Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 89 Teleportation Formation【Recommendation for collection】

I believe that with my own alchemy skills, there is no problem at all in refining intermediate-level pills with century-old medicinal materials. Refining high-level pills with century-old medicinal materials will consume some real energy and spiritual consciousness, but in this way, I can practice faster.

But in that case, there will not be many elixirs refined every day. It is definitely not worthwhile to refine intermediate elixirs with centuries-old medicinal materials, so we have to improve the alchemy skills.

There are not many high-level and intermediate-level elixirs refined from centuries-old medicinal materials, and the excess can be taken by the people below him.

Calculated that it has been half a year since I left Tianxing Pavilion, and when I left the crack space, Li Chongyang's one-year agreement would not be far away.

The four of them spent another five days in the canyon. With the help of Li Qiuyu, Zhang Tianhang safely broke through to the tenth level of Qi training, Xiao Yuefeng also broke through to the ninth level of Qi training, and Han Yulong also broke through to the eighth level of Qi training. The realm is stable, and the cultivation base has skyrocketed a lot compared to before.

But Li Qiuyu's realm is still a little bit worse. The strength of the four people is one or two grades higher than before entering the canyon. Now when they meet the three monks who practiced energy at the ninth level and five monks at the seventh and eighth levels last time, It won't take much effort for the four of them to solve it.

A monk at the tenth level of Qi training can definitely restrain three or four monks at the ninth level of Qi training. Besides, Xiao Yuefeng is also a monk at the ninth level, and Han Yulong is no longer the little monk at the seventh level of Qi training.

Needless to say, Li Qiuyu's cultivation in the middle stage of the eighth level of Qi training, even the peak of the ninth level or even the early tenth level of Qi training, is enough to fight hard. As long as he doesn't meet a particularly perverted guy, he hardly uses the Sapphire Sword and Zijin It can be solved by cutting.

"How do you feel?" Li Qiuyu looked at Zhang Tianhang and said flatly.

"Thank you, Brother Li, if it wasn't for Brother Li, Zhang would have already gone mad, how many times will he break through the tenth level of Qi training?" Zhang Tianhang said gratefully and sincerely.

"Brother Zhang, have you broken through the tenth level of Qi training?"

Xiao Yuefeng and Han Yulong said in surprise at the same time, it's no wonder they were surprised, the tenth layer of qi training is the highest existence in the qi training period, it is really not easy to break through, but Zhang Tianhang did break through.

"It's all thanks to Brother Li's pills and help, and I was lucky enough to break through." Zhang Tianhang said modestly, his face was full of complacency, but seeing Li Qiuyu's faint smile, he was very grateful to Li Qiuyu in his heart.

"Let's go find the teleportation array first. After we find the teleportation array, we will look for the medicinal materials. Maybe we can find the materials of the second-rank or third-rank pills."

Li Qiuyu said calmly, the four of them have been here for more than ten days, he will never waste time, if he misses this time, the next time will be 60 years later.

At that time, I don't know whether I can come in or not. How many monks who can go out from here are not geniuses among geniuses. Breaking through the foundation building period is a matter of nailing the board.

"Just listen to Brother Li's arrangement. Now we just need to follow the map on the Tianluan Token, and I believe we will be able to find the location of the teleportation array in the west within a month." Xiao Yuefeng said calmly, and put the Tianluan Token in the storage bag. Holding it in his hand, a divine sense invaded it.

Seeing Xiao Yuefeng's movements, Li Qiuyu also held his Tianluan Token in his hand, and his spiritual sense printed all the maps in the Tianluan Token into his mind, and he had a general understanding of the entire map.

The teleportation array is in the west. Although everyone knows that the entrance of the space rift is south and the exit of the space is west, who dares to say that the direction in the space rift is the same as the outside. 【Ask for favorites and recommendations】

But no matter what, they had to follow the direction on the map. Fortunately, Ha had two months, enough time for them to find the space exit.

The four of them tidied up, and all of them used their body skills to quickly leave the canyon, and ran towards the west in a chosen direction. In order to prevent the dark wind, they had to release their spiritual consciousness fifty feet away, so as not to be floated The uncertain Gangfeng plotted.

The four human beings are not afraid of other monks drawing their attention. A person who has cultivated the tenth level of Qi and a person who has cultivated the ninth level of Qi, plus a person who has cultivated the eighth level of Qi. This combination is already considered powerful in the space crack, unless It's those big families and big forces.

Tenth-level monks are not seen everywhere. On the way, the four of them did not forget to look for medicinal materials and hunt monsters. A fourth-level monster can be solved by any two people.

They didn't encounter fifth-level monsters. The fifth-level monsters didn't fly all over the sky. After all, the fifth-level monsters were also the strength of the foundation-building stage. If there were too many, would the monks who came in survive?

In one month, the four of them traveled nearly [-] miles while looking for medicinal materials. They encountered many strong winds on the way, but they were all extremely careful and avoided the strong winds before they appeared.

Several people's storage bags were already full of century-old medicinal herbs. Li Qiuyu asked them to uproot a strange and unfamiliar medicinal seedling. They didn't know each other, so Li Qiuyu would naturally recognize it.

The words of the alchemist really worked. Zhang Tianhang and the three of them put all the unknown seedlings with aura into the storage bag, and finally gave them to Li Qiuyu. Li Qiuyu naturally put them into the space necklace without anyone noticing. planted in.

A month ago, he discovered that the medicinal materials in the space necklace grew much faster than the outside, and he was not sure if he felt wrong. Finally, with the confirmation of the blood eagle eagle, he basically learned that the inside time and It's completely different from the outside.

Two days inside, only one day has passed outside, that is to say, the space necklace is a completely independent space, even the time is independent.

Knowing this shocking secret, he was also very surprised. It took him a long time to wake up. He also wanted to put himself in it to practice, but his body cannot enter, but his spiritual sense can be exercised in it. Can't last long.

The longer the spiritual consciousness stays inside, the more the spiritual consciousness will be consumed. When he comes out, the spiritual consciousness will be exhausted and he will have to recuperate for several days before he can fully recover.

However, after his spiritual consciousness recovered, his spiritual consciousness also increased a lot. If he continued to cultivate, his spiritual consciousness would definitely reach another level.

The medicinal materials inside are also doubled. In this way, these rare seedlings will become century-old medicinal materials in a few decades, and some low-level medicinal materials will mature in a few years.

For an alchemist, this is almost a god-defying good thing. You don't have to worry about the medicinal materials, and you don't have to be afraid of the withering of the medicinal materials. No wonder the blood eagle is lazy in it and can't come out. It seems that he has long known the benefits of it.

Although the three of Xiao Yuefeng didn't know exactly what Li Qiuyu wanted these seedlings for, they probably knew that Li Qiuyu took the seedlings back to plant, and they ignored some common medicinal materials now.

Instead, they went to look for centuries-old medicinal materials, and finally the four of them came to the westernmost teleportation array. In fact, these are not real teleportation arrays, but several organs that open space cracks. What does it look like, because the monks who come here have no energy.

When they arrived here, there was no decoration here, because the monk was looking for medicinal materials, maybe he was on his way, and he walked slowly towards the teleportation circle.

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