Abandoned factory, dark, cold, rusty, fearful.

An indistinct figure ran away in a panic, staggered accidentally, and fell forward, and the muffled groan of pain came out clearly.

Ignoring the severe pain coming from his left knee, the figure rolled over two meters on the rusty steel plate floor without even the slightest pause, and quickly got up.

Murong Xiao limped, turned left suddenly, and stepped into a gloomy corridor.

The dim light flickered on and off, and the dark and hideous cracks on the wall appeared faintly, which looked very strange and frightening in the narrow and wet corridor.

"Boom, Boom, Boom"

Behind Murong Xiao, there was still a series of unhurried footsteps.

No need to look back, Murong Xiao knew that there must be nothing behind her.

Ever since Murong Xiao signed his name on a goddamn invitation letter, this weird dream has haunted him every day, causing him unspeakable misery.

"Damn it! How can there be such a real dream."

Feeling the tingling pain from the gradual numbness of his left knee, Murong Xiao couldn't help cursing.

"Quack, enjoy the fear!"

A piercing sound like a broken gong sounded behind him, and a cold breath hit the brain along the spine, infinitely magnifying the trace of fear in Murong Xiao's heart...

"Enjoy your sister!"

Murong Xiao's face suddenly turned pale, and several bean-sized beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Biting his lower lip without hesitation, the intense pain gave him the courage to continue struggling.

At the end of the corridor is a decaying wooden door, the metal door handle has long been corroded, and only a few rusty nails that are about to fall off remain.

Sure enough, it hasn't changed!Murong Xiao's eyes were fixed, and a gleam of light flashed.

"Quack, there is progress, Jiejie."

Behind Murong Xiao, in the void, a faint phantom manifested and condensed into reality.

It was a pitch-black arm with thick fingers, shining with a sharp metal-like light.The forearm is extremely thick, and it is covered with black snake scales of different sizes, reflecting a little bit of light.


The five fingers like steel knives tore through the air, cut through the clothes, and pulled out a long bloody mouth on Murong Xiao's back.

Murong Xiao only felt a numbness on her back, and her clothes were wet and stuck to her skin tightly.

"Bang!" "Crunch!"

Murong Xiao kicked open the wooden door, and the dust raised up, accompanied by the sound of the wooden door being overwhelmed, hit the wall heavily and shattered.

Murong Xiao didn't care about the injury on her back, and slowly stepped up the stairs behind the door.

Holding on to the handrail tightly, Murong Xiao rushed up the stairs at the fastest speed in his life, not only using his legs, but even his arms to the extreme.

The top floor of the factory is not high, only seven floors, but for Murong Xiao, the distance between life and death.

Extreme fear, extremely real pain, rapid breathing, scarlet blood, and frantic heartbeat.Everything prevents Murong Xiao from treating it as a dream.He had a strong premonition that if he died here, it would be a real death!

In the face of death, there is no reason not to work hard.

"Once, twice, three times...five times!"

Murong Xiao silently calculated in her heart, she didn't need to turn her head to know that the terrifying creature behind her had completely revealed its figure.

As a result, naturally there were four deep bloodstains on Murong Xiao's back.


Murong Xiao's eyes lit up, and a wooden door full of decay appeared in his eyes.

Taking a deep breath, Murong Xiao almost rushed forward, knocked open the wooden door with his body, and rolled into the roof.

"Huh!" Murong Xiao's last strength had been exhausted by this pounce, and now he was lying on the ground panting heavily, and the big mouthful of air was inhaled into his lungs, which made him feel that life was so wonderful.

"Quack, why don't you run away? Have you given up struggling and are you going to be my food?"

A terrifying creature covered in pitch black and covered with irregular snake scales entered Murong Xiao's field of vision.

The creature was wrapped in a dirty black robe, and when it opened its mouth, it spit out an extremely stench.

"It's disgusting."

Murong Xiao frowned and looked at the extremely ugly creature with inverted facial features in front of him, and asked, "Why did you appear in my dream?"

The ugly creature's lips parted slightly, revealing a pair of criss-crossed sharp teeth. A snake-like tongue protruded from it, licking the blood on the sharp claws intoxicated.

After a while, he finally made a sound: "Are you still planning to struggle to the death? You are enlightened and become my food. You should be proud of it."

As it spoke, it slowly moved towards Murong Xiao.


Its pace is neither rush nor slow, with the rhythm of music, every step seems to be stepping on Murong Xiao's heart.Murong Xiao's heart rate was infected by its rhythm, and started beating with its footsteps.

This feeling is very uncomfortable, as if someone took a sledgehammer and slammed hard on the chest.

Murong Xiao's face was sometimes flushed and sometimes pale, but she insisted on standing up, and retreated quietly.

"I can feel the hesitation, hesitation, and fear in your heart. It's the perfect seasoning. I really can't wait."

The ugly creature pressed on step by step, and soon forced Murong Xiao to the guardrail of the rooftop, with no way to retreat.

"Despair, fear!" The ugly creature stuck out its disgusting tongue, its eyes glowed green, and it couldn't wait to pounce on it!

Its speed was indescribable, it seemed like a gust of wind, and the sharp fingers like steel knives landed on Murong Xiao in the blink of an eye.

As early as the moment the ugly creature's eyes glowed green, Murong Xiao was already ready, and threw her body to the side with all her might.

Therefore, instead of being thrown down by the ugly creature, his paws brushed his shoulders, leaving a large piece of flesh with him.

"Woo..." The ugly creature was full of fanaticism, and desperately stuffed the flesh and blood in its hands into its mouth, unaware that there was a weird smile on the corner of Murong Xiao's mouth.

"There is a price to pay for eating my meat!"

Murong Xiao resisted this heart-piercing pain, and tried his best to slam into the ugly creature that devoured flesh and blood.

Yes, yes, he slammed his body into this ugly creature like crazy!

"Bang!" Murong Xiao ruthlessly collided with the ugly creature like a shell fired.

Murong Xiao's impact was extremely powerful, exhausting all the strength in his body, and knocking him and the ugly creature out of the guardrail together.

"Oh no! What did you do?!!"

The rapidly falling body rubbed against the air violently, and the whistling wind roared in the ears. This ugly and terrifying creature finally woke up from the frenzy and let out a scream of fear.

Outside the guardrail is a thick fog, which connects to reality, and Murong Xiao has escaped back to reality by jumping off the building several times.

Relying on keen observation, careful planning, and bold actions, Murong Xiao finally pushed the creature off the roof.

In the past few times, Murong Xiao climbed to the top of the building and immediately jumped off, returning to reality to get a chance to breathe.

But as Murong Xiao's fear became more intense, the more damage this ugly creature caused him in his dream, his spirit became worse and worse, and it became easier to fall asleep.

Murong Xiao knew that if this situation continued, he would eventually die, so he made a crazy plan and put it into action.

Taking advantage of the ugly creature's arrogance, its cat-and-mouse mentality, and its extreme enthusiasm for its own flesh and blood, Murong Xiao led it into a trap step by step, and finally caught it.

Fortunately, it all went very smoothly.

"Damn, I'm going to kill you!"

The ugly creature roared in fear, and its claws tore Murong Xiao's body vigorously.

However, it's a pity that its strength seems to have been greatly weakened, its body was firmly locked by Murong Xiao, and it could no longer cause damage.

Seeing that the power of the ugly creature had been greatly weakened as he had guessed, Murong Xiao was really relieved. He knew that he had made the right bet and won his life back.

"Fear, ants."

"Look at how you, a disgusting creature, put a fork on me in the real world!"

Murong Xiao spat hard, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

Just like the horror-eating Freddy in Elm Street, he is omnipotent in his dream, but in reality he is like a mess.The same is true for this ugly creature, its heart is already filled with endless regret and fear.

"Do not!!!"

Following Murong Xiao through the thick fog, this creature let out an incomparably shrill howl, its body suddenly disintegrated into countless gray particles, and merged into Murong Xiao's body.


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