dream redemption

Chapter 118 Murder

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The middle-aged aunt smiled maliciously, and her eyes kept turning from the two of them.

The beautiful woman Xu directly buried her face in Murong Xiao's arms, but she could still see a seductive blush from the skin that was only exposed to the air.

Murong Xiao had the urge to bump into the south wall, and a rare blush appeared on his face.

"Okay, that's it."

Murong Xiao said calmly, after paying the bill, she took the ticket under the encouraging eyes of the middle-aged aunt, God knows what she encouraged?

"The train departs at six o'clock in the evening, remember, don't miss it."

The voice of the middle-aged aunt came from behind, and Xu Damei pulled Murong Xiao to flee in a panic.

"That aunt just now was really..."

Xu Qing'er spoke in a soft voice, with a shy blush on her face, extremely attractive.


"Huh? What?"

Damei Xu looked at Murong Xiao with a puzzled look on her face, not understanding the meaning of the number that came out of his mouth suddenly.

"Your beauty attracted the attention of thirteen men with malicious intentions at the station, and eight of them followed, plotting to do something wrong."

"Uh, so what do we do now?"

With Murong Xiao by her side, Miss Xu didn't worry about her personal safety, she just asked about the results of these eight cowardly men.

"Social scum, kill."

The corner of Murong Xiao's mouth raised an inexplicable arc, and he glanced at Xu Qing'er.

Murong Xiao said lightly, and pulled Xu Qing'er into a corner.

At this time, the people who were secretly following became clear. They were all gloomy-faced youths from society. They looked at each other, and they often hang out at the station.

"Hey, why are we walking more and more remote? Why is it an alley again..."

There was a trace of uneasiness in the old scene.

"Get up wherever you fall."

Murong Xiao said lightly, and glanced at Xu Qing'er: "What, are you afraid?"

"No... dead end..."

The beautiful girl Xu held onto Murong Xiao's palm tightly, the palm was overflowing with beads of sweat.

"Haha, these two are really interesting, even the place has been chosen!"

A smug laugh followed the appearance of each figure.

The eight figures immediately blocked the exit of the alley.

These people are all young people with very ordinary looks, without any obvious ruffian, full of public faces, which cannot be found when thrown in the crowd. Such characteristics are necessary conditions for habitual offenders.

In the depths of these people's gazes, flames of desire were burning, and their sinister gazes unscrupulously looked up and down Xu Qing'er's graceful body. The fire in their eyes seemed to burn all her cover up!

"Hey, their eyes are so strange..."

Xu Qing'er's body leaned against Murong Xiao, who was directly ignored by them, covering most of the line of sight with Murong Xiao's body.

"Hey! Obtrusive boy, get out of here quickly! Otherwise, I will chop you up!"

A young man in black strode forward, his eyes widened, and he spoke viciously to Murong Xiao, the way he gritted his teeth revealed a vicious force, enough to wipe out the courage of ordinary people.

As soon as Murong Xiao's body moved away, Xu Qing'er's body was released, and exposed to all kinds of dirty eyes again. ..

"Hey, hey! Murong, what are you doing..."

Xu Qing'er wanted to hide behind him, but Murong Xiao's palm gently pressed her shoulder.

This seemingly gentle press seemed to be as heavy as a mountain, making Xu Qing'er blushed and unable to move an inch.

"Haha, this kid is quite sensible! Knowing how powerful my brothers are, I can save myself a lot of flesh and blood!"

"Hey, kid! For the sake of your knowledge, if you can convince your little girlfriend to take good care of us, my brothers might even let you have fun too!"

"That's right, you can tell you're a chick just by looking at you like this! For the sake of giving us such a top-quality girl, I'll let you do it later."

"Little girl, your little lover is unreliable! If I were to die, I wouldn't be insulted like this, what a pity..."

"Hey, it's useless to talk too much, I'm taking this game! Go away, kid! Watch carefully, brother will teach you how to make women want to die!"

A man who looked very strong came out of the crowd, his thick arms directly grabbed Xu Qing'er's breasts.

"Ah! Damn Murong, what on earth do you want?!"

Seeing that the "wolf's paw" was getting closer and closer to her, almost touching that embarrassing part, Murong Xiao still looked calm, Xu Qing'er shouted shamefully and angrily.

Xu Qing'er wouldn't be so angry if she was only faced with these obscenities. What makes her angry and puzzled is Murong Xiao's attitude that it's none of her business.

Fortunately, Murong Xiao sent the palm to hold her down in time, so that beautiful Xu escaped from the threat of "wolf's claws" in time.

"Your physical fitness is no worse than any of them, and even stronger. What's more..."

Murong Xiao spoke lightly, but changed the topic.

"The purpose of guns is to kill people. Some things need to be faced by yourself."

"Hahaha! Whoops! It's so funny!"

A young man clutched his stomach, his face was torn into an exaggerated smile, as if he had heard the funniest thing in the world.

"You mean, this chick can beat us?! Hahaha, I didn't expect you to have such a sense of humor!"

"Guns?! Did you hear me right? They have guns! I'm so scared!"

The funny and exaggerated movements and expressions of a young man immediately caused bursts of laughter among several people.

"Hey, I want to see what you can do to me!"

This sturdy looking young man let out a sneer, looking at Xu Qing'er with dirty and fiery eyes, he was very disdainful of Murong Xiao's words.

"Little girl, kneel down and sing Conquer!"

The sturdy young man stretched out his hand again, and suddenly grabbed Xu Qing'er's long hair under the booing and applause of the young people behind him.

"Hey, Murong, don't force me! He is so strong, how can I beat him!"

Xu Qing'er dodged swiftly, dodging the strong young man's arm, and pulled out a pistol in a little panic, with a trembling voice, but the muzzle of the gun was pointed at the strong young man's forehead unusually steadily.

"Don't!...Don't come here...I really know how to shoot!...This...This is a real gun!"

While talking, Xu Qing'er kept backing away, her slightly panicked expression was really not convincing.

"Haha! Shoot! You shoot! I've grown so big, I haven't seen what a gun looks like! Hurry up! If you don't shoot again, my brother will let you see the 'real gun'."

The sturdy young man put his forehead in front of the muzzle of the gun with a playful smile on his face. The faint smell of gunpowder smoke made him feel a little bit wrong.

The sturdy young man just wanted to get away from the gun that made him feel uneasy, and then, there was no more.


Xu Qing'er pulled the trigger resolutely. Amidst the dazzling fireworks and loud noise, a string of blood burst out from the forehead of the strong young man, and the hot bullet penetrated his hard skull and soft brain tissue. It took away all his vitality.


The sturdy young man's body made a dull collision sound with the ground, and white brains mixed with scarlet blood gurgled out from the finger-sized blood hole on his forehead.

The strong smell of blood is entwined with the pungent smell of gunpowder smoke, together with the corpses of strong young men with their brains constantly emerging, it constitutes an extremely terrifying and extremely bloody scene, which constantly stimulates everyone's fragile nerves!

"Oh my god! It's a real guy!"

"Dead! Dead!"


"Impossible, there is no reason!"

"Dead! Dead! Really dead!"

The remaining seven youths smelled the pungent smell of blood and gunpowder smoke, and looked at the bloody hole on the forehead of the strong young man. Their hands and feet trembled, and their gazes at Xu Qing'er were no longer the dirty ones before, but replaced by a deep fear!

"Run! She has a gun, run!"

"Killer! Report to the police! You must report to the police!"


I don't know who took the lead, the seven of them turned around and ran away, even trampled two people down in a panic, looking like that, I only regret that their parents didn't give them two extra legs.

"When you have evil thoughts in your heart and start to implement them, you are no longer worthy of living in this world."

Murong Xiao's figure was like a light swallow, skimming over the not very high wall, and landed lightly at the exit of the alley.

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