The ancient demon knew that if this terrifying human monk broke through, it would be even more terrifying. The strength of the sword array and the demon cultivator were already terrifying enough. If he broke through, the ancient demon would suffer even greater casualties.

"Hmph, let's talk about your own situation first."

Tian Mu said coldly, the voice reminded all the human monks to use their attacks to suppress the remaining demon kings, and it was so easy to get away from the joint efforts of several human monks of the same class.

Moreover, Xiao Hanyue and others not far from Li Qiuyu also surrounded Li Qiuyu, and 44 monks in the stage of transformation protected Li Qiuyu. Even if there were no monks from the Northern Jin Dynasty and Dashang, these demon kings would never want to get close to Li Qiuyu .

The sixty cultivators at the transformation stage who surrounded the battlefield in the distance also slowly approached, and the demon king was completely suppressed by the human cultivators. It was important to protect Li Qiuyu now.

And Li Qiuyu was breaking through with all his strength, and the meridians all over his body were shattered and restored. Repeatedly, his body was also shattered inch by inch and restored to its original state.

The sixth transformation of the phoenix rushed towards the critical point of the seventh transformation with all the monster power in its body. In the consciousness, there was a slight sound, and the critical point of the seventh transformation was finally broken.

Hundreds of years of savings, thick and thin hair, when the seventh transformation hits, it will be a matter of course. The seventh transformation breaks through, and the meridians of the whole body are finally no longer damaged. On the contrary, the original body slowly undergoes changes, reaching another level completely .

The meridians also became tenacious, like huge rivers and rivers, and the skin was covered by a layer of mysterious halo. The demon baby, which was originally three inches in size, turned fiery red, and it was a full six inches in size.

The other Nascent Soul also became a little bigger, and the seven-colored demonic power continuously converted mana, and then converted from mana to demonic power, and the cycle alternated.

"Crack, boom."

A huge thunder came from the sky above, and the purple-white lightning struck down like nine heavens, directly hitting Li Qiuyu, with a speed that ignored space, distance and time.

"Quickly retreat, my idea, this is the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation."

Li Qiuyu was horrified when he saw the lightning and thunder. The lightning didn't seem very powerful, but it was the most powerful nine-day thunder calamity in the cultivation world.

The other cultivators and ancient demons in the transformation stage were also terrified. Just now Li Qiuyu broke through and raised the realm of the demon cultivator to the stage of transformation. The realm is a breakthrough, but it is not stable.

Now it has attracted the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation. This Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation was a breakthrough by an old monster in the late stage of Transformation God or even the Hollow Void Stage. He did not expect to come in front of a cultivator in the early stage of Transformation God.

On the road against the sky, God must punish. Only after accepting the punishment, the living will get a higher level of realm, and the dead will disappear in the Nine Heavens, without even the chance of reincarnation.

Seeing the arrival of Lei Jie, the monks and ancient demons who were closer to Li Qiuyu hurriedly moved further away. Xiao Hanyue and the forty disciples of the transformation stage quickly distanced themselves, but they still locked their spiritual consciousness on this battlefield. If something unfavorable to Li Qiuyu appears, he will immediately stop and kill it.


When the lightning came hundreds of feet into the sky, Li Qiuyu clasped his hands together, and a shocking monster power appeared from his hands, and then he slammed one hand fiercely into the sky.


Li Qiuyu fell hundreds of feet downwards, and was only a hundred feet away from the ground. The shocking monster attack instantly collided with lightning.

There was a tremor in the air, and the rest of the lightning struck Li Qiuyu. Li Qiuyu swayed and fell another ten feet. Finally, the first thunderbolt was broken.


Two bolts of lightning appeared from the east and west sides of the sky. After the two bolts of lightning appeared, they merged together. The merged lightning bolt was a foot in size and fell down in a straight line like a meteor.

"Six transformations of the phoenix, the power of a hundred phoenixes."

Li Qiuyu shouted loudly, the power of the phoenix is ​​one of the three major powers of the sixth transformation of the phoenix. Although the phoenix does not rely on power to dominate the demon world, as the four holy beasts, the power of the phoenix is ​​by no means easy.

The monster power of the whole body quickly gathers on the fist. The power of the hundred phoenixes of the sixth change of the phoenix is ​​just dealing with the power of the seven demon lords. .

A powerful demonic force hit the sky with the force of tearing the air, click, click, the power of the hundred phoenixes collided with the second calamity of the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation.

Within a radius of ten feet, there was a hint of strong wind in countless small spaces, and then there was a rapid recovery. The power of the hundred phoenixes offset the second calamity, but Li Qiuyu also descended to a place fifty feet above the ground again.

Thousands of ancient demons, more than [-] demon lords, and millions of human monks and monks at the transformation stage all stopped, watching Li Qiuyu's breakthrough.

The ancient demon wanted to kill Li Qiuyu, but he couldn't protect himself now, and was attacked and suppressed by several monks of the same class if he made any movement.

The second catastrophe escaped, and at the same time as the second catastrophe disappeared, three huge thunderclaps appeared in the air, east, west, and east, and the thunder shook the entire space.

After the thunder, three bolts of red, blue, and purple lightning appeared, and the lightning also fused together. At the moment of fusion, the lightning shot down towards Li Qiuyu, and the speed rubbed the air into bursts of flames.

"Six transformations of the phoenix, the power of a thousand phoenixes."

Li Qiuyu didn't dare to underestimate this third lightning tribulation, so she could only use the power of the thousand phoenixes of the sixth transformation. When the power of the thousand phoenixes was cast, the demonic power in the air quickly gathered on her hands.


A light curtain appeared. Three colors of light curtains scattered in the air, the air trembled and twisted, Li Qiuyu's body landed fiercely on the ground, and the ground also trembled.

The third Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation was finally neutralized smoothly. It seemed easy, but it consumed Li Qiuyu's demon power rapidly. Now there is only half of the demon power left on him, and the power of the five elixirs of Unicom has also been used up.

If it continues like this, it will exhaust the demon power until the sixth nine-day thunder calamity at most, so it has to find a way, otherwise it will lose the demon baby's chance to get the cloud of vitality.

That is to say, there will be no chance to break through the Phoenix Nine Transformations in the future, and the Phoenix Nine Transformations will always be between the Sixth Transformation and the Seventh Transformation.

Four bolts of lightning appeared in the sky again. In the southeast, northwest, and four directions, a red, blue, purple, and white lightning appeared respectively. The four lightnings merged together and struck down on Li Qiuyu sharply, as if to destroy Li Qiuyu.

"Six transformations of the phoenix, the power of ten thousand phoenixes."

Li Qiuyu's body trembled slightly, and the monster power in his body was pulled out sharply, pouring into the fist, a mysterious light appeared in the fist, and then smashed towards the sky.

The power of ten thousand phoenixes is the most powerful blow of the three major powers of the sixth transformation of the phoenix, but the consumed demon power is extremely powerful. Even if Li Qiuyu reaches the sixth transformation of the nine phoenix transformations and has a deep cultivation, he can only cast it four times in a row .

Now that the Power of Hundred Phoenixes and the Power of Thousand Phoenixes were used earlier, a lot of monster power was consumed. From this point of view, after using the Power of Thousand Phoenixes this time, it is possible to use up the monster power once more.



The power of ten thousand phoenixes collided with the nine-day thunder of four colors, and the space with a radius of one hundred feet was shattered inch by inch again. The strong wind raged against the earth, and the place where Li Qiuyu stood was also cracked thousands of feet.

With a click, the cracked ground dropped ten feet within the range of Li Qiuyu's thousand feet. Li Qiuyu's figure stood on the ground ten feet below the ground, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

The power of ten thousand phoenixes is more than ten times stronger than the power of thousand phoenixes, but at the same time as the power of ten thousand phoenixes is strong, the nine-day thunder in the sky is also getting stronger and stronger.

"It's the fourth calamity, and there are five more calamities!"

Many cultivators in the stage of transformation secretly worried that Li Qiuyu has now completely become the core of human beings to expel ancient demons. They believe that if Li Qiuyu succeeds in breaking through, his strength will skyrocket, which will be beneficial to the entire Fengyue Continent.

Li Qiuyu broke through, but the other monks were more anxious than Li Qiuyu, and more worried than himself. This is the strength and charm of a person, and every move will affect the hearts of countless human beings.

When the fifth catastrophe came, four red, blue, purple and white lightnings appeared. I couldn't understand whether the fifth catastrophe was the same as the fourth catastrophe. If so, the chance of breaking through would be even greater.

But before they finished their joy, at the moment when the four flashes merged, a black cloud appeared in the sky, with a destructive aura sandwiched between the dark clouds, amidst the rapidly fused lightning, the sky also became pitch black , there are four kinds of light in the darkness.

The formed beam of light reached a size of ten feet in radius, but the speed was much slower, but when it fell, the power of the beam of light doubled.

"Come out and help me."

Li Qiuyu's consciousness moved, and there was a twist in the air. Although the visibility in the pitch-black sky was not good, it was useless in front of the ancient demons with their own cultivation.

Four powerful monster powers shot up into the sky, a body with a radius of sixty feet was like a hill, and a huge snake head was swinging in the air.

A snow-white body, about three feet in length, has a powerful aura, emitting waves of monster power. On the other side is a three-foot-sized eagle, which also emits amazing monster power.

The most striking thing is a petite figure, completely human, but with a shocking monster power, not weaker than the biggest monster.

Immediately, the figure turned into a green dragon with a size of two hundred feet. The green dragon was covered by a layer of faint colorful halo, which looked extremely mighty.

After the four monsters appeared, they released their monster power. After the monster power appeared, Li Qiuyu, who was ten feet underground, kept waving his hands. It was also the power of Wanfeng. The power is several times stronger than before.



There was another burst of explosions, and the sky suddenly became brighter and cloudless, like after a heavy rain, but Li Qiuyu sank another ten feet below.

"What a powerful monster."

After the fifth catastrophe, when the sky was bright, everyone looked carefully at the four monsters on the ground. The four monsters surrounded a radius of five hundred feet, and Li Qiuyu was in the middle, but it was just underground.

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