Chapter 521 Want to Divorce

Was the old lady sent away?

The next day, Tang Ruanruan knew the answer.

When Luo Zhaoyao came over to bring her breakfast, he told her the news.

"The old lady hanged herself last night, but she was discovered by Sheng Nanchuan. She didn't die! But she didn't leave either!"

This operation.

Tang Ruanruan was so shocked that he almost forgot to wash his face, it was Luo Zhaoyao who felt sorry for his wife and washed her face to slow her down.

"Real suicide or fake?"

Tang Ruanruan didn't believe that the old lady would commit suicide, such a selfish person would never do such a thing.

Luo Zhaoyao shrugged, he didn't know either, but he only knew after seeing Sheng Nanchuan's exhausted look.

Ms. Liao, who got up early, just sneered when she heard the news.

The white cat in her arms also barked in unison.

Tang Ruanruan: "..."

I knew Ms. Liao looked down on this kind of thing very much.

Just at this time, Xiao Lin also came over and told them what happened.

"I really didn't say that, just last night, the old lady committed suicide. It was too fake. When we passed by, there was no trace of the old lady's neck. It was obviously for outsiders to see, forcing the head of Sheng Had to let her stay."

Xiao Lin lived next door, and when there was commotion at night, she heard it.

Yin Xintong, who was eating breakfast quietly, hardly changed his expression.

It seems to be quite disgusting.

She could imagine what her mother-in-law was up to, but she couldn't figure out why Sheng Nanchuan was threatened by such a thing.

Then if she makes a fuss, can she get a divorce?
In many cases, divorce is not because of not being in love, but because of some things that have to divorce. For example, in the current situation, in order to protect himself, Yin Xintong may close all his feelings.

Tang Ruanruan feels sorry for Yin Xintong. She was such a cheerful woman before, but now she has become like this.

A creature like mother-in-law, if one doesn't get along well, one will completely lose the courage to live.

After dinner, Tang Ruanruan sent Luo Zhaoyao away, and then turned around to accompany Ms. Liao and Yin Xintong.

"Go and do it quickly. I saw several scumbags strolling past the door, looking upset. I'll help you look after this girl. She won't let her think about it and do stupid things!"

Ms. Liao couldn't stand it, and urged Tang Ruanruan to leave quickly. It was Li Tanhua and the others who passed by and looked into the yard over and over again. The white cat in Ms. Liao's arms was tired of looking at it.

Tang Ruanruan said embarrassingly that she would come over after finishing her work, and then ran out.

There were only Ms. Liao and Yin Xintong in the yard. One of them fell into their own quiet time, and the other completely closed their hearts and didn't want to talk, but they got along well.

"Want to get a divorce?"

When Yin Xintong thought Ms. Liao had fallen asleep, she suddenly spoke.

Yin Xintong was stunned for a moment and then said: "If there is still no way to solve this matter, we can only divorce."

Ms. Liao opened her eyes: "You survived the enemy's guns, why can't you deal with an old lady?"

This also made Yin Xintong not know how to answer.

The mother-in-law is not the enemy after all.

Can this be treated the same?

Her eyes were full of shock, and then she asked, "I'm afraid Sheng Nanchuan will hate me!"

Ms. Liao was overjoyed.

"Then you make your children hate you?"

If you compare some things, you will find the answer.

"In my opinion, this matter is very simple. You are scared by yourself. You are just an old lady, but you know how to act like a shrew. You are a cultured and capable woman. How can you be afraid of her? It's nothing more than If you are afraid that men will dislike your methods, then why are you afraid that men will dislike you? Because you have lowered your posture too much."

Ms. Liao's words seemed very reasonable, Yin Xintong listened to it.

She humbly asked, "Then what should I do?"

Ms. Liao didn't cooperate now, "This is your own business, you think about it yourself!"

She went to pet the cat again, ignoring Yin Xintong who was beside him in deep thought.

How Yin Xintong thought about it, Tang Ruanruan didn't know, because she was busy, very busy.

"That bastard Hong Zhengyi dared to laugh at me, Ruan Ruan, let's not make steamed buns to argue, we must figure this out!"

Lan Ting was about to jump. When he saw Hong Zhengyi yesterday, he almost died of anger.

This will make the whole person very irritable.

Tang Ruanruan didn't dare to tell him how much time it would take. After all, she was the one who boasted, so she could only pinch her nose to recognize it.

After working, Tang Ruanruan quickly forgot everything, being busy is the biggest motivation.

When she finally finished her work and was about to go back to rest for a while, Xiao Lin squatted at the door for her.

"What's the matter? Is something wrong with Mrs. Yin again?"

Tang Ruanruan looked anxious.

Kobayashi nodded, then shook his head.

This confused Tang Ruanruan.

She had a puzzled look on her face, "Just tell me, I don't understand!"

Only then did Xiao Lin say: "Something happened, Sister-in-law Yin is fine, but something happened to Sister-in-law Yin's mother!"

Tang Ruanruan: "..."

What is going on every day?

Do you have to fight?
Seeing that Xiao Lin was not in a hurry, she didn't rush over, but asked, "Speaking in detail, what's going on."

It happened that she was hungry, so she took out a small bag of jerky, handed two to Xiao Lin, and picked up a molar for herself, and listened to the story by the way.

Xiao Lin was naturally happy to have something to eat, so he told Tang Ruan Ruan about it.

After Tang Ruanruan went to work today, Xiao Lin had dinner and arranged things at home, so he went to see if Yin Xintong had any problems, and wanted to see if there was anything she needed help with. The soldier on board called to stop, saying that Yin Xintong's family members had come to visit relatives.

She thought that the situation on Sheng Nanchuan's side was very complicated, so she took people to Ms. Liao's side first.

As a result, who would have thought that the visiting relatives were Yin Xintong's mother and Yin Xintong's sister-in-law.

Not long after they met, they mentioned Sheng Nanchuan, and it's not hard to imagine that they soon talked about Sheng Nanchuan's mother.

Naturally, contradictions arose all at once.

"It's not easy for me to stop. When I followed the past to watch, they had already started a fight. I had to protect Sister Yin for fear that something would happen to her, but nothing happened to Sister Yin. Sister Yin's mother was grabbed by her hair by her mother-in-law Hit the wall."

This thing is messed up.

Tang Ruanruan was shocked.

Is it still possible?
She asked in a low voice, "How is sister-in-law Yin doing now?"

Xiao Lin shook his head: "That's not true. Sister-in-law Yin is accompanying her mother in the clinic. As for her mother-in-law, she was directly taken away from the island by Leader Sheng."

Tang Ruanruan couldn't help but sigh, can this still be the case?

But she was injured, and she couldn't go there again, mainly because she didn't know what to say.

"Then why are you squatting with me here? It's meal time at this point, why don't you go back and cook for the children?"

Tang Ruanruan looked at Xiao Lin suspiciously, and Xiao Lin laughed dryly.

"It was when I was watching the excitement that I met Captain Luo. He told me to come to you and told you not to go to Ms. Liao's side."

(End of this chapter)

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