When the green-eyed beast saw someone running away under its own nose, it was furious, roared loudly, and spit out a fist-sized bead from its mouth, and the bead kept spinning in the air.

The shocking spiritual pressure also began to intensify the trembling. At this time, the lake water boiled like boiling water. Then, the lake water turned into dozens of water columns gathered and shot towards the fleeing monks on the shore.

"Ah, ah..."

The screams continued to come from the mouth of the damaged monk, and Han Wuji behind Li Qiuyu was not calm at first, and his face became cloudy and uncertain.

Seeing the power of the green eyes, Li Qiuyu also had the idea of ​​retreating, the contents of the box were not known yet, even if it was a miraculous technique, he had to save his life first.

He lifted his whole body, and the true energy circulated endlessly in the major meridians. He wanted to stretch his body to escape, but the spiritual pressure of the green-eyed beast was too amazing, which made his movements a little slow. Lift the blessing on the limbs.

A jet of water shot towards his back. Knowing the power of this infusion, he didn't dare to be careless, so he unfolded the body shield, and an earthen wall appeared in front of him instantly.


The earth wall did not block the speed of the water jet at all, and the entire water jet hit him. He felt his blood surge, his throat was sweet, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Seeing the opportunity, Li Qiuyu retreated quickly with the impact of the water jet. In this way, his speed of escape was accelerated. When he was escaping, he saw that Han Wuji was shot by the water jet at the same time.

But the moment he was hit, a black-clothed monk behind him did not know what kind of secret technique was used, and his whole body suddenly moved, blocking Han Wuji's body.

Without the slightest suspense, the black-clothed monk on the tenth floor fell instantly. At the moment he fell, he stretched out his palm and pushed Han Wuji. With the help of the black-clothed monk, he also quickly escaped from the green-eyed beast. attack range.

Li Qiuyu was very puzzled. : "This Han Wuji is really incomprehensible. The people under him actually sacrificed themselves to fulfill him."

Running fast, the screams behind him kept ringing, each scream represented the loss of a monk, Li Qiuyu was also shocked by the strength of this green-eyed beast.

The sixth-order monster is the real strength of the late foundation establishment stage, and this green-eyed beast has far exceeded the strength of the late foundation establishment stage. No one doubts that it is the strength of the alchemy stage.

He escaped from the shore two hundred feet away, Li Qiuyu thought to himself, "It seems that this green-eyed beast will not come out again."

But to his surprise, the green-eyed beast shook its head and slammed itself into the lake. At this time, the entire lake exploded, and countless huge water jets shot up into the sky. The monks in the lake were like descending It fell straight down like rain, and within two breaths, there was no monk in the lake.

The green-eyed beast swayed in the air, turned into a green afterimage, and quickly chased in his direction. Only now did he know what real speed is.

It's so bad, the green-eyed beast didn't chase the other monks, but chased in its own direction. There were only twenty or so directions in which to escape, and Li Qiuyu was only in the middle.


Han Wuji was the last part to escape, and the direction was exactly the same as his own. Five or six fleeing monks around him were instantly killed by the green-eyed beast in a few breaths, and a huge water column spewed out of its mouth again, fiercely hitting Han Promise hit.

Seeing that Han Wuji was about to suffer like the other monks, he stretched out his hands, and a black mist blocked the water column, and the black mist blocked the water column unexpectedly.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he turned into a black shadow, escaped from the attack of the green-eyed beast in an instant, and finally surpassed several monks, and Li Qiuyu got closer and closer.

Seeing that Han Wuji was able to escape the attack of the green-eyed beast alive, Li Qiuyu secretly had the intention of dying for him, and as soon as this intention arose, he had the intention of killing Han Wuji.

The existence that threatens him must be killed in the cradle, but this is obviously not the best time to kill him, and besides, he does not have much confidence in killing him.

"Brother Li, I didn't expect you to walk so fast, and without waiting for my little brother, you almost lost your life." Han Wuji was five feet away from Li Qiuyu, smiled lightly, and said lightly.

"Brother Han escaped the danger unscathed?" Li Qiuyu also said with a smile, not surprised by Han Wuji's performance at all, and there was no expression on his face.

The two were running fast, and the monks behind were quickly lost one by one, and the two also surpassed the few monks who fled in front, and there was no more monk in front of them.


The green-eyed beast chased and killed all the way, and sent all the monks in this direction to hell. Seeing that the two figures thirty feet away were still running away, after a while of roaring, the entire huge body disappeared on the spot, and once again When it appeared, it had already come to the sky above the two of them, and a paw slapped down on them fiercely.

The huge claw shadow came down instantly with a devastating attack. Li Qiuyu instantly moved the Nine Transformations of the Phoenix. Even so, he could only move his body away by less than a foot. The slowing effect, how could he, an eighth-level Qi training monk, be able to move.

In a panic, he remembered the Vajra Cover Talisman Paper. When the claw shadow fell on his body, the Vajra Cover had just been sacrificed, and at the same time as the Vajra Cover was sacrificed, the body shield also wrapped his whole body.


The destructive force instantly shattered the vajra cover, and then shattered the body cover, and the claw shadow slapped fiercely on his body. He felt a violent surge in his heart, and his whole body was blown away. Go out ten feet away.

And Han Wuji also suffered the blow of destruction when Li Qiuyu was photographed, but he was not as bleak as Li Qiuyu. Several strange defensive magic weapons blocked him layer by layer, and he was also blocked by a thick black It was covered by the light shield, but the final encounter was the same as Li Qiuyu's, being slammed to the ground.

It's just that he was not as lucky as Li Qiuyu. The claw shadow attacked Li Qiuyu from the side, and the attack he suffered was from top to bottom. Li Qiuyu was shot ten feet away, while he was slammed into the ground.

A big pit a foot deep, and he lay half dead in it.His idea of ​​pretending to be dead was unsuccessful. He thought that the green-eyed beast would fly away, but he knew that the green-eyed beast knew that he was not dead, so another claw shadow shot it down, and its entire huge body quickly moved towards it. Shoot the ground.

Li Qiuyu was shot flying to the ground, and his consciousness gradually became blurred. He knew that if he continued like this, he would definitely lose.With a ruthless heart, his right hand slashed fiercely towards his left arm, and a burst of pain made him a little more conscious.

Seeing that the blue-eyed beast was dealing with Han Wuji, he knew that there was no opportunity to lose, and with a thought, the blood eagle eagle appeared in front of his eyes. After the blood eagle carving came out, he felt the existence of the blue-eyed beast, and his body trembled non-stop. This is the level difference.


Li Qiuyu gave a loud drink, and quickly floated down on the back of the blood eagle, and a thought was passed into the mind of the blood eagle, and the blood eagle's consciousness felt a sharp pain, so he had to fly up quickly, and headed inward. Rapid flight.

At the moment of leaving, he saw Han Wuji's whole body under the claws of the green-eyed beast.And his body was wrapped in several streaks of black thick fog, and a huge black pillar blocked the paws of the green-eyed beast, and there was a hint of pain on his face.

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