dream redemption

Chapter 2 Lucifer

(Twice a day for collection.)

In the forty-square-meter bedroom, there are simply a few furnishings. On Sim Mengsi's single bed, Murong Xiao's figure suddenly sat up.

His right hand quickly clenched the extremely sharp dagger beside the bed.The muscles of Murong Xiao's whole body were tense, ready to explode at any time.

Quietly in the not-so-spacious bedroom, wisps of fresh air slowly blow in from the half-opened windows, bringing a hint of coolness.

"That monster disappeared when it touched the barrier of reality."

The slight coolness made Murong Xiao's tense nerves relax a little, and he recalled all kinds of things in the dream one by one.

"Huh!" Murong Xiao fell on his back, heaved a sigh of relief, and finally relaxed completely.

It was only now that Murong Xiao realized that his whole body was soaked in cold sweat.

"Go take a shower first."

Murong Xiao put down the dagger, took some clean clothes and went straight into the bathroom.

The hair of the person in the mirror was disheveled, and his skin, which hadn't seen the sun for a long time, looked a little pale. There were two big dark circles on his delicate face, but his bloodshot eyes looked abnormally energetic at this moment.

After changing into clean clothes, she threw the sheets into the washing machine and put on new ones. Murong Xiao lay down comfortably, enjoying a quality sleep free from nightmares.

This sleep was the most peaceful time for Murong Xiao in this period of time. She slept for more than ten hours, and didn't wake up hungry until the night lights were bright and the cold moon was in the sky.

After frying two eggs, eating some washed vegetables and a few slices of bread, Murong Xiao sat down at the computer desk and started the computer.

Murong Xiao does not have high requirements on the taste of the food, as long as the nutrition is sufficient.

Log in to the website with ease, enter the author's zone, close the webpage after receiving the remuneration for this period of time, log in to a shooting game and play.

Murong Xiao is an Internet writer with a small reputation, relying on a relatively generous monthly remuneration to rent a one-bedroom apartment of [-] square meters.

Like most people, his life trajectory was ordinary, until an invitation letter fell from the sky 20 days ago...

After playing the game for a while, Murong Xiao's status has been adjusted and he is ready to disconnect from the network.

After all, Murong Xiao's mental state has been in a bad state during this period of time. In order not to affect the quality, he only eats the original manuscripts.

Inadvertently, Murong Xiao's eyes fell on the table, a cold golden raft full of mysterious lines.

The cowhide envelope that fell from the sky and flew into his hand was a very mysterious...invitation letter from God.

On the cold golden raft, mysterious black patterns circulated, swirling a strange and alluring aura.On the front, there are fantastic fonts, like dragons traveling, like phoenixes flying, strange mountains and rivers, rare birds and auspicious animals, very mysterious.

Although he couldn't read it, Murong Xiao had a kind of understanding in his heart that he could fully understand the meaning of these words.

"An invitation from God, to sign your real name."

This string of words has an irresistible strange charm, which made Murong Xiao write elegant names on it.

At this time, this invitation letter released an irresistible attraction again.

Murong Xiao stretched out her hand slowly, her slender fingers trembling slightly.

The moment his fingers touched the invitation letter, a stream of gray particles flowed from Murong Xiao's fingers and merged into the cold golden raft.

"The trial is complete, the evaluation is being generated..."

"Evaluation: Star-level, get a thousand dream powers, special reward: guide."

"The guide is transmitting...3...2...1, the transmission is complete."

"The guide is being realized...the realization is complete."

The cold golden raft floated up in a posture that violated the common sense of physics, and a bright golden glow bloomed in the midair. There were mysterious black lines flowing with golden lights, and a dreamlike voice sounded directly in Murong Xiao's mind.

After a series of formatted and rigid readings, the invitation letter shone like a small sun, and Murong Xiao couldn't help covering his eyes with his arms.

"It's been a long time since I was summoned, Lucifer, the guide of the stars..."

"Meet the master!"

The endless bright light gradually faded away, and a slightly jerky voice sounded in the room.

Guide, debut!

"This... what is the situation.

Murong Xiao was dumbfounded, staring at this strange...creature without blinking, his pupils sparkling with splendor.

Although everything that happened seemed so unbelievable, even though he was very surprised in his heart, Murong Xiao did not express it with excessive actions, but just sat quietly.

After a while, Murong Xiao's mind gradually calmed down, his eyes were half-closed, and various thoughts were spinning in his mind.

"I need an explanation."

Murong Xiao took a deep breath, trying to keep her voice as calm as possible.

"Master, your mental endurance is pretty good."

The voice of the guide Lucifer gradually mellowed, and when he said the last word, he was already very proficient.

"Master, I am the benefit of obtaining a star-level evaluation for your trial mission. My duty is to guide."

The guide Lucifer is about the size of a palm, and looks like an angel in Western myths and legends.With a light body and a pair of light wings flapping under his ribs, it brings out bursts of dreamy light and shadow. The exquisite facial features are as if sculpted by an art master with painstaking efforts. She is dressed in a gorgeous golden robe that cannot conceal her graceful curves, and her black hair hangs down to her waist like a waterfall.She perfectly combines all the advantages of Eastern and Western women. If she is enlarged to the size of a normal person, she will definitely be a stunning woman who can overwhelm the country and the city.

Murong Xiao naturally wouldn't have any thoughts about Lucifer, the size is wrong.However, Lucifer's words did not relieve the doubts in his heart.

"What trial task? What kind of evaluation is a star-level evaluation?"

Murong Xiao followed Lucifer's words and asked her own question.

"Master, the trial mission was set by Lord Oneiroi to test the quality and potential of the invitees."

Lucifer circled around Murong Xiao's head for a circle, landed on his left shoulder and sat down.

"As for star-level evaluations, in the settings of Lord Oneiroi, the evaluations are divided into seven levels: average, good, excellent, perfect, star, moon god, and fantasy. It is very difficult to obtain an evaluation above perfect, and the probability of Probably one in a billion."

Murong Xiao shrugged, and did not dislike Lucifer sitting on his shoulder.


Murong Xiao frowned, her strange experiences seemed to have a lot to do with him (her).

"Master Oneiroi is very great. All our guides are created by him. He is the supreme existence in the dream world."

With the exchange, Lucifer's feelings quickly enriched. When it came to the Oneiroi, she had a face full of admiration, and her tone was full of yearning.

"Lucifer, I can understand the invitee. But what is the significance of the invitee? Do you keep completing the task of being hunted down by monsters?"

"Of course not!"

Lucifer heard the dissatisfaction in Murong Xiao's words, wrinkled his delicate little nose, and explained: "Master, the invitees do need to complete various tasks continuously, but they are chosen by themselves. Of course, the trial tasks are exceptions."

Lucifer paused, and continued: "The mode of completing the mission is very similar to the game in the main world. There are failure penalties and generous rewards. The rewards you get can greatly enhance your own abilities. As long as you have enough Oneiroi power, becoming a superman is completely very easy. Simple. This is similar to the novel "Infinite Horror", but the ability in the dream world cannot be brought to the main world."

Having said that, Lucifer's voice already carried a hint of temptation.

"Hey, what about the punishment for mission failure? Choose the mission independently, so what if I don't accept the mission? Wouldn't it be obliteration?"

Murong Xiao pouted, he didn't believe such a good thing would happen.

"Tch, master, don't disappoint, Lucifer doesn't believe that master will be content with mediocrity."

Lucifer pouted, then became serious, and said, "Master, don't do it. If you don't accept the task, you won't have Oneiroi power. Oneiroi power is the currency of the dream world. If the invitees don't buy sleep time in the dream world, they will be Unable to fall asleep, the brain is exhausted. The failure of the task will only deduct some Oneiroi powers, even if you are in debt, you will have a period of time to receive the task and pay off the debt."

"So, master, you need to receive more tasks to complete. You are stronger than Lucifer before other guides... have confidence."

Lucifer blinked playfully, showing a little look of expectation.

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