dream redemption

Chapter 14 Soul Binding

(Thanks for the collection and recommendation friends, can you continue to work hard?)

At this moment, Murong Xiao seemed to have returned to the hut full of bullets and bullets, and the god of death smiled grimly and handed out the invitation.

Meet on a narrow road, the brave wins!Murong Xiao's eyes were extremely determined, and his internal energy was overloaded, causing his meridians to ache.

Everything in his eyes slowed down, Murong Xiao's soul seemed to be separated from his body, and what appeared in front of his eyes was a 360-degree all-round camera slowed down ten times.

The fluttering of every hair and the movement of every muscle of the wolf head are gently and vividly presented in his mind.



Even though it was extremely difficult to manipulate his body at this moment, even though the pain felt like a knife was piercing his muscles, he still shot with all his might!

The gun was aimed at the space in front of him!

In the eyes of outsiders, Murong Xiao's speed suddenly doubled. Hot flames burst out from the cold muzzle of the gun. "puff!"

The deadly bullet carried a piercing burst of air, fiercely shot into the wolf's open mouth, and shot out a beautiful flower of blood.

The wolf's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe it, and obviously hit the empty space, but the wolf seemed to be dying, and hit the bullet himself.

The bullet entered from the upper mouth, shattered its brain tissue, knocked off its skull, and scattered blood all over the place.

"Huh! The feeling just now, is it a prediction?"

The feeling of the soul leaving the body only lasted for three wonderful times, and everything returned to normal.What followed was an incomparably severe pain in the muscles of the whole body, as if ten thousand steel knives were swimming in the body, cutting off every muscle fiber.

The strong nerve stimulation eroded Murong Xiao's brain, making his vision blurred for a while, and he could hardly feel his own existence.

"Master, hold on, don't pass out! You will die!"

Lucifer's anxious voice sounded in his mind, and Murong Xiao became conscious, and quickly took out the syringe from his pocket, aiming at his carotid artery.

When his finger was about to touch the injection device, Murong Xiao hesitated for a moment, and then threw it aside.

"I hate this damn indifference!"

Throwing away Paxian, which has a good analgesic effect, Murong Xiao clenched his fists tightly, his joints cracked and his nails dug deep into the flesh; The gums ooze bright red blood.

But all of these seem to be unable to prevent death from coming!

Everything in front of him was completely blurred, and the scenes that Murong Xiao had experienced in his life were quickly replayed in his mind.

The loneliness and helplessness in childhood, the work-study program in youth, all kinds of ridicule and indifference, and the disheartening of being wronged in college; finally, the picture is fixed on a peerless face.


"Hello, my name is Qing Wu. The Qing of Qingshui, the dance of dancing."

"Brother Murong, why are you only eating steamed buns? Brother treats you to dinner, let's go!"

"Young Master Murong, you are number one again! Congratulations, brother won't argue with you anymore."

"Brother, are you in love with me?"

"Murong, remember our agreement. We are only best friends, and no one should like each other."


The shadow of death shrouded Murong Xiao's soul, but a strong emotion suddenly emerged from his vague consciousness.The power of this emotion is so great that it sublimates the soul; it solidifies the will, like steel.

What happened next was a matter of course, and the will of steel crushed the severe pain that affected consciousness.

After a while, the severe pain gradually disappeared, and Murong Xiao's body also returned to normal.


"Master, congratulations, you have unbound the soul. But the scene just now was really thrilling. Fortunately, I made it through."

"Soul binding? Is it the legendary gene lock?"

Murong Xiao raised her eyebrows, something interesting happened.

"No. Master, you human beings, or the composition of all material life forms, are divided into two parts, the body and the soul."

Lucifer paused, cleared his mind, and continued: "However, the compatibility between the body and soul of a living body is not high, generally only one percent, and we call it soul binding."

"You must know that the speed of the soul is more than a hundred times that of the body, but because the two do not fit together, the speed of the body is relatively slow."

"Enabling the soul binding is a standard for improving the compatibility between the body and the soul. Master, when you are in the state of soul binding, the compatibility between the two has reached [-]%, so the various functions of the body have increased to twice the normal level. "

"Opening the soul binding for the first time will make the body extremely uncomfortable and produce a severe rejection reaction. Those who have the potential to activate the soul binding, nine out of ten will die under the rejection reaction."

"So that's the case, what if the soul binding is [-]% activated?"

Murong Xiao touched his chin, feeling that this soul binding should not only have this effect, but should be related to evolution.

"After opening the [-]% soul binding, you are qualified to break the shackles of life and start the evolution of the source of life."

When Lucifer said this, he stopped, and after a while, he was a little embarrassed and said: "That's all I know."

"It's okay." Murong Xiao smiled slightly and said, "I know enough now."

"team leader!"

Titan's rough voice came from the not dense forest, and after a while, his iron tower-like figure squeezed out from the two trees.

At this time, his arms exposed outside the armor were covered with several bloodstains, and the two shields were covered with minced flesh; the entire armor seemed to be salvaged from the blood, and blood drops dripped from the edge from time to time.

Among these bloods, he was wolf blood.

"Titan, have the wolves retreated? How about the others?"

Murong Xiao quietly picked up the thrown Paxian and asked.

"Nearly a quarter of the pack of wolf cubs died, and the rest retreated." Tai Tan grinned, and said, "They were all flesh wounds. Saint Feus is treating them. Let me come over and have a look at the head wolf's body." Move over."

"Okay, let's go."

Murong Xiao nodded, and walked out of the woods first, Tai Tan easily picked up the giant wolf carcass the size of a ox, and followed closely behind.

Back to the battlefield just now, there is nothing left in the wolf-strewn grassland except for the shocking blood. It must be that the group of hungry wolves devoured their companions' corpses and left after filling their bellies.

Saint Feus had already stopped the bleeding with drugs and bandages, and with their extraordinary physique, it had little effect on their combat effectiveness.

"Captain, are you injured?"

Holding a bandage and a black ointment in his hand, Saint Feath stepped forward and asked.

"No, you go to treat the Titan."

Murong Xiao said lightly: "Let's go in an hour, hurry up and recover your strength."

Although the fighting time of the few people was not long, the high-intensity exercise consumed a lot of energy. Although Murong Xiao was not injured, his internal and physical strength were almost exhausted.

Bought a few pieces of jerky from Amazon, drank it with clear water, and Murong Xiao lay down facing the sun; it seemed that he was closing his eyes and resting his mind, but in fact he was slowly circulating his internal energy to make it recover quickly.

About half an hour later, Murong Xiao's internal and physical strength had returned to their peak state, and his internal strength was even stronger than before!

"It seems that the ability to exchange is not the only way to strengthen through the fantasy space."

Thoughts in Murong Xiao's mind turned, and his eyes fell.

Ares and Titan were resting with their eyes closed, Amazon was still cleaning the silver longbow, and Saint Feus was sweating profusely on the wolf's body.

The camp where the few people were stationed was very close to the water source, and they could faintly smell a trace of blood-covered water vapor. The blood on their bodies had been washed away, but the thick murderous aura after the killing could not be covered up.

Murong Xiao watched Sheng Feisi busy with interest, not knowing what he was doing.

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