dream redemption

Chapter 12 Mandatory Tasks

(No. 20 is three! Daoists are very helpful! Let’s not ask for the home page, let’s break into the top ten of science fiction first!)

Murong Xiao's dishes, no matter in terms of color, aroma, and taste, are very tasty; and the portions are just right, so they won't make you fat.

In the end, Bu Qingwu patted her stomach contentedly, and said, "Brother Murong's craftsmanship is still so good, and my brother will marry you in the future."

"Are you serious?"

Murong Xiao's body trembled and he became alert.

"What do you say?"

Bu Qingwu laughed and said, "Of course I won't marry you, you should marry me!"

Bu Qingwu stepped forward suddenly, stretched out a slender onion finger and raised Murong Xiao's chin, like a young girl flirting with a girl from a good family, and said, "Yo, you're still blushing! Come on, give me a smile."

blush?say yourself

Murong Xiao was stunned, escaped from Bu Qingwu's "magic claws", stretched out her hand to touch her face, it was really hot, so she ran away.

A strange smile appeared on the corner of Bu Qingwu's mouth, and said: "Mr. Murong, I will keep the door for you at night."

"Are you kidding me? I want to live a few more years."

Murong Xiao shuddered, over the years, she had eliminated countless wolves who wanted to attack her, but her family had a great background, everything was suppressed.

In the next two days, Murong Xiaozhai watched the "Underworld" series of movies over and over several times at home, and at the end Bu Qingwu also came over to watch them together. He stared at it without blinking his eyes, which made Murong Xiao's face flushed red, he didn't look at it, and he didn't look at it, he really hoped it would go forward quickly.

After finally waiting for this passage to pass, Bu Qingwu turned around and said with a weird smile: "So you've been waiting for so long to watch this! Don't you know that the movie has fast forward?"

Murong Xiao: "..."

He was so shocked by these two words that he almost spurted blood.By the way, who can see without blinking?

"Brother is a senior expert in this area, so please ask if you don't understand."

Murong Xiao: "..."


"There is still half an hour before the start of the mandatory task. Please return to the fantasy space quickly. Reward for being late: obliteration."

"Master, don't worry, your maximum negative score is [-], and there is no great danger. Compared with other mandatory tasks, it is very simple."

Lucifer rolled his eyes, and said, "Go and say goodbye to the mistress, the shortest is three to five days, and the longest is half a month."

"Ghost spirit."

Murong Xiao smiled and nodded Lucifer's forehead, went upstairs and knocked on Bu Qingwu's door.

"Brother Murong, have you finally figured it out?"

Murong Xiao was almost killed by lightning. "Where is this going? Brother Qingwu, I have something to go out for, the shortest is three to five days, and the longest is half a month. I won't bring my mobile phone with me. Just settle for the food first, and I'll make it for you when I come back." The table is fine."

"That's it. Then you should be careful on the road, and it doesn't matter if you come back later."


After bidding farewell to Bu Qingwu, Murong Xiao walked out of the villa, took a taxi and left the villa far away.

"No, why do I feel like Qing Wu breathed a sigh of relief."

"Countdown: 10 minutes."

"It doesn't matter, master, get off in the woods ahead....Yes, I'm sure."

Wearing sunglasses, Murong Xiao sneaked into this sparsely populated grove, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Lucifer, teleport!"

Lucifer was unequivocal at the critical moment, with a flick of his light wings, a spatial crack tore Murong Xiao in.

"Welcome back to the dream space, return the items..."

"Physical restrictions are lifted, primary lightness skills are unsealed..."

Murong Xiao's whole body lightened, and the restricted power returned to his body, perfectly controlled.

"The mandatory task scene "The Prelude to the Dark Legend" opens, 3...2...1, the teleportation begins!"

Murong Xiao's eyes went blank, and a sense of weightlessness came over her.

By the time it returned to normal, everything in front of me had changed dramatically.

"Mission World: The rise of wolves in "The Prequel of Dark Legend", the faction automatically changes to humans; identity: bounty hunter from the mysterious East."

"Compulsory mission one: lead your team 24 to the nearby Fork village. Reward for successful mission: clear negative points or gain [-] points of Dream God power; reward for mission failure: obliterate."

"Mandatory task [-]: open after arriving at the Folk village."

"Mission World Background: In the dark ages of ancient times, in the gloomy underground world, vampires and werewolves are two strange and immortal races, fighting endlessly. In the cruel vampire king Victor and his powerful "death killer" army Ling Wei Now, the wolves have become prisoners of the ranks and have been enslaved for thousands of years. Victor, who firmly believes in the theory of pure blood nobility, is proud of his supreme majesty and the invincible army under his command, as well as his daughter Sonia— The most fearless and capable warrior in the vampire clan! After years of cruel slavery and inhuman discrimination, the wolves who were imprisoned and reduced to slaves finally broke out. Among them, a young werewolf named Lucian gradually showed extraordinary Leadership. "Give me freedom or give me death!" "As the powerful leader of the wolf clan, Lucian is determined to summon the werewolves to rise again and fight against the vampire nobles who regard them as worthless."

"Wild and unrestrained, elegant and mysterious, this is a dark world..."

The woods are still woods, but not the man-made forests of the eastern suburbs.Looking into the distance, what you see is not a shrinking steel forest, but an endless grassland.

Murong Xiao was at the junction of the forest, the bushes and the grassland, and with him, there were four other tall and strong Western men.

"Name: Ares; Identity: Native of the Underworld world, vice-captain of the bounty team; overall combat power: 6."

"Name: Titan; Identity: Native of the Underworld world, member of the bounty team; comprehensive combat power: 7."

"Name: Amazon; Identity: Indigenous in the Underworld world, member of the bounty team; comprehensive combat power: 6."

"Name: Santa Fes; Identity: Indigenous in the world of Underworld, member of the bounty team; comprehensive combat power: 3."

A light flashed in Murong Xiao's eyes. The fighting power of these people was far beyond ordinary people's standards. Presumably they were the key to completing the compulsory mission. I should be the captain of this bounty team.

So, what is the purpose of this bounty team?It should be related to the Fork village. Judging from the description given in the task list, the road does not seem to be peaceful.

Murong Xiao raised his head and saw the guidance that only he could detect in this world, an arrow pointing northwest, which should be the direction of Falk Village.

"Captain, we seem to have lost our way. I didn't find any marks on the map similar to the terrain here."

With a height of two meters, Ares is also tall among the naturally tall Caucasians in Europe, let alone in front of Murong Xiao, a "short man" of 1.8 meters, this stop is very stressful.

The vice-captain of the bounty team was covered in a pair of black armor, and his bare limbs showed muscles that made countless bodybuilding coaches feel ashamed.

With a bald head and a fleshy face, there is a terrifying scar that looks like a giant centipede, twisting like a living thing, giving people a vicious and well-developed feeling.

At this time, he was standing in front of Murong Xiao, covering the morning light, holding a pair of leather maps in his thick hands.

Murong Xiao glanced at the map curiously, and found that the map was not as rough as imagined, but rather exquisitely crafted and exquisitely drawn, even a layman like himself could understand it.

"Captain, you said you know the way, you are not talking nonsense, Ares said that there is no map here."

Seeing that Murong Xiao didn't speak, a bigger figure moved closer, blocking even more light.

Murong Xiao was feeling emotional when he heard a rough voice. The height difference of fifty centimeters made him completely look up. Infinite fighters.

Amazon sat not far away, carefully cleaning the longbow, and his delicate leather armor could not hide the curve of his waist.

Santa Fez is an ordinary-looking white man, wearing civilian clothes, with many bottles and cans hanging on his body, he seems to be a medical soldier.

Murong Xiao kept the characteristics of these four people in mind, the meat shield, warrior, archer, blood-recovery priest plus a magic output can make a lot of money.

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