"Yesterday, under the attack of His Excellency the Holy Alchemist, the ancient demon legion suffered heavy casualties. Without the protection of the demon general and the demon king, human monks killed 400 million ancient demon legions and more than [-] million puppets."

Lan Wuji told the results of yesterday's battle, and asked him to tell him that the ancient demons had almost lost all their casualties in Jiugan City, and the results of the battle were indeed good.

"That's right. Although the puppet is a human being, it was transformed into a puppet by the evil means of the ancient demon. It has completely become a member of the ancient demon. Life is worse than death. If we didn't kill them, there would be more human monks and mortals. Catastrophe."

Li Qiuyu sighed, and said calmly, as the leader of the entire Fengyue Continent, he must have strong strength and extraordinary mind.

If you don't stick to small details, you will lose even more. Besides, this war is also for the entire Fengyue Continent. It is a foreign war, not a civil war, and it can also be called a just war.

"Your Excellency Saint Alchemy is thinking about Fengyue Continent, we naturally understand."

Xiao Lin opened his mouth slightly and said that he had always disliked Li Qiuyu and looked down on Li Qiuyu, but he was completely convinced by Li Qiuyu's methods yesterday. The realm was in front of this young monk, completely ignoring the realm of the early stage of transformation. It has the power to surpass Huashen.

"Today, this seat once again announces as the general lord that the three cities will be taken down, and then recuperate, and start to prepare for the battle with the demon king of the ancient magic castle. If you lose, the Fengyue Continent will perish. If you win, the ancient demon will disappear forever in the human world. Fengyue Continent, we can no longer delay and make concessions."

"Because we don't have the capital to delay and make concessions. The strength of the ancient demons is getting stronger and stronger. The longer the delay, the more unfavorable the situation will be for the outside world. Therefore, we will kill all the high-level demon kings and generals in the three cities today. .”

Li Qiuyu said seriously, and the other monks nodded seriously. Everyone knew what Li Qiuyu said, even better than Li Qiuyu.

In the past, I just watched the discord between Tianlong, Northern Jin and Dashang and the Three Kingdoms. Now the monks of the three countries are gathered together under the command of Li Qiuyu, because they all know that only in this way can they hope to give future generations a pure land.

"Okay, Your Excellency Saint Alchemy is right. We can't delay and make concessions. Even if we lose, we can laugh at our ancestors. At least we have worked hard for the descendants of Fengyue Continent."

A cultivator at the transformation stage said loudly, the other cultivators were stunned, a trace of shame welled up in their hearts, the cultivators were selfish, but there were exceptions.

"All monks of human beings are ordered to kill Luolou City."

Li Qiuyu's voice was heard hundreds of miles away. All the monks quickly passed through Jiugan City and flew towards the nearest Luolou City. Millions of monks were monks in the Yuanying stage and the late stage of forming alchemy. Thousands of miles apart, but it doesn't take much time.

Li Qiuyu's body flickered, and he flew forward quickly, Xiao Hanyue's four daughters and a hundred disciples of the transformation god stage followed closely behind, and the monks of the Northern Jin Dynasty and Da Shang's transformation god stage also kept flashing in the air. Relying on the strength of the cultivators in the stage of transforming gods, several times of teleportation will arrive.

But at this time, there is no need to teleport, maintain strength, and then have a chance on the battlefield. Everyone calculated that there are a total of [-] demon lords in the four cities.

There were [-] demon lords in Jiugan City, and all [-] were killed, and the [-] demon lords who came to support were also killed in Jiugan City. Now there are only [-] demon lords in the three cities.

As long as you are careful, the three cities can definitely kill a hundred demon kings in one day, and then continue with yesterday's strategy. The monks in the transformation stage will kill the demon generals, and the great monks will kill the demon soldiers, reducing the strength and casualties.

Nearly [-] million ancient demons were killed yesterday, but the human monks lost less than [-]. This is due to the strategy of Li Qiuyu and others, one level suppresses one level.

Luolou City

It is nearly [-] miles away from the ancient magic castle. This city is the same as the Tiankui city, and its size is almost the same, but it has long been turned into a magic domain of the ancient magic.

Demonic energy is overwhelming, and bursts of demonic flames come from time to time. Demonic civilization and human civilization are not the same concept at all. They are powerful and bloodthirsty, and they are seen fighting everywhere. Killing each other is just a lot more restrained than when they were in the Demon Realm.

Li Qiuyu and others quickly came to Luolou City. The whole city was the same as usual, but the number of ancient demons was much less than usual, and Li Qiuyu was also puzzled.

Under the supervision of the disciples of Tianji Pavilion, the ancient demon did not move, nor did the forty demon lords in the city.

"Destroy this city, destroy the teleportation array, and the ancient demon has gone to Chilian City."

Li Qiuyu scanned the city with his consciousness, and understood some reasons. The disciples of Tianji Pavilion must not enter Luolou City, and they dare not approach it. Naturally, they don't know that the important members of the ancient demon have moved.

This kind of situation is also very normal. Jiugan City fell in just one day, and two hundred demon lords were also lost. Even the hundred demon lords who went to support did not return. Naturally, it is clear that the situation is not good.

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, all the monks launched their attacks and blasted towards the city below. Immediately, the whole space trembled continuously, and the whole city quickly disappeared from Li Qiuyu's sight.

Countless ancient demons who hadn't left were all annihilated under the attack of the cultivators in the transformation stage. After a while, Li Qiuyu's spiritual sense came down and scanned, and the entire city was completely razed to the ground.

None of the ancient demons could survive, and the monks in the transformation stage could destroy the city with a single gesture, let alone hundreds of monks in the transformation stage attacked at the same time.

The aura in the air was quickly evacuated, and the demonic energy was also dispersed by the attacks of the cultivators at the transformation stage. As long as they climbed up for decades, this place would once again become a cultivating place for cultivators.

After destroying this city, Li Qiuyu led all the monks to kill the two cities in front of him. The same is true, the third city has no demon king, and it seems that he has already evacuated.

They all have self-knowledge. A monk in the stage of human transformation into a god can kill [-] demon lords without leaving a single one. The total number of demon lords in the three cities is only [-]. A hundred demon lords are strong, and they are no match for human monks. .

Half a day later, Li Qiuyu destroyed all three cities. There was not a single demon king in them, but there were still many low-level demon soldiers in these three cities. Come to the front of the ancient magic castle five hundred miles away.

The monks in the back killed the low-level demon soldiers, and then rushed towards the ancient magic castle. When the city fell, Li Qiuyu had already ordered that all the monks of the great merchants must rush to the ancient magic castle in a short time.

In a fight to the death with the ancient demon, either the demon king will be killed, and the whole Fengyue will be peaceful from now on, or all the monks of Fengyue will perish, and Fengyue will become the world of the ancient demon.

After Li Qiuyu passed on the news, he asked all the monks above the late stage of foundation establishment to come to the ancient magic castle, because the ancient magic castle is also a place where ancient magic is concentrated.

Even if the ancient devil's demon king Bumo is completely killed, a large number of monks are still needed to deal with the low-level demon soldiers. If this order continues, countless monks from the entire business will rush towards the ancient magic castle. Fort front bout.

Ancient magic castle

It was originally the capital of the Great Merchant Empire, but ten years ago it became a gathering place for ancient demons, and even a demon king came out from here, and the demon king took over here.

Countless Dashang Huashen Stage monks were lost here, and Li Qiuyu came to stay [-] miles in front of the ancient magic castle, looking at the place [-] miles away.

The demonic energy is soaring, and the demonic energy is soaring into the sky. This place is no longer a paradise for human monks, but a demonic realm of ancient demons. Although it is useless to take this place down.

However, this place has always been the dream paradise of human monks, and it is also a symbol of the achievements of human monks. The monks of the Great Shang Empire followed suit, and even if they were killed by the ancient demon, they would take this place.

Hearing Li Qiuyu's order, none of the monks hesitated. When it came to the real danger, the human monks would rather give up the selfishness of the monks and unite to drive out the alien race.

If the alien race cannot be expelled, sooner or later they will be killed by the alien race. There is no chance in this place, and even if they survive, there is no way to deal with it.

I am not a cultivator at the stage of transformation, and I have no chance of ascension. Even the cultivators at the stage of transformation who have the opportunity to ascend take risks to fight against ancient demons. A small cultivator can be greedy for life and fear death.

"Your Excellency Saint Alchemist, the order has already been spread, but it will take a while to feel it coming here. Have you ever thought that even if we human monks wiped out all the ancient demons in the ancient magic castle, our Fengyue Continent The strength will all drop."

Tian Mu looked at Li Qiuyu and said softly, because the monks who came to the ancient magic castle are definitely from the Great Shang Empire, even if the monks from the Northern Jin Dynasty and Tianlong wanted to come, they would not have time.

In such a war against the ancient demons, the number of monks in the Dashang Empire will not be greatly reduced, and the power of cultivation will also weaken. Even if the Northern Jin Dynasty and Tianlong do not attack Dashang, Dashang will not be able to return to its current state within ten thousand years. .

"Brother Tianmu, you have to know that if the Demon Lord Demon King of the Ancient Demon Castle is not killed, our Fengyue Continent will definitely become history in a hundred years and become the world of ancient demons, and human beings will completely become members of the demon clan. "

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, Tian Mu's hesitation is naturally justified. If the ancient magic castle is replaced by Tianlong, and the monks of Tianlong are asked to kill the ancient demon, he will hesitate.

"There is something I want to ask Your Excellency Alchemist to agree to. This is Tian Mu's last request. If Your Excellency Alchemist agrees to Tian Mu, Tian Mu will not frown even if he dies with the ancient demon."

Tianmu pondered for a while, not knowing what he was thinking, after a while he looked at Li Qiuyu, and said with a sincere voice.

"Brother Tianmu, please tell me, if I can do it, I will definitely promise you."

Li Qiuyu's mind turned rapidly, thinking about what Tianmu had to ask of herself, pondered for a while, finally looked at Tianmu, and said lightly.

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