Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 91 Tyrannosaurus 【For collection】

Along the way, the number of monks rushing to the front gradually increased. Among them, three or four monks on the tenth floor appeared in their sight, not to mention the monks on the ninth floor.

Half an hour later, the four of them went to a hidden place to hide. A group of monks appeared in front of them. Their strength was very impressive, but no one acted as cannon fodder first.

As the Blood Eagle Eagle said, there are two tyrannosaurus beasts of the fifth rank, one of the earth type and the other of the metal type. The metamorphosis of the beast.

The gold type tyrannosaurus beast's attack is also the fiercest. With such a combination, even two or three foundation-building stage monks may not be able to kill it easily.

What's more, monks who cannot enter the foundation-building stage in this crack space want to rely on Qi-training stage monks to kill two fifth-level tyrannosaurus beasts.The chances of that are almost slim.

The hiding place of Li Qiuyu and the others happened to be able to clearly see the tyrannosaur's entrenched place. The earth type tyrannosaurus was three feet long, and its whole body was covered by dark scales on its back. The shiny black scales made Li Qiuyu Qiu Yu swallowed her saliva. If this scale is used to refine defensive magic weapons, it will definitely be a super-existent existence.

And when he looked at the gold-type tyrannosaurus, he was even more excited. The defense may not be as good as the picture-type tyrannosaurus, but the golden scales all over his body are definitely a genius for refining attack weapons.

Not to mention the inner alchemy and bone blood inside, using the bone blood to make alchemy is definitely more effective than the previous year's medicinal materials. After thinking about it, these two tyrannosaurus beasts are still alive in front of them, and behind them are the thousand-year-old snow lotus guarded by them. The snow-white snow lotus is about the size of a bowl, blooming pretty on the cliff.

"Fellow Daoist Dongfang, fellow Daoist Baili, and fellow Daoists here, don't you want to get that thousand-year-old snow lotus and two fifth-order tyrannosaurus beasts?" He looked over, he was a middle-aged gentleman in white clothes, his cultivation base was not simple, he had already reached the peak of the tenth level of Qi training, as long as there was a Foundation Establishment Pill, he had the hope of stepping into the realm of admiration in the Foundation Establishment period.

"Fellow Daoist Murong, I think you want to get this millennium snow lotus in a hurry to refine the foundation building pill. Hehe, can you deal with two fifth-order tyrannosaurs by yourself?" Dongfang Yun heard Xiushi Murong's name call. When he came out, he naturally couldn't stay in the crowd to pick a bargain, so he gave Murong a look of resentment in his heart.

His cultivation is no worse than Murong's, and he is also a peak existence on the tenth level of Qi training. It seems that he is also eager to get the attention of the thousand-year-old snow lotus. Picking a cheap one, but being called by name, naturally it is not easy to hide.

"Two fellow daoists, long time no see, your cultivation level has improved a lot." Bailifei also walked out and came to Murong Zhan's place. After the two left, eight tenth-level monks walked out from the crowd. , They met with exceptional enthusiasm, as if meeting an old friend who had been separated for a long time.

Eleven qi training and ten levels stood together. This lineup was enough to make any combination disappear in an instant. Eleven people kept talking. After half an hour, eleven people finally unified their opinions.

"I have discussed it with other Taoist friends. We will all join forces to deal with these two tyrannosaurs. After the tyrannosaurs are eliminated, we will distribute the snow lotus and tyrannosaurus equally. I don't know if you have any opinions."

Xiushi Murong said loudly, within a radius of one mile, he transmitted his voice to everyone's ears one by one, which shows how advanced his cultivation is. After he finished speaking, no one objected or catered to him, and everyone else chatted about it. with.

At this time, the other ten monks on the tenth floor also returned to their team again, explaining softly, and after half an hour, they returned to Xiushi Murong again.

"If everyone is still planning to wait for us to eliminate the tyrannosaurus and take advantage of the opportunity, don't fight like that. I will give you a quarter of an hour to think about it. All the fellow daoists who have joined forces will gather here. Others You can leave now." After Xiushi Murong finished speaking, the zhenqi in his whole body instantly rose, and a powerful coercion rose to the sky, as did the other ten monks.

In less than a quarter of an hour, a small group of people had already left slowly, and the rest began to prepare to attack. Although they knew that they would not be able to deal with the fifth-level monsters, and even if they killed the fifth-level monsters, the snow lotus would not be seen. I have to be snatched by myself, but such an opportunity is hard to come by, so I can only fight for my luck with all my strength.

The four of Li Qiuyu hid far away, so naturally they would not be discovered by Murong Xiushi and others. He also liked watching tigers fight from the mountains the most. Being a hunter was naturally much better than being a oriole, although there were many hunters.

"Brother Li, should we leave first? It seems that we don't have much hope." Han Yulong saw the situation below, and naturally knew the difficulties. If he wanted to use the four of himself to win the attention of many monks below. , this is a bit difficult to reach the sky.

"Let's take a look first. They don't focus on dealing with the Tyrannosaurus. Even if they try their best to deal with the Tyrannosaurus, there will not be many people left in the end. We will take the opportunity to fight at that time."

Li Qiuyu's eyes were slightly closed, and he put his consciousness out. Everything that was prosperous in front of him was in his mind. He also quickly calculated how to get the two tyrannosaurs into his hands and how to escape from here. [Seek collection and recommendation, strive to break through 500 collections]

"Well, in fact, there are many masters in these four weeks, and it seems that they are ready to be a hunter." Zhang Tianhang said softly. He is a monk on the tenth level of Qi training, and his spiritual consciousness is only weaker than Li Qiuyu. You can see the situation in your eyes.

The following battle has already begun. A group of earth monks form a defensive wall, and let other monks with strong attacks continue to attack the two tyrannosaurs. The distance between the two sides is nearly twenty feet. Body, can not bring the slightest influence on Tyrannosaurus.

On the other hand, the monks below, with a soil thorn from the earth-type tyrannosaurus, the number of monks in front would fall down, and the monks who were stabbed were all killed instantly. In just a dozen or so breaths, there are already forty or fifty A monk who practiced Qi at the seventh or eighth level was killed, and all of them fell under the earth thorns of the earth type Tyrannosaurus beast.

And that gold-type tyrannosaur stared at the other ten-level monks with its huge eyes, and lay motionless on the spot, showing no sign of attacking.

Tier [-] monsters already have the wisdom of adults, so they naturally understand that the people in front of them are all sent to death to consume their physical strength. As long as their own lives are not affected, they will not attack humans at the same time with the earth type Tyrannosaurus monk.

"This gold-type tyrannosaurus is really difficult to deal with. It seems that it also knows that we are playing wheel tactics. Let's step up our attack and deal with this earth-type tyrannosaurus first." Xiushi Murong chuckled, this result is exactly what he wanted Yes, if two tyrannosaurs attack at the same time, his plan will also fail.

"Then let's get the other people on the seventh and eighth floors to step up their attacks." Bailifei pondered for a moment, then said slowly.

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