Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 90 Two Tier 2 Monster Beasts【Recommendation for collection】

Helplessly, he was blocked by an invisible light curtain when he walked about ten feet forward, and could no longer move forward. He was still twenty feet away from the teleportation array, and the more than ten teleportation arrays in his eyes were blurred. He wanted to use his spiritual sense to observe the teleportation array carefully.

But he was allowed to wish there, and his spiritual sense could not break through the light curtain at all, and he didn't dare to do it forcibly, it would only damage his spiritual sense, and it would be troublesome to become an idiot.

The greatest degree of damage to the consciousness is that the body is completely destroyed, and the lightest is turning into an idiot. Ordinary people will not use their own consciousness to forcibly break through unknown prohibitions and formations.

Li Qiuyu shook his head helplessly, secretly imprinted the location of the teleportation array into his mind, and finally turned around and returned to the place where the three of Zhang Tianhang were standing.

"Brother Li, how is it? Have you seen what's going on?" Zhang Tianhang asked eagerly. Regarding this teleportation formation, he also wanted to figure it out early. Who wouldn't want to find a way out for himself first.

This is risking one's life. If one cannot get out, it will be wronged if one dies inside. This kind of thing has happened before, and there are not a few monks who died inside like this.

"There is a strong defense prohibition in front of this teleportation array, and even the consciousness cannot enter at all. It seems that it will not be opened before the time is up. We have to go to other places for a while and wait until the last few days. .”

"Brother Li arranged it." Zhang Tianhang said softly. Since Li Qiuyu had no choice, he naturally had no choice. After breaking through the tenth level of Qi training, he didn't think that he was much better than Li Qiuyu. On the contrary, in his heart , Li Qiuyu can easily kill him at any time.

This idea has been around since breaking through the tenth floor, but he has been unwilling to admit this fact, who wants to be inferior to others.

He has no opinion, and Xiao Yuefeng and Xiao Yuefeng naturally have no opinion. What Li Qiuyu said, the two of them have almost no sense of objection. Unless there is something wrong, they will naturally give advice to Li Qiuyu. In the end, it is Li Qiuyu who decides the game. autumn rain.

"Then let's search within [-] miles around this teleportation array, so that we can get back in the shortest time." He looked at the sky, and it was only noon, so he naturally had time to go out for a walk, although the area around the teleportation array There are many monks, and with the strength of the four of them, it won't be too dangerous to be careful.


The four turned around and left, choosing a direction and heading straight without any intention of stopping. The moment they left, a huge figure emerged from the ground.

With a body of two feet long and two shining eyes, he kept turning, and then looked at the direction Li Qiuyu was leaving. With a swing of his fat body, he disappeared in the same place in an instant, and his reappearance was already forbidden by the teleportation array.

"Brother Xiao, let's not separate now. The monks here are very powerful. We still have a little self-protection ability together. If we separate, we will definitely encounter danger." He stopped in a remote place.

On the way they passed, the strength of each group was very strong, usually eight or nine qi training nine layers together, and some groups even had ten layers of monks.

Seeing such a combination, Zhang Tianhang, who originally thought he was very powerful, lost his confidence. In this cracked space, he no longer has an absolute advantage in the field. Just on the way they passed by, he encountered three or four qi training tenth levels. layer master.

Fortunately, Duifeng didn't make any plans for the four of them. It didn't mean that Li Qiuyu and the others climbed up to each other, but that they didn't want to cause trouble at this time. Everyone understood this truth.

Besides, in broad daylight, who would go to kill people to seize treasures? To kill people and seize treasures is to find a single monk, and only do it when they have an absolute advantage.

"That's right, there are quite a few masters in this cracked space, not to mention the ninth level of qi training, there are also many at the tenth level." Han Yulong showed a rare solemn look on his face.

"I don't know the strength of the last time I came in, but the masters who came in this time exceeded my expectations. At first I thought that relying on the strength of the ninth level of Qi training, as long as luck is not too bad, I won't encounter much trouble. How could you know that you met your old enemy before you came in, and now that you have broken through to the tenth floor, there are so many tenth-layer masters inside."

Zhang Tianhang shook his head emotionally, aggrieved, but then he relaxed, glanced at Li Qiuyu who was standing opposite, saw that Li Qiuyu didn't care at all, probably knew that Li Qiuyu didn't regard these people as enemies.

As long as he is strong, he has no enemies in his eyes. Although he is at the tenth level of qi training, he does not have the indifferent attitude of Li Qiuyu, who is at the eighth level of qi training. Maybe this is self-confidence.

"Let's go, let's go to a place where there are thousand-year-old medicinal materials, but there are two fifth-order monsters in that place." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he looked at the three of them to see how they reacted.

"Two Tier [-] monsters"


Sure enough, when Li Qiuyu finished speaking, the three of them were completely stunned. Two fifth-level monsters, what kind of concept is that? Even if a tenth-level master is in front of it, there is not much chance to fight back.

After all, the fifth-level monsters are the strength of the foundation-building stage, and even five monks who practice qi at the tenth level cannot kill them, let alone two fifth-level monsters together, it is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

"Why, you guys are scared." Li Qiuyu said lightly, without the slightest expression on his face.

"Brother Li thought about it a lot. With Brother Li here, we are naturally not afraid." Zhang Tianhang said quickly.

"I don't have any opinions, I'm just too surprised by the strength of the two fifth-order monsters together." Xiao Yuefeng also said softly, it's no wonder, he has seen the strength of the fifth-order monsters with his own eyes. [Hope to break through 400 collections, please work hard]

"Then let's go, maybe the opinion will be resolved by someone else. It's not impossible." After Li Qiuyu finished speaking, he paused for a while, sorted out the locations provided by the blood eagle eagle in his mind, and found the right direction. swept out.

Seeing Li Qiuyu flying out, Zhang Tianhang and the three also hurriedly chased after them. The four of them were running in the tall and lush forest, and from time to time they encountered senior monks rushing in another direction.

Seeing many monks heading in the same direction, Li Qiuyu also felt that there must be some open secret among them, but he didn't know it, but now he will not give up the initial choice, even if he misses any good treasure, he will not Feel sorry.

The four of them flew for a day, and they had already exceeded the range of five hundred miles. They didn't hurry again, because there were already many masters rushing towards them in the same direction.

In order not to disturb other experts, the four of them stopped and walked slowly forward. Li Qiuyu calculated the distance, and it was not far from the place described by the blood eagle eagle, which was ten miles ahead.

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