Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 802 The Terror of the Demon King

When they were anxious, the space strangely stopped, and then Li Qiuyu disappeared, completely disappeared into the air, as if there was no such person as him in this world.

They were also very excited when Li Qiuyu escaped from the demon king's oppression, but with Li Qiuyu's disappearance, the demon king's goal was to wait for others.

Sure enough, Li Qiuyu suddenly disappeared without a trace. Even with his own cultivation level, he could not find Li Qiuyu's whereabouts. Kill first.

The huge body came to Tianmu and the others strangely, and a shocking demonic energy surged out, covering Tianmu and the others. The demonic energy carried a huge suppressive force.

Even Tianmu's three monks in the late stage of transforming gods were tightly suppressed, and they could only use their body skills to dodge the powerful and destructive attack of the demon king.





There were bursts of violent explosions and screams, and the twenty cultivators at the transformation stage were quickly lost. Every time the demon king attacked, the cultivators at the transformation stage would be blown up, not even their souls remained.

There is no chance for the Nascent Soul to come out of the body. In an instant, twenty cultivators at the stage of transformation were lost. Seeing the loss of twenty monks at the stage of transformation, the huge palm smashed towards Lan Wuji with a destructive demonic energy. past.

"Prajna Lifting the Sky Finger"

Lan Wuji was extremely horrified when he saw the giant palm of the demon king slapped it down. The strength of the demon king was not comparable to that of a cultivator at the stage of transformation. The devil king could kill himself in the late stage of transformation with just one blow.

What's more, the disappearance of Li Qiuyu made the Demon King furious. For the first time, a humble human monk disappeared under his nose. His face was dull, and he sent his anger to Lan Wuji and other monks in the transformation stage.

This palm smashed down with the power of destruction. Demons are famous for their strength and the erosive power of devil energy. Compared with monsters, their strength is not inferior at all.

The demonic energy is the existence that erodes all things in the world. This attack is undoubtedly intended to kill him. In desperation, he can only use the life-saving forbidden technique Prajna Lifting Sky Finger.

The Prajna Lifting Sky Finger is a secret art of Wan Luomen's sect, and its power is extremely powerful, but it needs to pay a high price to use it, that is, the cultivation base will retreat violently, and it can only be used three times in a lifetime.

Every time you use it, you have to drop your cultivation base by a level, but there is absolutely no problem in registering. The monks in the late stage of transformation of gods have been cultivated for hundreds of years and thousands of years. Who wants to drop their cultivation level down a level.

But now if he doesn't use the Prajna Lifting Finger, he will be damaged. Compared with the loss, he would rather fall down in cultivation, at least he can survive. He saw that the mana in his whole body soared, and the five fingers on his right hand changed rapidly.

Immediately, the middle finger quickly pointed towards the huge palm of the demon king, and a mysterious aura appeared on the fingertips, and the mysterious aura shot straight towards the palm of the demon king.


There was a violent explosion, the palms and fingertips came into contact, the air trembled violently, and then stopped, as if frozen.


"Humble human being, this king will tear your corpse into thousands of pieces."

After the click sound, the Demon King roared, and Lan Wuji's fingers were instantly shattered. At the same time, the Demon King's arm was broken by the power of the Prajna Lifting Finger.

Under the two shocking powers, Lan Wuji also disappeared, following the power of Prajna Holding the Sky Finger, his body escaped from the pressure of the demon king.

Seeing that Lan Wuji had also shortened his palm, and disappeared like Li Qiuyu at the beginning, it was strange if he wasn't angry, but when he was furious, he looked at Tianmu and Xiao Lin with bloodthirsty eyes.

Immediately after a burst of shouting, his body, which was originally thirty feet tall, swelled up, and the coercion in the air also increased, and the space almost froze.

After a while, the Demon King's body reached the size of a hundred feet, like a mountain peak, with a shocking demonic energy all over his body.

"The Wrath of the Heavenly Spirit."

"Nine clouds turn around."

Seeing that the demon king was really angry, Xiao Lin and Tian Mu also knew how powerful the demon king was, and they also learned Lan Wuji's method, using the forbidden technique to leave the area where the demon king was oppressive. If they were later, they would regret this life.



There was a constant scoffing sound in the air, two powerful forbidden techniques tore apart the pressure of the demon king, and he was about to escape, the demon king looked at the two with disdain, and the arm that had disappeared grew out strangely , and then slapped the two of them fiercely.

The huge palm was as large as a hundred feet in diameter, and the palm carried the breath of death, and the air was also imprisoned by the palm. Xiao Lin and Tian Mu's expressions changed drastically, and they did not expect that they could not resist the coercion of the demon king even after using the forbidden technique.

The palm flew across the sky in an instant, and slapped the two of them fiercely. It was at this moment that the two of them were about to be hit by the palm.

A colorful meteor streaked across the sky, and shot towards the giant palm at a speed that ignored the distance in space. The meteor shot from a high altitude of hundreds of miles away, and instantly arrived in front of the palm of the demon king.

The colorful meteor is not a shooting star, but a one-foot-sized colorful light cluster. The light cluster rotates continuously, carrying a hint of mystery.

Wherever the colorful light group passed, the devilish energy was completely diluted, leaving a wide passage of hundreds of meters. In this passage, there was a complete vacuum, without the slightest devilish energy, spiritual energy, or air.

"Cold Aurora"

"Sky Cold Aurora."

"Sky Cold Aurora."

Three horrified voices came out, Tian Mu and Xiao Lin saw the colorful shooting star coming, and as the distance got closer, they also found that the shooting star was a colorful light group, and the breath on the light group was full of destruction and passion. die.

The monks in the late stage of transformation know from some classics and ancient books that the Tianhan Aurora is a legendary thing, no one can control it, and it is the most powerful light in the world.

I didn't expect Tianhan Aurora to appear at this time, I thought it was my eyes, but the breath and color were exactly the same as the classical ones.

Moreover, the other companions and the devil all called out the name of Tianhan Jiguang at the same time, so naturally he couldn't be mistaken, it was definitely Tianhan Jiguang.

The same is true for the Demon King. When he was in the Upper Realm, he also saw the power of Tianhan Jiguang once. Although he was not the one who fought against Tianhan Jiguang, and this Tianhan mechanism easily killed the power of the Demon Realm in seconds, he could not be surprised.

But I saw a figure not far from Tianhan Jiguang, this figure was not Li Qiuyu or someone else, it turned out that Li Qiuyu walked away from the hands of the demon king by relying on the power of the silent extinction.

But a teleportation is only a hundred miles away, the demon king is still here, and he still has a few powerful means that he has not used, so it is really hard to let go, even if there will be shadows and demons in the future when practicing.

Hundreds of miles away, he possessed a trace of real devil's aura. On the edge of the demon king's devil's aura, the devil relied on the power of the devil's aura to find out his whereabouts, but he didn't expect that Li Qiuyu possessed the real devil's aura. Too confident, which also made Li Qiuyu hide secretly in the devilish energy.

Knowing that the Demon King is not an ordinary monk, he dare not use some methods at all. The only useful ones are his Tianhan Aurora and Wujiu Sword Formation.

If neither of these two kinds of attacks can kill the Demon King, it is better to find a way to leave quickly, because Tianhan Jiguang, which consumes a lot of consciousness, will be the first shot.

He also only has two chances to make shots, because he still has one chance to take the Heaven-defying Resurrection Pill, and after the two attacks that consume consciousness, he has to leave here no matter what, unless the Demon King is killed.

The distance of a hundred miles felt a little far away, and he would not do it when he was not sure of the time. With a move of his consciousness, the Tower of Nothingness was sacrificed, and a colorful light cluster the size of a fist appeared on the top of the tower.

Seeing the appearance of Tianhan Jiguang, with a wave of his hand, a black light curtain appeared, and the black light curtain covered him and Tianhan Jiguang. This black light curtain is the skill of the demon cultivator, a low-level skill, and the ability of human monks. As simple as prohibiting.

In the magic energy, if you cast a low-level magic cultivation prohibition, as long as the devil king doesn't check carefully, he won't find him. In this way, the colorful light of Tianhan Aurora will be covered by the black prohibition.

Before Tianhan Aurora is successfully cast, it is enough for the Demon King to find out. After a while, he saw that Tianhan Aurora had reached the limit of his display, and also saw the Demon King defeating Lan Wuji.

Seeing the demon king unleash a powerful attack, he unleashes his full strength in the emptiness in his rage, and attacks Xiao Lin and Tian Mu with all his strength, knowing that he can't delay any longer.

He also doesn't want Tianmu and Xiao Lin to be lost now, because there are only more than ninety human monks in the stage of becoming gods, and there are still fifty or sixty demon kings.

Moreover, among the more than [-] monks in the transformation stage, there are more than [-] monks in Tianlong, and the other monks in the stage of transformation have been lost.

Only the cultivation base of the middle stage of transformation, and in two or three hundred years, he must ascend, otherwise he will die. Xiao Lin and Tian Mu are also about the same age, and they will die in two or three hundred years.

After this great battle, even if the demon king was killed, the two of them would not dare to do anything, because their lifespan was passing away rapidly, and their cultivation was also reduced a lot, so they had to find a way to leave the human race and ascend to the spirit world.

Moreover, there are Demon King and Ancient Demon to deal with, and they cannot be lost. Even if Fengyue Continent does not have its own existence, the monks from Dashang and Northern Jin are no match for Tianlong.

With a swipe of one hand, the black prohibition disappeared, and colorful rays of light also appeared in the magic energy, and the magic energy with a radius of thousands of feet disappeared immediately.

Pushing Tianhan Jiguang to shoot towards the palm of the demon king, his people are far away from Tianhan Jiguang at a distance of [-] zhang, because he really has the power of Tianhan Jiguang, even if he is touched by Yu Jin, he will Some powerful beings kill.

Although Tianhan Aurora didn't hurt him, it was inevitable that it would be affected by the compatibility of ice and fire, and he couldn't get too close to the Demon King, so he didn't have a chance to cast Silent Destruction for the second time.

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