Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 791 The Great Victory

"All were killed."

Tianmu saw that the opportunity was rare, and Li Qiuyu successfully broke through the demon baby to the stage of transformation, so there was nothing to worry about. Thirty or so demon lords were still here, so they took this opportunity to kill the demon lords.

After Tianmu finished speaking, more than 200 cultivators at the stage of transforming gods quickly smashed the spirit treasures in their hands at the demon king. The monk's spirit treasures are not something that ancient demons can easily resist. able to resist.

"Ah, ah."

"Boom, boom."

The screams before the loss and the sound of countless attacks and impacts continued to appear in the sky. More than 200 cultivators at the transformation stage were led by three late stage cultivators.

More than [-] demon kings were constantly lost, and even the demon kings had no chance to use the forbidden technique of self-detonation and death together. If they were a little careless, they would be killed by monks.

"If you want to escape, let me stay here."

A demon king finally couldn't find the slightest chance to leave. As early as Li Qiuyu blocked them, he had the consciousness to evacuate, but Li Qiuyu's strength prevented them from leaving. monk. 】

As long as there is a sign of fleeing, they will be attacked with all their strength. There are dozens of attacks in the same class. No ancient demon dares to try easily. Now the number of magic army is getting smaller and smaller.

Throwing an attack at the opponent with all his strength, ignoring the attacks of the other five cultivators at the stage of transformation, just shooting forward, trying to escape, knowing that the monks at the stage of transformation of human beings had already seen that he was fleeing.

Comparing your heart to your heart, at this time, if you don't want to flee, you are really a fool, even if you are a human being in this situation, you have to flee, so when you attack, you deliberately show your flaws, only the fleeing demon is better to kill.

Unsurprisingly, while he was escaping, two opponents simultaneously shot down a powerful attack from the sound control and the front, which was extremely powerful.

"Crack, bang."

The fleeing mold was severely knocked down by two attacks, its chest and head were shattered, and it couldn't die anymore, and finally fell down.

Things like this kept happening, and in a short while, only six of the thirty or so abrasive tools were left. Finally, under countless powerful attacks, they turned into air, and even the space ring was turned into pieces.

Li Qiuyu's sea of ​​fire, which was hundreds of miles in size, was even more spectacular. A huge sea of ​​fire was constantly moving, and even the hills were melted wherever it passed.

In a short time, I don't know how many ancient demons were killed by the sea of ​​fire, leaving a deep stream hundreds of feet deep and hundreds of miles wide on the ground.

There was a scorching smell coming from the deep stream. This deep stream was five hundred miles long, and Li Qiuyu also took the sea of ​​fire five hundred miles away, and traveled through the ancient demon army.

Finally, I feel that the sea of ​​fire has reached the brink of collapse, and it is no longer realistic to rely on the sea of ​​fire to kill the ancient demons, but before the sea of ​​fire disappears, the power of the sea of ​​fire must be maximized.

The whole body's demonic power was running, and Phoenix's seventh change, rebirth from the ashes, suppressed the sea of ​​fire, suppressed the sea of ​​fire to the limit, and finally rushed towards the center of the ancient demon. With a loud drink, the sea of ​​fire, which was a hundred miles in size, became ten miles in size, and finally there was a shocking sound.

"Boom, rumble"

The fifty-kilometer sea of ​​flames exploded immediately, and countless fire balls shot out. Within a radius of five hundred miles, the fire balls shot out, and countless ancient demons were either killed or injured under the attack of the fire balls.

Li Qiuyu also floated up, and quickly came to Xiao Hanyue's side, and the other sixty disciples of the transformation stage also came back, because the demon king was all killed.

"Send an order to encircle all of them and kill all these ancient demons in Jiugan City, leaving no one behind."

Li Qiuyu said softly, just now he used the sea of ​​fire to kill at least 200 million ancient demons. In the last blow, countless ancient demons were lost, and the fire balls from the sea of ​​fire are still raging through the air.Countless ancient demons quickly resisted and dodged, but with pieces of ancient demons together, dodging is also a difficult thing.

The speed of the ancient demons is not as fast as that of human monks. Now that the morale of the ancient demons is almost gone, it is absolutely possible to kill these ancient demons in one fell swoop and give the ancient demons in the ancient demon castle a morale blow.

After Li Qiuyu delivered the order, a cultivator at the transformation stage passed his words to Tianmu, and the three of Tianmu finally had to admire Li Qiuyu's strength.

Hurry up to pass on the order, and the millions of legions and more than 300 monks at the stage of transformation also quickly killed the ancient demon army.

The massacres all chose powerful large-scale attacks, killing one by one, which is a complete waste of time, each attack has dozens or even hundreds of ancient demons killed.

Even if it is a demon general, it is like swallowing soybeans. One palm and one foot will damage one demon general, and the demon generals in the air will continue to fly. fly.

The monks in the transformation stage will kill low-level demon soldiers along the way, while the human monks specialize in killing demon soldiers. The difference between the two is not comparable in number.

A quarter of an hour later, thousands of ancient demons finally surrounded millions of human monks, and the monks of the transformation stage kept bombarding and killing inside, and the ground continued to collapse and crack.

The demonic energy that was originally soaring into the sky was also suppressed and shredded by the spiritual energy. Seeing that the situation had stabilized, Li Qiuyu returned to the city wall with the four daughters of Xiao Hanyue and a hundred cultivators at the transformation stage.

"Congratulations, young master, for breaking through the seventh transformation of the phoenix and successfully reaching the stage of transforming into a god."

Xiao Hanyue saluted Li Qiuyu gracefully, she looked extremely cute, and was very happy in her heart, Li Qiuyu's realm lasted longer than the late Yuanying period, and now she has finally broken through.

"Hee hee, Brother Amity Yu is now a monk of the dual spirit, his strength has skyrocketed, and the balance of the primordial spirit in his dantian has more than doubled his strength."

Lingling said with a smile, stretched out her hand to hold Li Qiuyu, and shook Li Qiuyu coquettishly, not caring at all that there were outsiders here, and a hundred disciples of the transformation stage were still watching.

"Indeed, this time I didn't expect to break through the seventh transformation of the phoenix with the help of battle and elixir, and also bring the demon baby to the stage of transforming into a god. No matter how much his cultivation base increases, it is mainly the balance in the dantian."

Li Qiuyu also happily said that the strength of the demon baby has indeed skyrocketed when it reaches the stage of transforming into a god, because the two nascent souls are in the dantian, and the demon power and magic power will automatically switch.

Practicing the Heaven-shocking Divine Art can increase mana, and practicing Phoenix Nine Transformations can also increase mana, because the crystallization of both is one.

"The kung fu you practice is the monster clan kung fu. When you broke through, why didn't you have something like Yingyun like me?"

Qing Chi asked puzzledly, last time when she broke through by herself, she had the same vitality cloud as Xiao Hanyue and the others, but now Li Qiuyu didn't break through.

Li Qiuyu and the others didn't know whether Qing Chi was human or another race, because Yinlong called Qing Chi a young lady, and Qing Chi didn't explain clearly.

In fact, Qingji herself didn't know her identity. From the moment she remembered, it was the same as now, but she was imprisoned by Yinlong not long after she practiced.

"I only knew when I broke through to resist the thunder tribulation. The last calamity of the nine-day thunder tribulation is the cloud of vitality. If you can't resist it, you will be directly killed by the fire of heaven and earth, and there will be no soul left. If you surrender the fire of heaven and earth to resist , the fire of heaven and earth is the best cloud of vitality. Because what monsters need most is physique."

Li Qiuyu said calmly, his eyes looked at Qing Chi, he also suspected that Qing Chi was human, but the race was different, just like Ling Ling, who was also human, but the race was the Sky Spirit Race.

"After we end this great war, we are going to find a critical point to ascend to the spirit world. Even if we humans fail, we have to find a place to ascend."

Li Qiuyu looked at the battlefield in front of him. The cultivators in the transformation stage were shuttling among the ancient demons. This level of cultivation was not bad in the human world, but if they met higher-ranked cultivators, they would be nothing.

It is impossible for the human world to reach the void stage, without such a rich aura and cultivation resources, and in the universe, in the dark, the human world cannot have a monk of the void stage.

Even if one has cultivated for thousands of years in the human world, there is almost no chance of reaching the void. Only in the spiritual world can catastrophes come. Every time one avoids a catastrophe, one can add 2000 years.

As long as monks who are not too rubbish can dodge it and increase their lifespan by 2000 years for nothing, it would be impossible if they were in the human world.

"Well, we listen to the young master."

Xiao Hanyue looked at Li Qiuyu, as if thinking of something, she said obediently.In fact, Li Qiuyu also knew in his heart that even if he had reached the seventh transformation of the phoenix now, and his cultivation and strength had skyrocketed, the chances of killing the Demon King were still very small.

However, the chances of escaping are much greater. As long as you don't get killed by the demon king, try to find the critical point to ascend. You can control the Heavenly Dragon Empire in the human world for a while, but you can't control it for a lifetime.

For things in the world, it is best to let nature take its course. Cultivators act against the sky, and they must let nature take its course. Now that they have embarked on the path of monks, they must know how to give up.

After another quarter of an hour, Da Shang and the cultivators of the Northern Jin Dynasty returned to the city wall, leaving only the human cultivators fighting against the ancient demons.

Originally, human monks were stronger than the ancient demons, but they were suppressed by the demon lord and the demon king. Now the demon lords here have been exterminated, and Li Qiuyu sent countless ancient demons into hell with a sea of ​​flames.

After the massacre of the cultivators in the transformation stage, the number of ancient demons is less than half now, and the chances of the demon generals have been wiped out. Three hundred monks in the transformation stage will completely destroy the world. Daozai.

"Congratulations to Your Excellency Saint Alchemist for improving his cultivation, this is the blessing of the Human World Fengyue Continent."

Tian Mu cupped his fists towards Li Qiuyu and said, with admiration on his face, although he was a late-stage deity, but in front of this early-stage deity, he had no airs at all.

The power of this monk in the early stage of the transformation of the gods is not inferior to that of the late stage of the transformation of the gods, and various means, even the late stage of the transformation of the gods cannot do it.

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