Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 801 Loss of the Grand Commander

Then this powerful attack retreated violently. Fortunately, some time ago, he broke through the nine transformations of the phoenix to the seventh transformation, and his body underwent a shocking change, which also forced the commander's blow to follow.

With the powerful physical defense of the Phoenix Nine Transformations, even at the peak of the sixth transformation, he can still take the blow just now, but he will suffer damage. After reaching the seventh transformation, it will be difficult to shake him at all.

It's just the shock, the blood on the chest doesn't come out, and there will be sequelae in the future. After leaving the devil and the commander fifty miles away, he quickly mobilized the sword formation and merged the four-nine-killing-day sword formation together, and a huge sword glow fiercely Slashed down towards the commander-in-chief.

"Look, the leader's sword array has appeared."

A big monk shouted in surprise, and the other monks also quietly looked at the colorful sword lights in the sky, and they were very happy.

"Yes, this sword light is stronger than the sword array."

When Tian Mu saw this sword light, he was also horrified. It was already abnormal enough to see the sword formation before, but now the power of this sword light is not weaker than the sword formation just now.

Even if it is compatible with ice and fire, it is not so powerful, but the opponent is the demon king and two commanders, no one commander, the second commander has been killed when Li Qiuyu first attacked, but the soul has not yet dissipated.

As soon as the sword light slashed down, it also quickly shot towards the demon king and the commander. The demonic energy in the air was under the sword light, and there was a vacuum within a radius of ten miles. Even after the sword light passed, it would not recover for a long time. Where the sword light passed , the air is also frozen.


A thousand-foot-long sword light slashed down fiercely, and there was a loud bang, the air was continuously twisted, and even the devilish energy within a radius of a hundred miles was continuously scattered.

After the loud noise, the two figures separated quickly. Li Qiuyu retreated hundreds of miles and landed ten miles behind Tianmu and others. The other huge figure was naturally the commander.

The commander-in-chief was startled when he saw the sword light cutting down towards him, and it was too late to dodge. If he dodged, he would expose the Demon King to the sword light. Although he knew that this sword light could not kill the Demon King, but If he dodges, it will be difficult for the Demon King to pass.

With a ruthless heart, the magic energy in the whole body circulated, and a mysterious black magic wand appeared in his hand. The magic wand exuded traces of pure magic energy, and then the magic energy turned into a ferocious and terrifying monster.

A stream of blood was spotted on the monster, and the monster also hit the sword glow. The monster blocked the sword glow, and the sword glow trembled, but soon the monster was scattered, Yu Jin knocked the commander behind him into the air.

Originally, the magic wand was blessed with essence and blood, but the collapse of the magic beast shook his mind, and then he was struck by the remaining force of the sword light, and his powerful body was also chopped off.

Li Qiuyu was also hit by the strange attack of the monster, her whole body was numb, and her chest was in great pain, so she quickly used the Nine Transformations of Phoenix to adjust her body.

From a hundred miles away, I looked at the commander three hundred miles away, and finally ignored the commander, because the commander was under a strong attack, and his cultivation base and strength were severely reduced. As long as the three of Tianmu were careful, they had to kill Being a leader is not difficult either.

Now the main reason is that the Demon King has not shown any strength, and he has already consumed a lot. I don't know why the Demon King has not done anything. Could it be that he wants to consume himself?

This is also impossible. With the strength of the Demon King, he can take advantage of the opportunity to attack the two commanders. Even if he is not damaged, he will still be hurt.

"Hey, not bad, but you are still too weak, this king is very disappointed, you should also be lost."

Just when Li Qiuyu was puzzled, a cold voice seemed to come from the Jiuyou Underworld, a burst of ice icy all over his body, and a dangerous breath appeared in front of him.

"not good."

Li Qiuyu was terrified in his heart, he flicked with all his strength, and instantly left the opponent one foot away, just as he left, a destructive attack landed on the place where he was standing.

A huge body also stood at the place where he started to stay. The sluggishness in the air made it difficult for him to teleport. Seeing the Demon King appearing in front of him without any warning, Li Qiuyu was frightened.

"Do it, kill the commander."

Li Qiuyu shouted loudly, Phoenix's Nine Transformations' body skills kept flickering, the sluggish feeling in the air slowed down his body skills, and the terrifying devil energy kept hitting him.

In an instant, Li Qiuyu had already dodged no less than a hundred times, but every time he just left, he was hit by the shocking demonic energy. If he distracted himself for a moment, he would be killed by the attack of destruction.


Reminded by Li Qiuyu, Tianmu shouted loudly that with Li Qiuyu restraining the Demon King, he and others must kill the Grand Commander as soon as possible, and then do their best to help Li Qiuyu kill the Demon King together.


Tian Mu, Xiao Lin, and Lan Wuji, three late-stage monks and more than a dozen monks at the stage of transformation, attacked the Grand Commander with all their strength. Although the Grand Commander was injured, his strength had reached the peak of the late stage.

Under the simultaneous attack of more than a dozen cultivators at the transformation stage, they continued to resist, and it was impossible to kill the Grand Commander all at once.

"I still have ten years to go before my death. It doesn't make any sense to add or lose ten years. Get out of the way."

An old man in the stage of transforming spirits showed viciousness in his eyes, and his heart became ruthless. The mana in his body circulated to the peak of its full power, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

Immediately, the essence and blood fused into a blood-colored light curtain, and the essence and blood of the whole body also leaked out from countless body pores, and then quickly came to the blood-colored light curtain.

In an instant, the old man in the spirit transformation stage, who was originally full of energy, became weak and was about to disappear at any moment. Then he slapped the light curtain on his chest, and the bloody light curtain disappeared on his chest immediately.

The old man's original thin body changed drastically, like a huge drum, and he shot towards the commander quickly. Seeing the movements of the old man in the transformation stage, Tian Mu and others naturally understood the intention of the old person in the transformation stage.

Under the reminder of the old man, they all quickly dodged away, far away a hundred miles away, and the mana protection all over their bodies had just dodged, when a burst of earth-shattering sound came out.

The entire space paused, and then countless gale winds appeared, and the hundreds of miles of space shattered inch by inch, constantly shattering and recovering continuously, and an invisible huge gale wind shot straight towards the ground.

In an instant, a black hole with a radius of ten feet and a depth of one hundred feet appeared on the ground. Everyone was horrified, and then their hearts were shocked. The monks in the cultivation world were selfish. They did not expect that at this time, there would be monks in the transformation stage who would rather kill the enemy. Self-destruct and die together.

Under the loud reminder of the old man in the transformation stage, everyone dodged, but the commander was besieged by more than a dozen monks in the transformation stage, and he was seriously injured.

If he hadn't been injured, he wouldn't have been afraid even if three monks at the late stage of transformation and a dozen monks at the stage of transformation joined forces to attack, but now that he was injured, he hated Li Qiuyu to the core.

Seeing more than a dozen cultivators at the stage of transforming gods attacking him once and then retreating with flying shots, he was puzzled, but when he saw an old man who was like a ball shooting at him, he immediately understood what was going on.

The human cultivator who flew over chose to blew himself up and died with him. He was horrified. It was too late to escape at this time, so he could only use the most powerful life-saving means, hoping to resist for himself, as long as he resisted a little , you can escape by yourself.

However, the self-detonation power of a cultivator in the stage of transformation of gods can not only give him an opportunity, but the power of destruction instantly destroys the life-saving treasure he sacrificed, and the power of destruction directly tears his body into pieces, and the demon soul is also affected by this power of destruction Tear the city to pieces, and finally disappear into the air completely.

Li Qiuyu and the demon king on one side were also terrified, but Li Qiuyu didn't have the slightest chance to stop, and continued to forcibly use body skills to move under the pressure of the demon king.

There is no chance to attack, even if there is no chance to resist, if this continues, it will be a matter of time before they are killed.

His mind was spinning rapidly, trying to find a way to get away from the devil's attack. He naturally knew that the devil hadn't used any real means at all, and he was just playing with himself now.

But after seeing a cultivator in the stage of transformation of gods blew himself up and died together with the commander, he felt relieved, but it still didn't help him.

If there is a chance, I can definitely use some means, at least temporarily escape the suppression of the devil, or I will be killed immediately when the devil has played enough.

"The death of silence."

Li Qiuyu's heart turned, and he immediately thought of the silence in the nine forms of shaking the sky. As long as he has a chance, he can escape from the hands of the demon king, and then find a way to use methods to deal with the demon king.

Now Kong has a whole body of cultivation, but he is suppressed by the demon king, and he can't even perform teleportation, let alone fight the demon king, and when he uses the nine-style silent annihilation of the shocking sky, it is immediately forbidden in the space.

Li Qiuyu followed the forbidden space, and disappeared strangely. At the moment of disappearing, the demon king and all the monks were startled, with doubts on their faces.

The Demon King was even more surprised. The human monk in front of him suddenly disappeared under his pressure, and he also felt the strange changes in the air.

After reaching the realm of the devil king, he also knows a little bit about the control of space, and this house is filled with his own devil energy for a hundred miles. As long as it is within a hundred miles, even a fly cannot escape his control.

But this human monk really disappeared, disappeared without a trace, he must have cast some powerful forbidden technique to temporarily break his coercion.

In the battle between Li Qiuyu and the demon king, no one could intervene. Tianmu passed on the order, leaving behind [-] monks in the stage of transformation and his own three late stage monks, and the other monks killed the demon king of the ancient demon.

The three of Tianmu also tried to replace Li Qiuyu, so that Li Qiuyu would have a chance to attack, but they couldn't find the slightest chance, because even if they entered within a hundred miles of the demon king, they would be absolutely suppressed by the demon king's coercion.

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