Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 804 59 Sword Formation, Ascension to the Spirit Realm

The 45 Heaven Mie Swords rotated rapidly, and golden and colorful sword glows soared into the sky. Each sword glow was as powerful as the four-nine sword array, and the power of the 45 Heaven Mie Sword psychic treasures was fully displayed.

The bursts of devilish energy in the air were quickly swallowed by the sword light, and when the sword formation was completed, there were already six monks at the transformation stage who committed suicide in order to resist the demon king's tentacles attacking Li Qiuyu.

Li Qiuyu felt a burst of admiration in his heart. At the critical moment, the human monk would rather give up his life to defend Li Qiuyu. Although this was not for Li Qiuyu's life, but for Fengyue Continent, this also made him very satisfied.

All the monks were amazed when they saw the 45 shocking encounters in the Wujiu Sword Formation. This sword formation was countless times stronger than the original sword formation.

There is no comparison between the two. The power of each sword light alone is stronger than the entire sword array at the beginning. The Demon King also saw Li Qiuyu's sword array, and his face showed a slightly frightened look.

The tentacles attacking Li Qiuyu also stopped, and their face was extremely ugly. I didn't expect to be delayed by the self-detonation of a few cultivators in the transformation stage. Now this powerful human monk has sacrificed the sword formation. It seems that they are countless times stronger than the original sword array.

Not daring to be careless for a while, the tentacles were retracted, and his expression moved, his body skyrocketed again, reaching a height of three hundred feet, and a huge black wheel appeared out of thin air in his hand.

The black wheels were made of unknown material, with a shocking demonic energy on them, and in the magical energy there was an aura of destruction. Li Qiuyu's face was serious, but at this moment, she couldn't back down.

"Hmph, this royal way wants to see what powerful abilities a humble human monk has, Demon God's Wheel."

The demonic energy in the Demon King's body surged, and the black wheel in his hand was only one foot in size, but a jet of black blood shot into it, and the wheel suddenly turned into a black cloud in the size of one hundred feet.

Waves of devilish energy poured into the dark clouds formed by the wheels, because he also felt the power of Li Qiuyu's sword array, so he didn't dare to be careless, lest the boat capsize in the gutter.



I don't know if it's the wind blowing in the air, or the sound of piercing the sky brought by the sword formation. The demonic energy that was originally a hundred miles in size was suddenly turned into nothingness by the Wujiu Tiantian sword formation, and the entire sky was cloudless.

Only 45 sword beams could be seen spinning with shocking power. Under the impetus of Li Qiuyu, the sword array kept hitting the demon king.

The oppressive atmosphere in the air suppressed both the human monks and the ancient demon army, and their chests were heavy, but watching the final blow in the air, the outcome was also at this time, and no sound came out.

Fifty ri

The sword array flew quickly in front of Li Qiuyu, and within a short while came to fifty miles in front of the demon king. The demon king didn't stop, knowing that it was difficult to deal with, he pulled out all the demon energy in his body with all his strength, and pressed them all on the huge black cloud . .

I regretted it unceasingly. I shouldn’t have entangled with Leaving in the first place, so I killed it directly. There was no such thing happening. Now if one is not good, it will be damaged, or the cultivation base will be greatly damaged. Now it is the invasion of ancient demons. When humans were in the Fengyue Continent, if there was a slight mistake, the success would fall short.

forty miles

Thirty miles

Ten miles

45 sword glows quickly cut through the void and hit the demon king. When they were ten miles away from the devil king, the 45 sword glows merged together.

A sword glow with a radius of ten feet and a length of one thousand feet struck fiercely at the dark cloud. As long as the dark cloud was defeated, the Demon King would be greatly damaged. As long as three late-stage cultivators and himself were added, there was still a glimmer of hope to kill the Demon King.

Even if he can't kill the Demon King, he still has the opportunity to leave here and go to other places to prepare for ascension. This place is no longer a place where human beings can live.


There was an earth-shattering sound, and the entire space began to tremble immediately, and the ground continued to collapse. Human monks and ancient demons flew up quickly, trying to leave the destroyed space.

But at the moment when it flew up, countless gale winds shot down with a terrifying pressure, and countless monks and ancient demons were killed before they could resist it.

Even a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, if he is not careful, he will be instantly hit by the fire hydrant, and in the air, the seven-colored sword lights will hit the dark clouds fiercely.

The dark clouds trembled violently, and quickly scattered in all directions. In the blink of an eye, the hundreds of feet of dark clouds disappeared. The demon king's face was terrified, and a trace of black blood was overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

It was obvious that he had suffered heavy injuries. Seeing the sword glow slashing towards him fiercely, without the slightest hesitation, a golden shuttle-shaped treasure appeared in his hand.

A stream of blood essence was shot out, and the blood essence wrapped the golden shuttle-shaped treasure, and the shuttle-shaped treasure instantly turned into a ten-foot-sized flying shuttle, shooting straight towards the sword glow.

Li Qiuyu was also shocked. He never thought that the demon king would actually use human treasures. Logically speaking, human treasures cannot be used by demons, because using human treasures definitely requires a bit of mana.

Moreover, this treasure is a top-level commanding treasure, almost no different from the Xuantian Lingbao. The golden treasure has the gold attribute, and among the gold system, the shuttle-shaped treasure has the strongest attack and damage.

The Demon King wanted to use this gold-type treasure to destroy the sword light. As long as the sword light was broken, he would kill Li Qiuyu in an instant at any cost.

Because I finally know that this human monk is not something other commanders can deal with. This time, he used two attacks that required a huge price to deal with Li Qiuyu. Heal and recover in the magic castle.

It would be impossible to recover from the injury within a few hundred years. The golden shuttle-shaped treasure slammed into each other ten feet away from him, and a strange light curtain spread out.

Desperation appeared in the demon king's eyes. The light curtain passed by, and the demon king's body was quickly shattered. After the shattering, it turned into a black smoke and slowly fell towards the ground.

Just when the black smoke that the devil turned into came into the air, the black smoke stopped, because the whole space was immediately imprisoned, even time was imprisoned.

Between the heaven and the earth, the silence was restored, there was no sound of wind, no breath of breath, it was like a vacuum, and even human monks and ancient demons were completely petrified.

Li Qiuyu's sword light also disappeared, replaced by that weird light curtain drifting into the distance, he also froze, terrified in his heart, never thought that such a thing would happen after a full blow with the Demon King.

The monks below saw the demon king disappear and was killed by Li Qiuyu's sword light. They were very excited, and this excitement has always been retained. When time stops, everything stops.


A slight crisp sound, like a thunder in the still space of thousands of miles, woke up all the monks. After waking up, but the body could not move at all, only a trace of breathing, and even the meridians and blood vessels had stopped.


There was another click, and the entire space shattered like a mirror. In a radius of thousands of miles, the space shattered in bursts, and the shattered moment recovered.

In front of Li Qiuyu, where the golden treasure of the demon king collided with the sword light, a shocking aura shot up into the sky. I don't know if it was the breath of the treasure of the gold system or the breath of the sword light.

This breath created a deep black passage in the space with a radius of [-] zhang. It didn't know where it extended, and it contained an astonishing suction force.

Li Qiuyu was horrified in his heart. Isn't this black hole the critical point that the cultivators in the transformation stage are looking for? Moreover, this black hole is weaker than the critical point in the classics.

My mind was spinning incessantly, and I thought about countless consequences and things. Seeing that the black hole was about to disappear, Li Qiuyu's consciousness moved, and he put away the 45 Mietian swords.

He also put away the golden treasure of the other demon kings, and with a movement of consciousness, a transparent dagger appeared in his hand. At the moment when the black hole was about to disappear, the transparent dagger was fiercely swung towards the black hole.

Glancing at the monks and ancient demons below, his body flashed, and he entered into the black hole with the space distortion power of the dagger. The mana of his whole body circulated, and more than ten psychic treasures were sacrificed for defense.

In the black hole, his body was involuntarily pulled forcefully, as if to tear him apart, the defenses of more than ten psychic treasures gradually shattered, and finally disappeared into the black hole, turning into nothingness.

The moment the black hole disappeared, the space fluctuated again, and at the place where the black hole appeared, a cloud of seven colors appeared and then floated downward.

The space was restored again, and all the monks and ancient demons also regained their freedom. They all showed horror and envy in their eyes. They did not expect that the battle between the Demon King and Li Qiuyu would tear the space apart, and Li Qiuyu was even lifted up.

Seeing Li Qiuyu soaring, all the monks were envious. Although they don't know if they will be killed by the power of the black hole, but with Li Qiuyu's strength, the chance of success is half.

This monk is also the first one in Fengyue Continent to ascend in battle, and also the first monk to see someone ascending in the daytime. It is a great fortune to see a monk break through the alchemy stage with his own eyes.

It is a chance to see a monk break through the Nascent Soul, and to see a monk reach the transformation of the gods can get a kind of insight, if you see a monk ascend.

It was a kind of torture, and it was also a kind of showing off. For monks, ascension was undoubtedly a step closer to immortality. Seeing Li Qiuyu's ascension this time, I felt mixed feelings.

Fortunately, Li Qiuyu killed the demon king, and the battle situation of the entire Fengyue Continent was certain. There were only less than [-] demon kings left, while the monks in the transformation stage consisted of three late-stage monks and more than thirty middle-stage monks.

The entire ancient demon fell under the demon king, the demonic energy scattered, and the morale was completely underestimated. Seeing that the human monks also killed the demon king, the ancient demon army did not have any fighting spirit.

"The leader of the alliance killed the demon king and ascended to the spirit world. Now, I will act as the leader of the leader to command the battle of destroying the demons, destroy the ancient demons, and restore Fengyue Continent to the paradise of cultivation." A monk in the early stage of transformation said loudly, the whole The person stands firmly in the sky.

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