Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 803 The Perverted Tentacle


The demon king saw that Tianhan Jiguang had come to Baizhang, and there was a monk behind him, and Li Qiuyu was fleeing under his own hands.

In addition to being furious in my heart, I was also terrified. I dare not try the power of Tianhan Jiguang lightly. Even if I have reached the strength of the Demon King, the Demon King is simply an ant in front of Tianhan Jiguang.

The Tianhan Jiguang I saw before killed Master Demon Ancestor in seconds. The demon clan of the ancient demon clan was killed by Tianhan Jiguang in seconds. Compared with the strength of Demon Ancestor, I am not qualified to compare.

"Hey, Tianhan Aurora, if it is displayed in his hands, this king will naturally not fight back, but in your hands, it has not exerted a power of one-hundredth of a million. If you are given another thousand years, this king may not fight back. I'm afraid of you, but this king won't give you this chance."

The Demon King saw that the Tianhan Aurora was displayed by Li Qiuyu, and the Tianhan Aurora was not very stable, and its power was not even one ten-thousandth of the Tianhan Aurora that he had seen before.

Even if it is the invincible Tianhan Aurora between heaven and earth, it also depends on who casts it, as well as cultivation and strength. Only strong strength can display the powerful Tianhan Aurora.

The Tianhan Aurora cast by the monk in front of him is still very reluctant, and its power is not satisfactory. As long as you are careful, it is worth a try, and the murderous intent in your heart is strong.

Even if all the human monks are given up, this human monk will not be let go, and this monk will be strangled in the cradle no matter what price is paid.

The whole body's devilish energy circulated, and the violent devilish energy raged continuously in the air. The tall and hundred-foot-high body of the devil king suddenly turned into a huge black iron and fine steel.

The palm that was slapping Xiao Lin and Tian Mu changed its direction, lifted it upwards, and merged with the other palm. In an instant between the two huge palms and the virus, a shocking black magic energy shot towards Tianhan Jiguang.




With a loud click, Tianhan Jiguang and the dark magic energy collided together, and the magic energy in the air continued to disappear. Tianhan Jiguang ignored the power of the magic energy and moved forward quickly.

In a blink of an eye, it has come to a distance of [-] feet away from the demon king. Tianhan Jiguang is still constantly breaking the demon energy, and the demon king's face also shows a puzzled look, followed by horror.

This Tianhan Jiguang is not cultivated, but a natural Tianhan Jiguang. Its power has exceeded my expectations. Fortunately, this monk's cultivation base is not high, and he doesn't control many Tianhan Jiguang.

"What a powerful attack, will the leader kill the Demon King this time?"

The human monks all looked at this colorful attack, and saw the colorful light group continuously disappearing the demon king's attack, and they came in front of the demon king in a blink of an eye.


The Demon King roared loudly, the devil energy in his whole body quickly gathered, and he shot fiercely at Tianguang Laser, his expression changed, because Tianhan Jiguang canceled all his devil energy, and came before him in a blink of an eye.

Immediately, his hands changed, and he slapped down on Tianhan Jiguang fiercely. Suddenly, the magical aura in the air twisted sharply, and then exploded.

Two huge palms slapped on Tianhan Jiguang, Tianhan Jiguang disappeared into the air, the two palms continued to shatter inch by inch, and in a blink of an eye, the tall body of the demon king quickly dissipated.

Li Qiuyu's face was serious, and he was extremely puzzled. He didn't expect the Demon King to be lost like this, but it really didn't make sense. The Demon King with the strength of the cave period would not be so weak.

Seeing that the Demon King's body was about to be completely shattered, the expression on Li Qiuyu's face changed drastically, with panic showing on his face, and then he quickly backed away.

A black tentacle shot out from the body of the shattered demon king, and shot straight at him. The tentacle carried the breath of death. It was definitely the first time he had seen the speed and power.

If it is hit, it will lose half of its old life if it is not dead. The magic power in the body is forced to run, hoping to escape the attack of this tentacle.

"Ignore the attack."

At the moment of violent retreat, the Devouring Shield became stronger and stronger, but this tentacle gave him the feeling that it was invincible, breaking any defense in the world.

Seeing that the tentacles were about to hit him, with a movement of his consciousness, a stone wall the size of a surplus appeared in front of him, and then became the size of ten feet in a radius.

At the same time that the stone wall was sacrificed, the speed of the tentacle also caught up with Li Qiuyu, and the tentacle hit the stone wall in an instant. The stone wall trembled and returned to its original shape without any resistance.

A trace of blood spilled from his mouth, and the moment the stone wall returned to its original shape, Li Qiuyu's whole body was also exposed in front of the tentacles. Li Qiuyu reversed his meridian and moved backward at a high speed.

The tentacle and Li Qiuyu were separated by a distance of fifty miles. Seeing that Li Qiuyu was about to be hit by the tentacle, Tian Mu and Xiao Lin couldn't help but circulate their magic power.

The top psychic treasure in his hand slashed at the tentacles, trying to cut off the tentacles and rescue Li Qiuyu. Right now, only Li Qiuyu's attack planes and means can harm the Demon King.

If Li Qiuyu couldn't get rid of the demon king's attack, the human monks would have no chance at all to forcefully attack under the pressure of the demon king.





The attacks of Xiao Lin and Tian Mu slammed on the Demon King's attack, and a violent rebound force came from the tentacles, which sent them flying ten miles away. At the same time, they spurted a mouthful of blood, and fell straight to the ground down.

Just now, the cultivation level of the forbidden technique was weakened, and he was eroded by the devil's energy under the pressure of the devil. Now, in order for Li Qiuyu to escape from the tentacles of the devil, he forcibly circulated his mana, causing several meridians to break.

But under the attack of the top psychic treasure, the tentacle did not respond at all, and sent the two of them flying ten miles away. At the same time, the tentacle also hit Li Qiuyu fiercely.

The Devouring Shield is a shocking nine-style move with super strong defense, but in front of the demon king's tentacles, the Devouring Shield flashed, quickly deformed, and finally broke.

The tentacles slammed down on Li Qiuyu's body, and Li Qiuyu also spat out a mouthful of blood, and quickly fell out, with the blood at the corner of his mouth continuously floating in the air.

The mind was shocked, a little luck, if Tianmu and Xiao Lin hadn't attacked the tentacles just now, he would have suffered more serious injuries. Both of them attacking the tentacles seemed to have no damage or effect at all, but the tentacles were only cast by the demon king. His trump card was also greatly shaken under the attack.

If they didn't both attack, the Demon King wouldn't use his tentacles to attack Li Qiuyu with all his strength, because after being attacked by the psychic treasures of the two, the tentacles would disappear quickly. 】

Killing Li Qiuyu before the tentacles disappeared, this human cultivator has been searching for it enough, if he is given time, the ancient demon clan will suffer a lot in the future.

But he didn't expect that his trump card would not kill Li Qiuyu. The main reason was that the protective cover was strong in defense, and after breaking the protective cover, it exceeded his expectations. Li Qiuyu's physique was so strong that even I am nothing more than that.

Li Qiuyu didn't stop until he floated out of the demon king's demonic energy. After he stopped, he threw a pill into his mouth and quickly melted the pill.

"Humble human being, this king will give you a ride. You are very good, but this king cannot keep you."

The Demon King said loudly, the originally shattered body quickly recovered in the demonic energy, and in a blink of an eye, the Demon King's tall body appeared in the demonic energy again, but the demonic energy did not start to become strong.

The instant the tentacle hit Li Qiuyu, it disappeared. After the demon king recovered, he saw two more tentacles hitting Li Qiuyu, and he was bound to kill Li Qiuyu.

Li Qiuyu's face was full of horror, the Demon King didn't give him the slightest chance to breathe. He had just recovered his mana and consciousness, and he didn't even have a chance to make a move.

Seeing that the tentacles came thousands of feet away, his mana and consciousness had just recovered, and before he had time to dodge and attack, his stone wall was also crushed, and the devouring shield couldn't resist the attacks of the two tentacles at all.

"Your Excellency Saint Alchemist, be careful."

A voice came out, and suddenly the two cultivators at the stage of transformation flashed and shot at the tentacles, and they were running the magic power of the whole body while flying.



There were two earth-shattering explosions, and the air was distorted again. Seeing that the tentacles were about to kill Li Qiuyu who had just recovered, the two cultivators at the transformation stage felt ruthless. Li Qiuyu bought time, if Li Qiuyu was lost, all the monks here would be lost, and Fengyue Continent would completely become a demon domain.

The middle-class monks felt ashamed when they saw another cultivator in the stage of transformation would rather sacrifice himself to deal with the ancient demon. When it came to the critical moment, the monks in the stage of transformation were always the strong backing of human monks and mortals.

Even if you can't kill the ancient demon, you can kill the ancient demon by making yourself disappear forever, and create opportunities for your companions. After the self-destruct, you all know that this monk will disappear forever, and there is no chance of reincarnation.

"Hey, humble human being, you have no chance."

The demon king saw that his two tentacles were blown up and destroyed by two cultivators at the transformation stage. Li Qiuyu escaped everything again, and was furious in his heart. But as the demon king, he wanted to kill Li Qiuyu first at this time.

Only by killing Li Qiuyu can he let go of the last trace of worry. This humble human being seems weak, but this human has brought him a bad premonition, but he still doesn't know this bad premonition what is it.

"Five Nine Extinguishing Heaven Sword Formation."

Li Qiuyu took advantage of the self-explosion of two cultivators at the transformation stage to destroy the demon king's tentacles. The elixir just now restored mana and consciousness, and the mana in his body circulated. When the consciousness moved, a golden light appeared from between his eyebrows.

The golden rays of light instantly turned into 45 rays of light, and the golden rays of light lined up in a row, and then with a movement of consciousness, the 45 Tian Miejian swords formed a ring shape.

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