(Currently there are seven No.20, I hope fellow Taoists will continue to work hard!)

However, the sudden ability cannot be well controlled from the beginning. It took Murong Xiao four days to fully master this elementary lightness kung fu. There will be no problems such as jumping too high or too far. will control.

"Return to the main world."

After staying in the dream space and mission world for more than three months, Murong Xiao missed her hut very much.

"Application approved, body No. 9527 is being transmitted..."

"Dream space items and abilities are detected; the items are stripped and returned when the invitee returns to the dream space; primary lightness skills and superficial internal force seals are automatically unsealed after returning to the dream space; physical fitness is abnormal, and the activation is restricted."


The slightly narrow bedroom, the flashing blue light of the computer screen, everything is so familiar and friendly.

It's just that the room has been covered with dust because it hasn't been cleaned for a long time.

"The computer is still on, and it hasn't been powered off for three months. It's a miracle."

"It hasn't broken after three months of standby. This computer is of good quality!"

"In other words, I suddenly lost my ability and felt very uncomfortable, as if I was carrying a weight."

After complaining a few words, Murong Xiao started to clean up. After working for a long time, he finally solved the hygiene problem. Fortunately, Murong Xiao's rent is paid annually, otherwise the landlord should report someone missing.

After more than three months, the fresh food in the refrigerator had already gone bad, so Murong Xiao tidied up her clothes and prepared to go shopping.

"Boom boom boom!"

Murong Xiao stuffed the skeuomorphic Lucifer into his pocket, and just as he reached the door, there was a knock on the door.

"Who could it be? Could it be that the landlord came to collect the rent?"

Murong Xiao muttered softly and opened the door.

The silver anti-theft door was slowly pushed open, and a long-lost fragrance made Murong Xiao's body tremble slightly, and he looked away.

Standing outside the door was an extremely beautiful woman.Three thousand black hairs were randomly tied behind the head by a purple hair band, and the snow-white skin did not apply any makeup, which could be broken by blowing a bomb, which could be described as a natural beauty.

Her eyes are clear and clean, like autumn water; her willow eyebrows are picturesque, her straight nose is straight, her lips are red;

<The breath of vitality is overflowing; she just stood like this, a kind of elegant temperament exudes, with a strange and bewitching atmosphere.

This is a woman who is enough to make countless people crazy, she can captivate the city with a smile, and captivate the country with another smile.

"Qing Wu, why is it you?"

Murong Xiao was stunned, and pushed the door completely open, her face flushed slightly, and her waist unconsciously straightened a little.

"Why isn't it me?" The woman named Qing Wu rolled her eyes at Murong Xiao, and said angrily, "Brother, I called Mr. Murong yesterday, and you didn't answer more than 100 calls. If you don't open the door again, I will tear it down." Already." <Feeling of the Wind.

"Uh...unfortunately, my mobile phone just broke down yesterday, and I'm going to buy it."

Feelings, my long standby time is because you ran out of battery.Murong Xiao couldn't help complaining in her heart.

"Really?" Bu Qingwu, that is, this beautiful woman curled her lips, missing the words "I don't believe it" on her face.

"Okay, brother forgive you, help me carry my luggage."

Bu Qingwu walked into the house with light steps, without seeing anything outside, took out a bottle of green tea from the refrigerator and took a sip of it.

Murong Xiao's mood suddenly became more comfortable, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, it seemed that even his movements became much lighter.

After dragging two large travel bags outside the door, Murong Xiao sat across from Bu Qingwu and asked, "Qingwu, why are you here?"

Bu Qingwu was leaning on the sofa relaxedly at this moment, her slender legs resting on the coffee table in an unladylike manner.

"You have the nerve to ask."

Bu Qingwu changed her posture, leaned on the sofa more comfortably, and said, "I wanted to call you yesterday to pick me up, but who would have thought it would be such a coincidence, Mr. Murong's cell phone is broken, so brother can only come here by himself." .”

"A bastard came to tease me on the road just now!"

Speaking of this bastard, Bu Qingwu changed into a good guy who was still perplexed...!This buddy is too courageous, I hope he can be humane in the rest of his life.

"Where is that bastard?! I must skin him!"

Murong Xiao looked filled with righteous indignation.

"Hmph! Your old lady has been ruined long ago!"

Bu Qingwu glared at Murong Xiao angrily, and then said, "I'm here to stay here this time, and I won't be going back this month's leave, is that okay?"

Judging by her posture, she is settled, if it was before, Murong Xiao would definitely be very happy.But now, with the identity of the invitee, he hesitated.

"Well, my place is small, it's not very good..."

"Why, don't you want to?"

Bu Qingwu glared at Murong Xiao fiercely, and said, "Okay, let's go."

That being said, she had no intention of leaving.Obviously, Murong Xiao was kicked out.

"Death is death!" Murong Xiao gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, but this is too small, I will return this and rent a two-bedroom apartment."

"That's right, yes. I'll go with you!"

Bu Qingwu jumped up from the sofa, dragged Murong Xiao out of the community, and went straight to the agency.

Murong Xiao and Bu Qingwu are high school classmates, and they have been at the same table for three years. In her words, they are brothers who can't be more iron, and they can get married if they go one step further.

After graduation, the two of them went to universities in different cities. Murong Xiao was expelled in his freshman year for some reason and became an online writer; while Bu Qingwu is a sophomore this year.

When I went to the real estate agency, there was nothing to look at. Later, Bu Qingwu fell in love with a small villa in the eastern suburbs and insisted on renting it.

The owner of the villa is in urgent need of funds for his business, so he plans to sell the villa quickly at a low price.

Ever since, Bu Qingwu took out a credit card, swiped 300 million without blinking her eyes, and then said pitifully: "Mr. Murong, my brother is completely poor, and I will rely on you from now on."

Murong Xiao: "..."

The former owner of the villa: "..."

It took a long time to go through the formalities and move, and when Murong Xiao came back from shopping, it was completely dark.

It was the coldest time in City K in January, and the cold wind was as sharp as a knife, blowing on people's faces, as if they were going to dig out the flesh.

Murong Xiao thought about how to get along with Bu Qingwu in the next month, and returned to her new home before she knew it.

"Forget it, let nature take its course, what should come will still come."

This villa is a two-story duplex building, decorated very well, the previous owner was very tasteful and quite elegant.

"Oh my God! Steamed live carp with shredded ginger and jujube, twice-cooked pork with five spices, stir-fried kidney, crispy pigeon, these are my brother's favorites! Brother Murong, I love you so much!"

Bu Qingwu had a happy expression on her face, immersed in the aroma of the dishes.

Murong Xiao doesn't have high requirements for the taste of food, but it doesn't mean he can't cook; on the contrary, his cooking skills are absolutely top-notch, and he's just afraid of trouble.

There is a saying that if you want to grab a woman's heart, you must first grab a woman's stomach.

"what did you just say?"

Murong Xiao smiled and asked.

"Uh, I mean a pig, a pig."

Bu Qingwu was stunned, and repeated.

"Hehe, eat, I hope my cooking skills have not deteriorated."

Before Murong Xiao finished speaking, Bu Qingwu had already opened her belly and ate a big chunk.

Seeing her gobbled it up revealed a different kind of beauty, Murong Xiao was very satisfied, put down the chopsticks in her hand, and stared blankly, sometimes, happiness is as simple as that.

We taste food not only with our tongue, but sometimes with our eyes and nose when we are not even paying attention, and this even accounts for a large part of food evaluation.

Murong Xiao's dishes, no matter in terms of color, aroma, and taste, are very tasty; and the portions are just right, so they won't make you fat.

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