon king suffered a lot of losses, and Li Qiuyu left the battlefield to block the supporting demon king.

Fifty demon lords were eliminated, and the last two demon lords converged, but they did not change at all. Instead, they were killed by human monks with all their strength.

After Li Qiuyu killed the seventh molder, there were only about forty Demon Lords in the entire battlefield, and several of them were beaten to the point of losing their combat effectiveness.

Several fleeing demon lords were also killed by disciples of the transformation stage arranged by Li Qiuyu. These monks and devil lords of the stage of transformation can be called invincible on the side of the demons in the human world, but on this battlefield, The advantage is completely lost, and life becomes so fragile here.

Forty or so demon lords were also surrounded by more than 200 cultivators at the stage of transformation, and every four or five monks at the stage of transformation surrounded a devil to attack. Rao is such a powerful devil, in the presence of several human monks of the same class Under the attack, they can only resist and defend hard, until the magic energy is exhausted or directly wiped out.


A loud voice came out, and the earth-shattering sound of the battlefield also subsided in front of this voice, and everyone looked towards the source of the sound.

The human monks were horrified, but the senior ancient demons of the ancient magic army were extremely happy, because the huge voice came from the mouth of Li Qiuyu, the general leader of the human monks.

His face was full of pain, and the whole body was filled with evil energy, and cracks appeared continuously on his face, and he recovered instantly when the cracks appeared.

The snow-white clothes were also completely printed red, full of bloodstains, needless to say, what appeared on the face was the same on the body.

Not knowing what was going on, the human monk looked at the Demon Lord and the ancient demon below vigilantly, and the two battle groups stopped, looking at Li Qiuyu in horror.

The four daughters of Xiao Hanyue and the forty disciples of the transformation stage behind them all looked at Li Qiuyu anxiously, because they did not do anything, and kept locking their consciousness on Li Qiuyu.

Li Qiuyu's first elixir failed to break through the sixth transformation of the Phoenix. After killing the seven demon lords, she had a resolute expression on her face and a ruthless heart. Treating the enemy is not ruthless, but being ruthless to oneself is the real ruthlessness. If you want to get more rewards, you have to be ruthless and take risks.

Throwing five Good Fortune Pills into the mouth, suddenly, the peak of the sixth transformation, which had reached the critical point, is now fully sprinting through the meridians of the whole body with the medicine power obtained by the five Good Fortune Pills.

If it weren't for the cultivator at the transformation stage and the physique of the sixth transformation, he would have been violently killed in the first class of pills, and now taking five pills at the same time is indeed crazy enough.


The severe pain was unbearable even for him in the transformation stage. While screaming, he used the Nine Transformations of the Phoenix to dissolve the pill.

In a short while, the five elixirs melted quickly and finally circulated in the meridians, and the meridians also continuously appeared cracks and recovered instantly.

The same is true for the body, which was shattered inch by inch and then recovered instantly. There are no words to describe this kind of pain, and this is the first time I have encountered such pain.

"The seventh change, broken."

Li Qiuyu held back the pain, let out a loud shout, and almost lost consciousness. His spiritual consciousness kept a sliver of clarity, obliterated the pain in his consciousness, and quickly operated the sixth transformation of the Phoenix Nine Transformations, and finally rushed towards the critical point of the seventh transformation.

"What a perverted human being, he is breaking through, find a way to kill him, otherwise..."

A demon king saw Li Qiuyu's situation, and also understood that Li Qiuyu was relying on fighting, giving up his original advantages, and going against the odds, in order to break through in the battle and gain greater strength.

These demon lords and senior human monks are old monsters that have been around for hundreds of thousands of years. They naturally understand Li Qiuyu's purpose, and they feel horror and admiration, admiration and envy coexisting in their hearts.

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