Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 792 Goodbye Silver Dragon

"It's just a fluke, it's just a fluke."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, looked at Tianmu, then turned to look in the direction of Gu Mo, this time Jiugan City was captured in one fell swoop, and killed [-] of Gu Mo's demon lords in the four cities.

There are only a hundred cultivators in the other three cities. It seems that this monk must quickly take down the three cities. After taking down the three cities, they will rectify and prepare for the final battle with the ancient demon.

The other monks also cupped their fists enviously to congratulate Li Qiuyu. They didn't expect that this genius monk from Tianlong could also break through in the battle. It was already powerful enough, but now he broke through another Nascent Soul, and his strength skyrocketed.

Ever since Li Qiuyu used his demonic powers, these cultivators at the transformation stage have seen that Li Qiuyu is a monk with twin babies, a Nascent Soul and a Nascent Soul, and now he has cultivated the other Nascent Soul to the Nascent Soul.

"Fellow daoists, go back and rest. Tomorrow, we will attack the other three cities and kill the demon kings and generals in the three cities. Let the following disciples take care of other matters. We will start preparing for the battle of the ancient demon castle."

Li Qiuyu said seriously, these monks are not from the same country. The monks of the three empires are gathered together and commanded by one person. Naturally, it is not so easy to deal with, but he has shown his transcendent strength, and these monks should be managed better. .

"Okay, for this battle, fortunately, there is His Excellency Saint Alchemist, as the general leader of this battle, it is the luck of Fengyue Continent."

"Hehe, that's right. This is the first time I've seen the cultivation strength of Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist."


Quite a number of monks said in a hurry, with flattery on their faces, although they may be invincible in front of other low-level monks, they all know that they are not a piece of cake in front of Li Qiuyu.

Everyone stayed on the city wall for a while, and then returned to Tiankui City to rest. Li Qiuyu also brought his own people to a separate mansion, which was not inferior to Tianlongping Nanwang Mansion.

Li Qiuyu let the hundred disciples of the Transformation Stage make their own arrangements, but they couldn't leave here. There was going to be a big battle tomorrow, and they had to take all four cities before they had a chance to rest.

After the four cities were captured, there would be a buffer point during the battle with the Demon King. Li Qiuyu could also let these monks rectify.

The battle of the ancient magic castle is by no means the same as that of Jiugan City. During the battle of the ancient magic castle, hundreds of disciples of the transformation stage around him will also be attacked, and other monks of the transformation stage of the Northern Jin Dynasty and Dashang will also be lost. Not a lot.

Li Qiuyu and Xiao Hanyue's four daughters chose a separate courtyard. Finally, Li Qiuyu returned to the room and practiced the Nine Transformations of the Phoenix that had just been broken through today, adjusted her body well, and checked her body for any sequelae.

Since breaking through, he hasn't carefully checked his body's dantian, choosing to have a good understanding of the power of the seventh transformation of the nine transformations of the phoenix.

In addition to the rebirth from the ashes, the seventh transformation also has the phoenix phantom, both of which are the most powerful means of attack, but it is not a matter of time to truly control and cultivate them.

Moreover, after reaching the seventh transformation of the Phoenix, the monster power has skyrocketed, and the power is several times stronger than before, and the body skills have also improved a lot, mainly because the physique has been improved to the extreme.

Now even if the big monk uses all his strength to strike, he can still catch it without relying on treasures. With this kind of defense, except for the monks in the transformation stage who are all fighting, other monks don't have to worry at all.

The Demon Cultivation Technique itself is known for its destructive power. With its strong physique and powerful attack, it can definitely kill a cultivator in the transformation stage with one punch.

Even ancient treasures can be crushed and destroyed with one punch, and now he can use the Creation Pill to cultivate the Nine Transformations of the Phoenix. The early days have reached their peak.

In the past, when practicing the Shocking God Art, the realm of Phoenix Nine Changes had reached its peak, and he did not dare to use pills to practice. It is the same now. He dared not practice at the peak of the early stage of transformation, and had to wait until the end of the war to find a chance to break through.

At this point of time, I can only learn about my own cultivation, try to recover some of my mana, and keep my whole body in peak condition at any time.

The same is true of Xiao Hanyue's four daughters. During the battle, Li Qiuyu thought about it and wanted to put the four daughters into the space necklace, although the cultivation of the four daughters is now very strong.

But if I want to fight, I must not worry about them. Only when they are absolutely safe, can I feel at ease, not be distracted, master fighting skills, the outcome is just a matter of thought.

I don't know how long it took, a huge roar spread to Tiankui City, the sound disturbed many monks, Li Qiuyu's consciousness moved, his face was startled, and then he was overjoyed.

Finally, he stood up and walked out. When he went out, Xiao Hanyue's fourth daughter had already gone out. He hurried to the door of the mansion, and Xiao Hanyue's fourth daughter was watching the sky at the door.

Two huge silver dragons were tumbling in the air, and the huge and powerful dragon's power continuously ravaged the monks below. Several monks in the early stage of becoming gods surrounded the two silver dragons.

It seems that there has been a stalemate for a while. Li Qiuyu was very happy when he saw this silver dragon. He did not expect to find the silver dragon in Tianhai for many years, and finally found it in Fengyue Continent.

"Silver Dragon and the others have found them."

Qing Ji's eyes turned red, and when she saw Li Qiuyu coming out, she said happily, and shouted loudly to the silver dragon in the sky, and the voice was transmitted to the top.

"Brother Ao, long time no see, fellow Taoists, you are one of us."

Li Qiuyu yelled loudly, and finally said to the other eight cultivators at the stage of transformation, the eight monks at the stage of transformation saw the four daughters of Qingyi coming out, and seeing Qingyu's excited appearance, they also probably understood that the two silver dragons might be related to Li Qiuyu It doesn't matter how many people there are, otherwise they would have done it long ago.

"Brother Li Dao, I didn't expect to see you for hundreds of years, and you have already reached the stage of transformation."

Yinlong said happily, with a soft growl, his body changed drastically, and he landed down. When he landed on the ground, he had already turned into two middle-aged men and women.

"Retire, you are your own people."

Li Qiuyu waved to the eight disciples of the transformation stage, and after leaving, he returned to the mansion with Xiao Hanyue's four daughters and Yinlong, came to the living room and sat down, and complimented each other politely for a while.

"Brother Li Dao, thank you for saving the young lady and taking care of the young lady for hundreds of years. I am very grateful, and the young lady has also reached the mid-stage of transformation. God has eyes."

Yinlong bowed to Li Qiuyu, his face was full of sincerity, the last time he separated from Li Qiuyu, went to Tianhai, suffered a catastrophe, and even got rid of his young lady.

Feeling ashamed, she did not expect to get the news of Li Qiuyu by accident, and finally returned to Fengyue Continent, looking for Li Qiuyu's whereabouts.

"Brother Ao, you don't need to be polite. This is also Qing Chi's chance. Last time I went to the auction house to participate in the auction, I didn't expect Qing Chi to be auctioned. I saw that it was Miss Qing Chi, and finally rescued Qing Chi. I knew that Brother Ao and the two met. There was trouble, but in the end there was no news of Brother Ao. I don’t know what trouble Brother Ao encountered during this time.”

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, and told the story of how he and Qing Xiang met. Yinlong and Yinlong were filled with embarrassment. If they hadn't met Li Qiuyu, the consequences of Qing Xiang would have been unimaginable.

"The last time we separated from Brother Li, we turned around and went to Tianhai. Originally, we also found a good cultivation cave, but when we thought of it, we encountered Chi Yuezhu appearing in the place where we practiced. In the end, we were entangled by monks in the transformation stage. Miss separated, after we escaped, we kept looking for Miss, but there was no news."

Yinlong spoke slowly, telling some of the things he had encountered. Under the entanglement of five cultivators at the transformation stage, Qing Ling was caught, and they were tightly entangled, unable to escape.

In the end, they fought with all their might, and the cultivators at the stage of transformation did not dare to go too far with the two of them. You must know that Yinlong and the two of them already had the strength of monks at the stage of transformation. If they killed Yinlong, they would win miserably.

As a matter of fact, Yinlong and Yinlong left, they were not familiar with Qingyue Island, besides, Li Qiuyu also left Qingyue Island, but they got news from Li Qiuyu.

But Li Qiuyu and others always left before leading the two to arrive. Finally, when they were in Xuyun City, they also got news from Li Qiuyu and Qing Qian, but they were trapped in Xuyun City.

After getting out of trouble, they found that nearly a hundred years had passed, and the things in the cultivation world were extremely strange, and they could only feel regretful.

However, unexpectedly, five or six grades of elixir appeared in Tianhai. In the end, I kept inquiring about it and came to Shenxiao City on Shenxiao Island. I also got news of Li Qiuyu's Shendan Pavilion in Shenxiao City, but it has been decades. before.

Knowing that Li Qiuyu was looking for the two of them with Qing Zhi, she was very grateful, and finally quickly found a way to leave Tianhai and prepare to return to Fengyue Continent.

After returning to Fengyue Continent, I also knew that Li Qiuyu returned to Fengyue Continent safely, but now he is supporting the ancient demon war in Dashang, escaped countless ancient demons, and came to Dashang Tiankui City smoothly.

Half an hour later, Yinlong finally told everything that happened. Unexpectedly, several people wandered around Tianhai and Fengyue Continent, looking for each other, but it was like doing hide-and-seek.

"Brother Ao, there is one thing I don't understand, whether Brother Ao can solve the problem."

Li Qiuyu pondered for a moment, the doubts in his heart must be solved by this silver dragon, although it is a treasure that reaches the heavens, it is best to understand such unclear things.

"Brother Li Dao has something to ask me. If I know, I will definitely tell Li Dao brother every word." Yinlong smiled mysteriously and looked at Li Qiuyu.

"Brother Ao should know this thing, I wonder if brother Ao knows what this thing is?"

With a movement of Li Qiuyu's consciousness, a crystal carving, the Heavenly Emperor's Chariot appeared in his hand, his eyes looked at Yinlong, and the two looked at each other.

When I was in Tianhai, ever since I broke through to transforming gods to sacrifice the Heavenly Emperor's chariot, I wanted to know why Yinlong would give this to me. Now that the master is here, I naturally want to ask.

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