Chapter 522 Wait for me to come back
Tang Ruanruan looked puzzled.

Why not let her go to Ms. Liao?
Tang Ruanruan's expression was so obvious that Xiao Lin didn't dare not explain it.

"Captain Luo said it was because Ms. Liao was a bit angry. You might have been dragged out of the fire in the past, and you were easily accidentally injured!"

Tang Ruanruan: "..."

There is such an operation?
Really did not expect.

After having this concern, Tang Ruanruan didn't say anything, but didn't go to Ms. Liao's side, and the two walked slowly outside.

"Xiao Lin, what do you think about the opening of the island?"

Tang Ruanruan asked curiously.

Kobayashi sighed first.

"I don't know how to say it. Well, it's good. It's much more convenient to go in and out of the island. It doesn't take a month to go out, and the area is restricted. But it's not good. It's very chaotic outside now. The island Although it is not safe, it is simple, and it feels like it is only now open, and many people talk about things based on the outside situation."

Xiao Lin is acting as Yin Xintong's agent, and she said that these must be problems encountered at work.

Tang Ruanruan didn't ask specifically what happened, but just sighed.

It's not easy to do anything.

"Sister-in-law, do you know that all kinds of bills have shrunk recently? There are a lot fewer hands, and I don't know what will happen in the future. I always feel that life is not easy now."

Tang Ruanruan didn't realize Xiaolin's emotion, maybe she really didn't pay attention to these things.

Besides, although life on the island is very limited, no one will go hungry. Anyone who is diligent can go to the beach to pick up some seafood, and they will never starve to death.

The main reason is the shortage of food and daily necessities.

This is the head.

While talking, they went to the cafeteria, planning to finish their meal in the cafeteria before going there.

However, there are not many people in the cafeteria today, the team has gone to practice, family members seldom come to eat, at most they come to buy some staple food.

As soon as they had lunch and found a place to sit down, someone approached them.

"Why are you here? Didn't you go to practice?"

When Xiao Lin saw that her man had actually come over, he looked puzzled.

The man Xiaolin laughed dryly: "I'm not looking for you, I'm looking for my sister-in-law."

Tang Ruanruan looked at Mr. Xiao Lin suspiciously, and Mr. Xiao Lin hurriedly said: "Sister-in-law, our team leader asked me to come and find you. He hasn't come back yet. Before he left, he told me about family affairs, please help me to look at it." Hold on a bit."

It turned out that Sheng Nanchuan asked them to help take care of Yin Xintong, which was a good thing.

After dinner, Tang Ruanruan still thought that she should go back and see Ms. Liao, lest she get angry, then I don't know what will happen.

Xiaolin did not accompany Tang Ruanruan, but went home with her man.

When Tang Ruanruan was walking to Ms. Liao's yard, she ran into Luo Zhaoyao who was looking for her.

Luo Zhaoyao took Tang Ruanruan and left, not letting her go to Ms. Liao at all.

"What happened? Let go of me first!"

It was still early in the day, but Luo Zhaoyao brought her to a small valley, which was considered to be a very secluded place on the island.

Tang Ruanruan originally wondered what Luo Zhaoyao brought her here for, but when she saw this small valley, she gave up asking, but wandered around in the valley, unexpectedly found a lot of medicinal herbs, which were squeezed and dug up by the bodhi seeds.

When she was tired from digging, Luo Zhaoyao asked her: "Aren't you going to go back today?"

Yesterday, because the old man came over, and the people on the island are all human, he had no way to keep Tang Ruanruan. As a result, the daughter-in-law went to work again today, and she didn't have time to talk to her properly. It would be hard to catch someone, how could she be willing to let her go? go back.

Tang Ruanruan saw that it was quiet here, and after making sure there was no one around, she led him into the space.

While ordering Luo Zhaoyao to help him plant the herbs he brought in, he asked, "What's wrong with you? Did something happen?"

Luo Zhaoyao shook his head.

It's not that something happened, it's that he misses his wife.

But he was afraid that if he said this, Tang Ruanruan would say that he was hypocritical, so he could only say: "I'm just not used to it!"

The two were already together before, why should they separate now?

Obviously the two people have a marriage certificate, and they already know each other's mind, why should they separate like this?Just uncomfortable.

Tang Ruanruan couldn't help laughing, but she never thought that Luo Zhaoyao would lose his temper.

She leaned close to him, tilted her head and asked, "But we didn't have a wedding, isn't it normal that they won't let us be together?"

Luo Zhaoyao squinted at the woman who was smiling like a little fox.

"Then let's hold a wedding with Qin Tiancheng and the others, what do you think?"

He can't wait to have the wedding today, so that no one will stop them from being together.

Tang Ruanruan felt that such a smart person as Luo Zhaoyao would sometimes be confused.

"Don't be like this, I think it's pretty good now, just like talking about someone."

It is safer to talk about a partner after marriage, and now she likes this feeling very much, so she is very at ease.

Luo Zhaoyao was about to cry.

Regardless of Tang Ruanruan's objection, she held the man in her arms.

"You know what I'm talking about!"

Tang Ruanruan saw the man who was close at hand, and saw the look in his eyes, of course she knew what he was referring to, but she just wanted to tease him.

Besides, they are facing a lot of difficulties now, Tang Ruanruan is always uneasy.

The two got closer and closer, and they were about to kiss. Bodhizi said beside him: "I'm still here, don't pollute the eyes of elves, don't you know that elves are very innocent?"

The Bodhizi circled around the two people twice, Luo Zhaoyao was reluctant to let go, but Tang Ruanruan pushed him away, straightened his clothes, pinched the small tender leaf of the Bodhizi and asked, "Are you skinny today? Tell me Look, why did it pop up all of a sudden?"

Bodhizi pointed to the picture that popped up not far away and said: "I kindly remind you, you will know after watching it!"

Tang Ruanruan and Luo Zhaoyao walked in front of the screen and fell into silence when they saw the content on it.

"Are these people crazy?"

Tang Ruanruan asked Luo Zhaoyao next to her, and Luo Zhaoyao took her into his arms, looking at the scene in the picture with dangerous eyes.

"Is it crazy, I don't know, but I know they may be really crazy soon!"

Even Tang Ruanruan could feel Luo Zhaoyao's anger.

He was angry that this happened.

"what are you going to do?"

Tang Ruanruan looked away from the screen again and looked at Luo Zhaoyao seriously.

I hope he will not do impulsive things. The picture is sent back by Bodhizi in real time. Even if he goes out now, it should be too late.

Bodhizi said in circles beside him, "You have to make a decision early. According to the current speed, you will soon float here. It's hard to say what will happen then."

As soon as Bodhizi finished speaking, Luo Zhaoyao put a hat on him.Its line of sight was completely blocked.

The little guy could only hear some noises, and when it broke free from the hat, it saw Tang Ruanruan's blush, and Luo Zhaoyao was helping her wipe the corners of her mouth.

Luo Zhaoyao grabbed his hat and said softly to Tang Ruanruan, "Trust me, wait for me to come back!"

(End of this chapter)

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