dream redemption

Chapter 110 "Chances"

(Please recommend for collection!)

Murong Xiao took the ticket, turned around and went directly to the waiting room.

Not long after Murong Xiao left, Xu Qing'er came out from behind the "bunker" cunningly.

In the waiting room, Murong Xiao closed his eyes and used his thoughts to push the internal force to circulate in the hundred meridians. The cells are decomposed by respiration to generate energy, but during the conversion process, most of the energy will be lost in the form of heat. What ordinary people do in cultivation is to collect this part of energy to form internal force and true energy under their own control, in case of emergencies.

Contingency refers not only to fighting, but internal force can also keep the human body running without food.There have been records like this in the history books: There was a strange man in Wudang, named Sanfeng, who lived for hundreds of years, walked like flying, could eat several buckets of rice for a meal, and could not eat for several days!

Murong Xiao's current physique is no different from that of ordinary people, so what he is doing is naturally not directly refining blood energy into internal energy.Taking this path has also improved his familiarity with the energy of internal force a lot.

Of course, this place is by no means a place to perform meritorious deeds. Half of Murong Xiao's mind is placed on the perception of the outside world.

The training time passed quickly, and when the notification sounded in the waiting room, Murong Xiao gently opened her eyes with calm eyes.

"Passengers going to city b, please pay attention! Passengers going to city b, please pay attention! The plane will take off in 15 minutes, please board the plane in time! Please board the plane in time!"

When Murong Xiao went through the security check, she temporarily put the Weeping Sword into the space of the seeds of heaven and earth.

The space of Inner Heaven and Earth Seeds is not the regular cube in the space equipment, but a strange shape with a circle above and below, just enough to accommodate the Weeping Sword.


At this time, the plane was about to take off, most of the passengers had already found their seats, and the pilots were also preparing to take off.

"Wait! Wait for me!"

In Murong Xiao's ear, an anxious female voice suddenly sounded, the voice was very familiar.

Murong Xiao looked through the transparent glass, and saw a beautiful figure running towards the plane at high speed. Her jet-black and smooth ponytail swayed as she ran, and was coated with a faint layer of light under the morning light. Golden color, faintly visible beads of sweat in the hair roots.

"It's her, she actually followed."

There was a hint of surprise in Murong Xiao's eyes, isn't this Xu Qing'er, Xu Damei?

"She's persistent, but she'll get out of the way."

Murong Xiao secretly thought.

"Huh! Finally caught up."

Xu Qing'er boarded the plane, a relieved smile appeared on Qianli's face, and then she kept looking around the cabin, and immediately noticed Murong Xiao's incomparably bright blood dress.

Many men in the cabin were surprised by Xu Qing'er's beautiful appearance, and looked at her from time to time.

"It's you, what a coincidence! Are you also on this flight?"

Xu Qing'er walked over directly, with a look of surprise on her face.

"Are you going to travel in city B too? Why, do you want to pretend you don't know each other, Murong."

Xu Qing'er said, glanced at the ticket, and then exclaimed in surprise: "I'm actually sitting here!"

It was a surprise that Xu Qing'er sat directly next to Murong Xiao.

"Yeah, 'what a coincidence'."

Murong Xiao smiled, then casually flipped through a magazine.

Xu Qing'er didn't seem to care about his attitude, and was still immersed in excitement. This was the first time she had traveled far alone.


"What?! Qing'er ran away again?!"

Xu Fugui slammed the table and shouted loudly: "What are you all doing! You made the same mistake twice!!"

Xu Fugui seldom gets angry, and yelling in front of people like this without image is even more unprecedented.An invisible pressure suddenly spread in his office.

"We are not without clues..."

More than a dozen bodyguards in black suits stood in front of him without saying a word. Among them, the bodyguard with triangular eyes stepped forward and said.


Xu Fugui interrupted him without hesitation, without the usual scholarly temperament, as the so-called caring makes chaos, his only precious daughter disappeared again, which undoubtedly made him very anxious.

"We found out that Ms. Xu was following that kid all the way, and that kid's flight was bound for City B. Ms. Xu most likely took that flight..."

"What?! Qing'er went to City B alone! Don't you know that she is blind!!!"

Xu Fugui was really anxious this time, if something happened to his daughter...he didn't dare to think about it any longer.

"What are you still doing in a daze?! Hurry up and arrange to go to city b!"

Seeing that the bodyguard was still standing there like a sculpture, Xu Fugui was so anxious that he was about to smoke. He immediately slapped the desk hard, almost knocking off the documents on it.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The bodyguards wiped the sweat from their foreheads. Xu Fugui was much more terrifying than their boss when he got angry. Now they finally seized the opportunity and left Xu Fugui's office as if fleeing.

At the same time, in the military area of ​​city S, Long Zaishang, who felt more and more uneasy, finally sent a team of people to the location shown by the global positioning system after calling his son's satellite phone several times to no avail.

Although this team of heavily armed soldiers is very shameless for Mr. Long's behavior, who made them soldiers?The duty of a soldier is to obey orders.

When these soldiers rushed to the predetermined location relentlessly and unwillingly, they were immediately stunned by what they saw.

In the narrow alley, more than a dozen cold corpses lay violently, their eyes still open, and their faces were full of fearful expressions, as if they had been greatly frightened before they died.

The strangest thing is that there are obvious wounds on these corpses, as if these people were frightened to death.

"Sir, these people don't have any wounds on their bodies, but their bodies have been dead for more than ten hours. They are very similar to the characteristics of brain death before. The only difference is that their eyes are open."

An experienced veteran quickly inspected the corpse and made a preliminary judgment.

"The report found a corpse with obvious injuries, and after comparing the photos, it was determined to be the target."

"Hurry up and transport all the corpses to the car, so as not to cause panic among the public. If there is anything to do, we will talk about it when we return to the base."


A group of soldiers worked together and quickly loaded all the corpses into military vehicles.

A soldier with the rank of corporal frowned, as if he was thinking about something embarrassing.

"Squad leader, what are you worried about? The order from above is to see people when alive, and corpses when dead. We have completed the task. Besides, we should be happy that this beast is dead!"

A driving soldier glanced at the frowning squad leader and said.

The other soldiers in the car also echoed with glee.

"Shut up! Just keep this kind of thing in your heart, don't say it!"

The squad leader roared at the soldiers driving, and said, "I'm not worried about these things, but about the murderer! Now it can be confirmed that the cases of sudden brain death all over the world are caused by human beings. This should be a gang, and the murderers in this gang Members have already started to commit crimes in our city!"

The squad leader all said worriedly: "God knows what they are going to do?! What do they want to do?! Our family members all live in the city..."

The squad leader's words made all the soldiers in the car frown.


"What?!! My son is dead?!!! This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible!!"

The old general Long Zai slapped the table vigorously, his gloomy eyes fixed on the captain like a falcon, as if he wanted to swallow him alive.

"Preliminary judgment shows that the cause of death is that his body was impacted by a huge external force, causing the internal organs and bones to be broken on a large scale..."


Long Zaishan interrupted the captain hoarsely, and said angrily, "I don't want to listen to your bullshit judgment!"

Long Zaishang only felt that there was a fire burning in his heart, burning his reason, he knew that the captain could not lie to him, but he still didn't believe it, until the moment he saw his son's body, he felt that he was going crazy, All hopes were shattered, and his life was all bleak. The only thing that supported him was the extremely strong hatred in his heart, the hatred that wanted to destroy the whole world!

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