dream redemption

Chapter 13 The Wolves Attack

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Murong Xiao kept the characteristics of these four people in mind, the meat shield, warrior, archer, blood-recovery priest plus a magic output can make a lot of money.

"Don't worry, I know how to go."

Murong Xiao glanced at the tent that had just been put away, and the traces of the bonfire that was still smoking, and said, "We have all of them, pack up your equipment, and set off in 10 minutes."

Under the special effect of the dream space, Ares and the others speak a very pure bei jing accent, and there is no obstacle to understanding Murong Xiao's Chinese, as if the original European language is like this.


A long wolf howl pierced the sky, and the clouds in the early morning were crushed by the wild roar and turned into wisps of cloud and mist.

The expressions of the four of Ares changed one after another. In this dark world, the howling of wolves often represented the dispatch of werewolves.Although werewolves are irrational, they retain the habit of living in packs of wolves. Once they are dispatched, they often mean packs of wolves, dark creatures that are more ferocious and crazier than packs of wolves!

The four of Ares quickly assembled to form a triangle formation.The Titan was at the front, Ares was on the left, Amazon opened his bow and aimed at the right wing, and even Saint Feus pulled out a sharp one-handed sword and smeared some black liquid on it.

"Uh, I seem to be redundant."

The charge formation formed by the four of them made Murong Xiao complain, as if he, the captain, was a soy saucer.

With the howling of wolves, the woods and grassland seemed to be agreed at the same time, surging like waves, and strong adult wild wolves appeared and surrounded the five people.

"Don't act rashly. Wolves generally don't hunt and kill humans. As long as we don't provoke them, they should retreat after a while."

Ares' voice came at the right time, and everyone's tense nerves relaxed slightly, showing his rich experience and delicate thoughts.If anyone underestimated his mind because of his fierce appearance, it would be a big mistake.

Good strength and delicate mind make Ares the second in command of this team.

The ferocious pack of wolves gradually gathered up and surrounded the five people with three layers inside and three layers outside.

"Ares, didn't you say that wolves don't attack humans? No matter how I look at it, their eyes look like they want to eat us."

Tai Tan slightly tightened the weapon in his hand, and asked a little nervously.

"How do I know, something is wrong. Captain, what do you think?"

Ares turned his head, and his eyes fell on Murong Xiao.

Murong Xiao adjusted her sunglasses and thought to herself, I thought it was nothing to do with me.This is probably the ghost of the fantasy space.

"What do you think, kill."

A gleam of light flashed through the black jade-like lenses, and the information about the pack of wolves immediately appeared in his mind.

"Hungry adult prairie wolves, due to the influence of the ancestor werewolf virus, made them change their habits and dared to hunt humans during the day. Hunger made them crazy."

"Bang bang bang!"

The two modified Desert Eagles shot out deadly tongues of flame, and the 12.7mm caliber bullets made it ignore the defense of ordinary body armor within 100 meters, not to mention that the wolf's skull was not solid.

For the first time in the Middle Ages, modern hot weapons showed terrifying power. Combined with Murong Xiao's superb gun fighting skills, with every gunshot, the heads of two wild wolves would burst and their brains would burst out.

"Good guy, this is the captain's oriental secret weapon?! It can actually control the power of flames!"

Ares swallowed his saliva, waving a huge cross sword with both hands, with a strong envy in his tone.

"Even if it is given to you, will you use it?" Amazon let go of the hand that pulled the string, and the arrow traced an elegant arc, hitting the heart of a wild wolf accurately.

"Hey, my shield is still easier to use."

Tai Tan held a huge shield the size of a door panel with his right hand, pointed the thorny side at the wolves, and held a black round shield in his right hand.The surface of this round shield is covered with threads, and the edge is a circle of sharp sawtooth, with a cold light shining faintly, it can easily cut a wild wolf into two pieces.

The four of Ares cooperated very tacitly, and firmly isolated Amazon and Saint Fes, who were not strong in melee combat, from the wolves. Occasionally, one or two broke through the shield of the Titan and the giant sword of Ares, Haunted by Santa Fes and pierced by Amazons.

There were probably hundreds of wolves in the pack, and the hungry wolves killed by a few people were only a very small part. These wolf carcasses were eaten by the same kind in an instant, and there were not even bones left.

A strong smell of blood pervaded the air, and the group of frantically hungry gray wolves surged up like chicken blood, instantly leaving several bloody claw marks on Tai Tan's body.


With the howling of wild wolves, the chaotic pack of wolves immediately became orderly after smelling the bloody attack, but their green eyes did turn red.

"Keep in formation, break out to the northwest, I'll come back!"

Murong Xiao yelled loudly, the empty magazines in the two guns immediately fell out, and two new magazines slipped out from the sleeves, properly holding the magazines.


With a bloodthirsty gleam in its eyes, a hungry wolf rushed forward.The claws are like iron hooks, and the teeth are like steel knives, all of which are full of murderous aura.

Murong Xiao's throat felt cold, his eyes froze, two sharp blades flashing with cold light popped out from the gun barrel, they crossed a dark arc, and passed by Hungry Wolf's throat.

The bewitching blood-colored rose bloomed, Murong Xiao moved his wrist, and the two big killers spewed out glamorous flames again.

The whole process happened in a blink of an eye, and Ares and the others didn't even feel that the gunfire had stopped.


As if sensing Murong Xiao's thoughts, the howling of wolves became more rapid, and the pack of wolves became even more frantic, chasing and beating them all. The frantic howling of wolves and the howling of humans intertwined into a movement of death.

The wounds on the five people gradually increased, and the loss of blood made their physical fitness continue to decline. After 3 minutes, apart from Murong Xiao, few members of this bounty team were able to kill the hungry wolf in one blow.

"It can't go on like this! Captain, as long as there is a wolf wolf, this group of hungry wolves will fight until the last one dies. We can't last long!"

Ares cut off a hungry wolf with all his strength, and shouted at Murong Xiao anxiously.

"Change formation, defend in place!"

Murong Xiao controlled the internal force to run quickly in the meridians, with warm currents surging, and his body felt extremely light.

Murong Xiao yelled at them, and using elementary lightness kung fu, his whole body seemed to turn into a cloud of light smoke, rushing into the woods.

Murong Xiao had long thought of beheading the wolf, and every time the wolf gave orders, he raised his hearing to the limit to identify its position.

After identifying the position three times, he finally confirmed the location of the cunning wolf.

In the dense forest, a giant wolf the size of an ox stood against the wind on the smooth bluestone, its claws like iron hooks pierced deeply into the stone, showing terrifying lethality.

"Mutated giant wolf, a species produced by the hybridization of irrational werewolves and wild beasts; its heart can be used to prepare medicines against werewolf virus invasion; comprehensive combat power: 6."

Without Murong Xiao saying anything, Lucifer immediately gave the information about the wolf.


The alpha wolf jumped out of the bluestone suddenly, Murong Xiao saw a black light attacking, and the brutal murderous aura filled every corner of his body.


Murong Xiao fired without hesitation, and a bomb crater the size of a bowl exploded on the ground of the forest.And the wolf is one meter away from the crater.

"What a fast speed, what a keen self-awareness!"

Murong Xiao's eyes froze, and the gun was aimed at the wolf's heart.


The wolf roared, and the hairs on its limbs surged, as if there were several big snakes hidden in it.Its waist is like a huge spring, and with the strength of its limbs, it is like a gust of wind blowing in the flat ground, and it rushes out quickly.

The sharp black claws are like iron hooks, hooking people's lives, and the sharp teeth are like steel knives, shining coldly.

At this moment, Murong Xiao seemed to have returned to the hut full of bullets and bullets, and the god of death smiled grimly and handed out the invitation.

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