dream redemption

Chapter 123 Goodbye Qing Wu

(Please recommend for collection!)

"The shopkeeper's mind is also very good. He saw a business opportunity from this incident and used the compensation to reopen the shop."

"And part of the focus of the business has shifted to venting emotions. While operating coffee, it also provides a service for couples who are in a bad mood due to breakup and need to vent."

"Smashing and venting, selling them some fragile and loud items, or dolls, etc. Over time, the service of meeting coffee houses has become more and more famous, attracting many men and women who intend to break up. Up to now, go to The people meeting in coffee houses are all couples who are about to break up and white-collar workers who want to vent their stress, and those who go to drink coffee have disappeared.”

After the Northeast uncle finished speaking, he carefully observed Murong Xiao's expression from the rearview mirror. The latter's expression was still as calm as water.

"I see."

Murong Xiao spit out these four words softly, and said nothing more.

Uncle Northeast thought he was in a bad mood, so he didn't say anything more, just muttered "There is nothing worse than death", and then he concentrated on driving.

Half an hour later, the Northeast uncle parked his car in front of a low-rise building with soft lines.

"Young man, here we are, get out of the car."

"Thank you."

Murong Xiao handed over a hundred-yuan bill, got out of the car, and walked towards this rare low-rise building in City B.

"Hey, boy, it won't take so much!"

Uncle Dongbei chased him out of the car, and stuffed a handful of banknotes back into Murong Xiao's hand.

"The fare is not so much, ten yuan is enough."

Northeast Uncle is 1.8 meters high and [-] feet high, and his wide frame gives people a sense of strength and strength.

Murong Xiao shook his head slightly: "The watch shows 45 yuan."

Then he handed back part of the banknotes and said, "Since you don't want more, I can't let you suffer."

The Northeast uncle opened his mouth to speak, but after seeing the light in Murong Xiao's eyes, he finally didn't say anything.

"Oh, what a good boy, but he has to suffer from such a thing..."

The Northeastern uncle looked at Murong Xiao's back, shook his head, and drove away.

The Xiangyue Coffee House has three floors as a whole, covering an area of ​​thousands of square meters. In City B, where every inch of land is expensive, the value of this piece of land alone exceeds tens of millions!

The signboard of the coffee house is made up of numbers and neon lights, which emit a soft glow even in the daytime.

The inside of the store is surrounded by a special kind of glass, which looks pitch black from the outside, but consumers in the store can clearly see the outside.

"Hello, welcome."

When Murong Xiao approached the door of the coffee shop, the tea-colored glass door opened automatically, and the two young welcoming ladies bowed slightly with professional smiles on their faces.

Murong Xiao nodded in return, and walked straight into it.

"Hi sir, do you want coffee?"

A young woman dressed as a waiter came over and asked politely.

Well, I'm afraid only one coffee house would ask customers that.

Murong Xiao's eyes quickly scanned the elegantly decorated hall, but he didn't find the familiar and beautiful figure, so he said to the waiter: "Yes, I have an appointment, arrange a seat for me."

"Okay, please come with me."

The waiter stretched out his hand and led Murong Xiao to an empty table.

"What do you need?"

After Murong Xiao sat down, the waiter handed over an exquisite menu. Murong Xiao roughly browsed the contents of the menu at a glance, and said, "A cup of bitter coffee, no sugar."

> "

The waiter bowed slightly, quickly wrote it down in a small notebook and left.

Soothing music is played everywhere in the hall, soft lights are flowing, and the vehicles passing by can be seen outside, but there is no trace of noise. The atmosphere is very good, but there are not many people who really come to drink, only a limited number, almost The imperceptible sound of smashing came from the gray ceiling, if it wasn't for Murong Xiao's extremely sensitive hearing, it would be impossible to distinguish it from the music.

The second floor should be a special place for people to vent, and it is separated from the coffee shop on the first floor by sound insulation materials.

After a while, the bitter coffee Murong Xiao ordered was brought by the waiter.

"Your coffee, please take it easy."

The white porcelain cup contained pure black coffee liquid, outlining a seductive aroma.

Murong Xiao picked up the coffee and took a sip, a strong bitterness spread from the tip of his tongue, making one almost want to spit it out.

However, for Murong Xiao, there is no difference between sweetness and bitterness, it is just a taste stimulation.

After the bitter taste, a strong fragrance lingers between the lips and teeth, refreshing the mind.

Just as Murong Xiao put down the cup of coffee, a beautiful figure appeared in the coffee hall.

focus!The focus of the audience!

This figure seemed to have an incomparable attraction. Once it appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the audience!

From Murong Xiao's point of view, he could only see a head of soft and long hair bound by a purple headband. Under the faint light, it glowed with a jade-like luster, which gave people a dazzling feeling!

The delicate and exquisite back is even more elegant against the waist-length hair, like a goddess of beauty, so beautiful that people almost dare not look directly at her, for fear that their eyes will offend the beauty.

The back view alone is so breathtakingly beautiful, but what about the front view?

Everyone in the coffee shop, including the women, thought about it at this time, and they even felt that they had no right to be jealous.

Under the gaze of many expectant eyes, the owner of the beautiful back slowly turned around.

The owner of the back view attracts all eyes and heartbeats, the world-shaking face almost makes the heart stop!

The facial features like jade carvings are perfectly combined, and every line is interpreting the ultimate beauty, which makes people feel suffocated.The coexistence of elegant and sunny temperament made her whole body exude a kind of bewilderment.

With such a peerless face, who else could it be, not Qing Wu?

Qing Wu's peerless youth left the entire coffee shop with only the soothing sound of music, and even her breathing became inaudible!

When Qing Wu's eyes fell on Murong Xiao, a ray of incomparably sunny smile erupted from the corner of her mouth, which immediately caused an uncle in poor health to surge up his blood and fainted.

Qing Wu walked straight towards Murong Xiao, the music became the background, setting off her as if she had stepped out of a picture scroll.

"You bastard, you only thought of coming to see me now."

Qing Wu was slender and slender, and flicked Murong Xiao's forehead with her fingers as dazzling as a jade carving, her beautiful eyes were angry, and she immediately revealed a different kind of style.

"Famous flowers have their own owners! Ugh...Brother wants to commit suicide!"

"Come on, it's impossible for someone like you to take a fancy to you!"

"That kid is not good either!"

"He is more handsome than you!"

"Then I'm handsome too!"


"What's the matter, why did you vomit..."

In the coffee shop, the men and women who came to drink coffee were discussing a lot. There is no doubt that all the topics revolved around Murong Xiao and the two of them.

"Aren't I here?"

Murong Xiao rubbed his forehead that was hit, smiled, and said, "Drink something, I'll treat you."

Qing Wu pulled out a chair and sat down, never leaving Murong Xiao's eyes, answering irrelevant questions.

"I haven't seen you for a while, but I seem to be handsome again."

Saying that, Qing Wu stretched out her jade-like palms, pinched Murong Xiao's cheeks on the left and right sides, and rubbed them "viciously", making them into various shapes.

"Every time I see this face, I can't help but want to bully it."

In front of Qing Wu, any resistance from Murong Xiao seemed pale and powerless.

"You... what... something... tell me?"

Under Qing Wu's various facial rubbings, Murong Xiao's words were somewhat leaky, but Qing Wu's actions made Murong Xiao feel relieved.

"It's nothing, I just want to ask how long you will stay in city b."

Qing Wu withdrew her hand very contentedly, but a trace of unnaturalness flashed deep in her beautiful eyes.

"I, it doesn't matter how long I stay."

Murong Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, and patted himself on the chest, expressing that it wouldn't matter how long he stayed.

"Then have you found a place to live?"

Qing Wu was amused by Murong Xiao's movements, her peerless face was overwhelming.

"Not yet, I can stay in a hotel first."

Although she had already developed some resistance to Qing Wu's peerless youth, Murong Xiao was still dazzled by her smile at this moment, and then she came back to her senses.

"I'm familiar with City B, and I'll show you the villas in the suburbs later."

"It's a villa again..."

"Why? Don't you still dislike it?"

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