Dragon God Emperor

Chapter 99 The Tyrannosaurus Lost

"Well, I probably don't need to take action in the future." Li Qiuyu thought to himself while watching Han Wuji's situation on the back of the blood eagle eagle.

From the attack of the green-eyed beast to the escape, it only took a few breaths. He was always afraid of the strength of the sixth-order monster, the green-eyed beast. This is the gap in the real realm, which cannot be made up by external forces.

"Boom, boom."

Li Qiuyu flew nearly five hundred feet, and had already turned a few turns in the canyon. He was startled by the two loud noises behind him, and he admired Han Wuji in his heart. Can make such a big movement.

"It's time to end"

The sixth-level green-eyed beast is definitely not something a monk at the ninth level of qi training can deal with. The chance of escaping is almost negligible. If it weren't for his good luck, and this blood eagle eagle, he would definitely be lost.

While he was dreaming on the back of the blood eagle, a shocking coercion from behind approached quickly, and the speed was beyond his imagination.


His whole body, including the Blood Eagle Eagle, was slapped down by the shocking coercion, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his severely injured heart was subjected to this violent attack again, making it difficult for him to move his fingers.

"Human, let me see where you are going to escape." The green-eyed beast made a resounding voice, its eyes were extremely angry, and it looked cruelly at the ants on the ground below.


Li Qiuyu didn't have time to talk, and besides, he didn't have the strength to talk.

"If you can escape one from me, do you have the other luck?" the green-eyed beast said angrily, and its whole body slammed into Li Qiuyu.

"One escaped?"

Li Qiuyu was terrified in his heart, the person he thought of must be Han Wuji, but he didn't expect to escape from this sixth-order green-eyed beast.

It turned out that when Han Wuji saw the imminent damage, he felt ruthless, a black bead appeared in his hand, and the black air in the bead flowed away. He sprayed a mouthful of blood on the bead, and suddenly black light flashed around him, and on the other side of the blue-eyed beast When the paw was slapped, the whole person disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already on the top of the mountain ten miles away.

"Could it be lost here?"

Li Qiuyu felt desperation in his heart, and a trace of unwillingness appeared in his eyes. When he saw the god of death slowly approaching him, a trace of thought trembled, and the sapphire sword of the space necklace appeared in front of him. True essence was injected into the sapphire sword, and traces of purple-white arcs flickered non-stop.

A strange scene appeared, the green-eyed beast that had hit the ground with shocking speed slowed down when it came into contact with the purple-white arc.

Enduring the severe pain, Li Qiuyu rolled on the spot, and his whole body escaped from the attack range of the green-eyed beast, and came two feet away. The moment he left, the green-eyed beast also slammed into the ground fiercely. In an instant, a large pit with two squares appeared on the ground, a full two feet deep, and Li Qiuyu happened to be at the edge of the pit.


The green-eyed beast roared furiously, he had no choice but to roar, the first time he was tricked by Han Wuji, and finally escaped from his claws, now he was dodged by Li Qiuyu, and threw himself into the pit.

After a loud roar, the whole huge body quickly rushed out of the pit again, the strong wind swept Li Qiuyu five feet away, and slammed into the stone wall fiercely.


He was also irritated by the attack of the blue-eyed beast. With a movement of his consciousness, the space necklace moved slightly, and two tyrannosaurs appeared in front of him. After the earth-type tyrannosaurus came out, he found the coercion that made him afraid. It is more terrifying than the coercion of humans, because it is also a monster, and it would rather face a high-ranking human than a high-ranking monster. This is a kind of instinctive restraint and fear.

Before it could react, the green-eyed beast's claws hit it hard, and its huge body was knocked violently and fell to the ground.

"Roar, roar, roar."

Three huge monsters roared violently. The Blood Eagle Eagle had been beaten immobile by the attack of the green-eyed beast, and lay on the ground looking at Li Qiuyu in despair.

The original battle between humans and beasts instantly turned into a battle between monsters and beasts. The two Tyrannosaurus looked at the Bi-eyed Beast tremblingly, and just blocked Li Qiuyu behind them. It was not that they deliberately blocked the enemy for Li Qiuyu, but that they Standing right in front of Li Qiuyu, they didn't allow them to change direction at all.

The earth-type tyrannosaur's defense was super strong, and it didn't suffer much trauma after being hit by the green-eyed beast. The three huge monsters roared and slammed into each other fiercely.

Originally, the fifth-level monsters were afraid of the sixth-level monsters, but in order to survive, they would not wait for death. Desperation was the only chance of survival. For a while, the green eye beast did not kill the two tyrannosaurs.

"Touch, touch..."

The sound of violent impact continued to resound, and Li Qiuyu couldn't move even an inch. The sand and stones blown up by the strong wind greeted him one after another.

"Hehe, I have calculated everything, but I never thought that I would fall into the mouth of a sixth-order monster." He thought desperately, and the time passed by.

The fifth-order monsters are still not able to compete with the sixth-order monsters. In a moment, the two tyrannosaurs were also killed by the destructive attack of the blue-eyed beast, but the blue-eyed beast didn't feel too good, and there were countless bloodstains on its body.

"Human, let's see what tricks you have to play now. This deity will give you a good time." After the green-eyed beast dealt with the earth-type tyrannosaurus, it looked at the two tyrannosaurs on the ground, and the last pair of fist-sized eyes looked at the tyrannosaurus. Li Qiuyu by the stone wall.


The green-eyed beast stomped on the ground with its limbs, lifted its whole body off the ground, and patted Li Qiuyu, thinking inwardly, "Humans, die."

Li Qiuyu also slowly closed her eyes, her heart was filled with despair. At this moment, the space in her chest trembled slightly. This slight tremor was naturally felt by a monk like Li Qiuyu.

A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, since his soul could be brought to the whole world, he didn't know the secret of this space necklace at all, so he immediately lifted the last piece of true essence, and slowly poured it into the space necklace with his weak consciousness.

The space necklace emits a gray light, followed by a green light. After the green light appears, several different colors of light appear one after another, forming a colorful light shield that wraps the space necklace. The light shines non-stop in the sun.

All of this was done in an instant. Li Qiuyu naturally didn't see the light, but the green-eyed beast saw all of this, and was horrified in his mind. He shifted direction and slapped Li Qiuyu one foot away. [Strongly recommend adding group 151777724]

Its whole body was also slammed out fiercely, and although Li Qiuyu was not hit, she was also sent flying two feet away by the strong residual force.


Before he landed, he had already spurted a mouthful of blood in the air, and his breath gradually became weaker after landing, and he was only supported by a wave of thoughts.

"Human, where did your necklace come from?" The Bi-eyed Beast stabilized its body and looked at Li Qiuyu, who was two feet away, his eyes were full of anticipation, and there was an inexplicable complex look in the anticipation look.

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