Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 795 The New Iron Law of Fengyue Continent

"I hope that after this great battle, if the Demon King and Demon King can be killed, Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist will not deal with the big merchant soldiers, and our Great Merchant Transformation God stage monks will not go within 2000 million miles of the Tianlong Empire."

Tian Mu said seriously that it was a request and a request. He naturally knew Li Qiuyu's plan. As a thousand-year-old monster, he would not be able to see these things. As long as a terrifying person like Li Qiuyu didn't deal with Da Shang, Da Shang would still It will not disappear in Fengyue Continent.

If other monks and strengths deal with Da Shang, even if Da Shang declines, he will not disappear like this, because the early monk in front of him is too terrifying.

The monks in the Northern Jin Dynasty are nothing to worry about, because the Tianlong Empire will never let the Northern Jin Dynasty pass through its own empire, nor will it make the Northern Jin Empire stronger. Originally, Li Qiuyu had almost defeated the Northern Jin Dynasty 500 years ago. Now it looks like this In this situation, the Northern Jin Dynasty was in front of the Tianlong Empire.

It's not a climate at all, and the Northern Jin Dynasty has to find a way not to be destroyed by Tianlong. What he is most worried about now is Li Qiuyu's Tianlong Empire. He is most worried about Li Qiuyu, followed by Tianlong Empire.

Because under the training of Li Qiuyu, Tianlong bled more than 50 monks of the transformation stage in 200 years. Now there are only a hundred monks of the transformation stage beside Li Qiuyu, and at least one hundred monks of the transformation stage are in Tianlong.

There are also quite a few monks in the Tianlong Transformation Stage on the border of Dashang. They seem to help Dashang exterminate the ancient demons, but everyone can understand that the cities lost by the ancient demons will naturally come under the control of the Tianlong monks.

Although the territory is not Tianlong, it is important to know that the cultivators in the transformation stage are all under the influence of Li Qiuyu, and they are extremely loyal to Li Qiuyu.

If Li Qiuyu is not damaged, it is very easy to train more monks at the stage of transformation. The Great Shang Empire is indeed very powerful, but no one can kill Li Qiuyu. To become the most powerful empire, even the peak period of Dashang cannot be compared.

"Brother Tianmu was joking. After this ancient demon war, no matter whether the devil king perishes or not, I will not participate in the war. It has always been like this. Even during the Qi training period, if others don't provoke me, I won't." Will take action on it, hundreds of years have passed, and I have never taken the lead in doing so."

"After this big battle, I will concentrate on cultivation, and pursuing the way of longevity is my goal. Brother Tianmu and fellow Taoists can rest assured."

Li Qiuyu laughed loudly, this Tianmu is really straightforward, but he likes such people, at least not like some hypocritical people who say one thing and do another.

"Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist said, the lower class will naturally believe it, and the lower class will be convinced of the words of the Holy Alchemy Master. After this war, it is best for the cultivators at the transformation stage not to participate in the battles of the low-level cultivators. The competition in Fengyue Continent, regardless of our business, the survival of the fittest, even in an empire, killing people and seizing treasures is indispensable."

"Yes, after this great war, I hope that monks in the Snake Transformation Stage and major monks will be prohibited from participating in the war of low-level monks. Even if the entire Fengyue Continent is unified, it will be a challenge, at least they will not be killed by foreigners."

"Fellow Daoist is right. The methods used by the cultivators and great cultivators at the stage of transforming gods will destroy the city, weaken the strength of the cultivators, and disturb the aura of Fengyue Continent, which is not good for Fengyue's younger disciples."

"Since all fellow Taoists have such thoughts, as the chief ally of this ancient demon war, I also take this opportunity to announce that the great monks of the Fengyue Continent and the monks of the transformation stage are not allowed to participate in the battle of low-level monks. The cultivators of the Divine Stage cannot easily fight, and those who violate it will be hunted down by the cultivators of the entire Fengyue Continent until they are destroyed."

Li Qiuyu said loudly, her heart was pounding, this also means that the cultivation resources of Fengyue Continent will not be destroyed, and low-level disciples will not be killed in large numbers.

From being a practice waste, in just 600 years, the iron law of Fengyue Continent's cultivation world has been determined by myself, rewriting the iron law of Fengyue Continent for thousands of years.

This is the pinnacle honor of a monk, and it is also a witness to the charm of a monk in this world, and to witness the power of a monk in this world.

"Okay, I would like to swear by the Nine Heavens Thunder Calamity to withdraw from the war of low-level monks forever."

"I can also swear with my heart demon, not to participate in the battles of low-level monks, and to uphold the regulations of Your Excellency the Holy Alchemist."

"I am also willing to maintain the order of the Fengyue Continent as a monk in the late stage of transformation. If there are monks or big monks in the stage of transformation to participate in the battle of low-level monks, all the monks in Fengyue will be punished."

The monks in the Sinochem God Stage expressed their opinions one by one, and Tian Mu also said seriously that this time the ancient demon invasion, and finally understood that no matter how powerful the Great Shang Empire is, it cannot compete with the ancient demons. It is not a matter of strength and power, but the key The Ancient Demon Clan is united as one.

If the monks in the human world had united from the very beginning and wiped out all the ancient demons, the demon king would not have opened the altar in the capital of the Great Merchants, causing the demon king to descend to the realm.

"Okay, this is called Fengyue ancient magic castle restriction, which restricts the great monks and monks of the late stage of Fengyue and the monks of the transformation stage, and it will take effect immediately after the demon king is killed."

Li Qiuyu said loudly, thinking about it for a while, the demise of the devil, this new iron law will also take effect, the devil cannot perish, and this iron law will not take effect, because of the strength of the devil, Fengyue Continent will also become a state after a period of time history.

"The lower classes will pass on the restrictions of Fengyue Ancient Demon Castle, and the entire Fengyue mainland monks must abide by it."

Lan Wuji said with satisfaction that as long as the big monks and the monks of the transformation stage don't participate in the war, the big merchants will not be destroyed. No matter how powerful Tianlong is, they can't completely destroy the big merchants.

Even if Da Shang is destroyed, Da Shang's power will still be preserved if the great cultivators and cultivators of the transformation stage don't do anything, even if the entire Fengyue is unified, that is God's will, at least Fengyue's younger disciples still exist.

"Order, the whole army gathers, pay attention to the movement of the ancient magic castle, rest quickly, and prepare to fight the ancient magic castle at any time."

Li Qiuyu said loudly, all the monks landed on the same spot, five hundred miles away from the ancient demon army, all the monks behind killed the ancient demons in the three cities and rushed here.

After arranging everything, Li Qiuyu performed a simple prohibition and formation, and finally entered inside with the three daughters of Xiao Hanyue.

"Hanyue, Qiuyue, Lingling, I don't know what the end of this war will be, but when the war begins, you have to go back to the space necklace. Lingling, please help me put away this trace of blood and soul. If I am killed by the Demon King, you will open the space necklace."

"After you come out, try to leave Fengyue Continent, go to Tianhai or find a way to go to Bihai, and then give me your soul, and I will be reborn in a short time and shape my own body."

After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he sacrificed a strand of blood and a strand of soul, and floated towards Lingling, with a look of pain on his face, and finally understood why those monks were in pain.

Lingling nodded, and finally put the blood and soul into his space necklace, because his space necklace also has Tianhan Jiguang, as long as a trace of soul is immortal, he will rely on the power of Tianhan Jiguang to seize the body, as long as there is The body will re-cultivate the Nascent Soul.

After reaching the Nascent Soul, one will return to one's original form, and will re-condense one's body, which is no different from immortality.

But the conditions are extremely harsh, except for Ling Ling and Li Qiuyu who can do it, other monks can't do it at all, because Li Qiuyu has the Tower of Nothingness, Tianhan Aurora and the Space Necklace.

Lingling also has the Tianhan Aurora and the Space Necklace, both of which are indispensable. In the past, he could have kept a Nascent Soul in the Space Necklace, even if the main body was damaged, it would not have the slightest impact.

As long as it takes some time, the body can be restored, and the cultivation base can be cultivated. It's just that Tianhai blew up the Nascent Soul last time. Now that there are two primordial spirits, when the war is approaching, he dare not put the other primordial spirit away.

With only two spirits together, he was more confident, but with Ling Ling, he didn't have to worry about his own life.

"Brother Qiu Yu, I will protect your soul and blood essence, but you have to be careful, if you really can't kill the Demon King, then leave here, because you have done your best, and you are worthy of the entire Fengyue Continent."

After Li Qiuyu collected the blood essence and soul, he said softly that although he had reached the middle stage, during the ancient demon war, the mid-stage monks also suffered losses.

The demon king is even more powerful in the cave period, and Li Qiuyu's five-nine sword formation may not be able to kill the demon king. If his three sisters are outside, Li Qiuyu will definitely be distracted.

"Young master, Hanyue knows that what you want to do is up to you, and Hanyue will not persuade you, but will support you silently, but you should take care, sir, because the three of us sisters are still waiting for you."

No matter when Xiao Hanyue is, she is the quietest. Knowing that Li Qiuyu wants the three of her to enter the space necklace, firstly, she can not be distracted by the influence, and secondly, even if she fails, she can use some means to escape alone. As long as her three sisters In the space necklace, he can completely ignore other issues.


Xiao Qiuyue gently leaned against Li Qiuyu, shouted coquettishly, stopped talking, looked at Li Qiuyu, and the two looked at each other, without speaking, they knew what they wanted to say, and knew what they were thinking What.

"Don't worry, I won't be killed by the devil, what a mere devil."

Li Qiuyu said with a smile, looking calm and breezy, the three women felt a little more at ease, and finally returned to the space necklace.

Li Qiuyu originally planned to let Xiao Hanyue and the three daughters hone in the battle, so that they could be protected by a hundred disciples of the transformation stage around them, but they felt the strength of the demon king Dongxu.

He didn't dare to take this risk. If the three girls had any accident, it would be too late for him to regret it, and nothing he could do would make it up.

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