dream redemption

Chapter 138 Arrival!

"Now that I have lost my bloodline, the speed of cultivating true qi has slowed down. There is no rush now, it needs to be consolidated. I am afraid that I will need a sum of Mengshen power to cultivate true qi in the future."

"Intent swordsmanship can't fall, before these demons appear..."

Finding that there was no other big news except the big murder case he committed, Murong Xiao left a banknote on the table and went back to the hotel.

"The top ten demons mentioned in the dream space should not have appeared in the human world. I am just waiting..."

With this thought in mind, Murong Xiao squeezed the formula with both hands, and the true energy in his body circulated through the meridians through the unique movement route of the light god formula. Every movement is a strengthening of the body from the inside out.

In the next nine days, Murong Xiao spent all of his time consolidating his own strength.During the day, in the hotel, you gradually develop your true energy, body and mind swordsmanship; at night, you will transform into a ghost knight, punish evil and not promote good according to your instinct to track evil.

Ten days later, ten units of evil souls were stored in the hell fire in Murong Xiao's soul, and each unit of soul could maintain the state of Ghost Rider for one day!

In addition, the zhenqi in Murong Xiao's body is strong and pure, and the jing of the whole person looks extremely full and mellow, which makes people feel very good, but it's hard to say what's good about it. Come.

It was a cold night again, and the night in the desert town showed a coldness that was completely opposite to the heat of the day, just like all deserts.

The night sky was covered with dark clouds, and there was no starlight, only a few silver lights passing through the clouds from time to time, bringing instant strong light to the earth, like a dragon crossing a river.

Large swathes of black clouds surged and overlapped, and pressed straight to the ground, like rolling ink waves, dozens, hundreds of silver snakes dancing electric dance, can't help but remind people of the famous phrase "black clouds crush the city and destroy it" .

The entire desert town was shrouded in a strong depression. A gust of wind blew by and rolled up an old newspaper. Not only did it not make people feel relaxed at all, but it was even more depressing!

The sky was huge, but no rain fell, and the residents of the small town seemed to feel something, and packed up their stalls and went home early.This, is not an ordinary rainy night, and something is destined to happen, for better...or for worse.

The westernmost part of the town is a large piece of desolate and barren Gobi Desert. There is only one hotel located about five miles away from the buildings in the town.

Because, the owner of the wine is a motorcycle race, and he often holds some thrilling activities, which cannot be enjoyed in the city.

"Your soul has been stained with the blood of your victims, look into my eyes! Atonement!"

In the dark woods, Murong Xiao, who had transformed into a ghost rider, lifted a homeless man and spoke in a hoarse and magical voice.

"Feel their pain!"

In Murong Xiao's empty eye frames, two vortexes of blue flames swirled at high speed, instantly devouring the soul of this homeless man, and Hellfire added another unit of sinful souls.

Every time she uses the Eye of Judgment, Murong Xiao has to say these words in a hoarse voice, not because of pretense, but because of a necessary procedure.

The first few sentences are to induce the recruit to look into his own eyes, while the last sentence is a spell to activate the eyes of judgment. ⊙?⊙


The flames of hell instantly vaporized the corpse in his hand, leaving no dross, and there was another mysterious missing person in this world.

Undoing the Ghost Rider transformation, Murong Xiao adjusted the leather windbreaker.Eyes, looking at the oppressive sky.

Infusing the eyes with true energy, Murong Xiao's eyesight was raised to the limit, enough to see through the waves of black ink!

Through the heavy dark clouds and lightning, Murong Xiao saw something else.

Deep in the dark clouds, there is a huge black hole. Murong Xiao, who has seen the blue fire summoned by the Demon King, knows that it is a space teleportation exit!

What the black hole is connected to is a ferocious boiling dark red magma, with countless evil ghosts wailing, a real scene of purgatory!

Affected by the gravity of the earth, a little bit of hell magma fell out of the black hole, filtered by the clouds and turned into ordinary rainwater, and fell on the Gobi Desert to hit a little bit of dark red light!

Several transparent shadows floated out of the black hole and quickly disappeared.

"Is a demon born?"

Murong Xiao stretched out her tongue and licked her lips, her eyes were full of fighting spirit!

After finishing his clothes, Murong Xiao walked slowly towards the motorcycle clan wine. The mental power consumed by using the Judgment Eye just now is negligible, and he is now in full bloom!

At the same time, in a certain valley in the world, one of the oldest churches has stood here for a thousand years.

Church, no!Perhaps it should not be called a church!Because, it is only made of the most primitive stones, and the rough murals are unsightly. The only thing worthy of the sacred atmosphere of the church is the exquisite altar.

The altar is nine meters long and wide, and a holy white light is shining on it all year round, and countless complicated and mysterious runes circulate endlessly.

At this time, on the altar lay ten extremely beautiful girls who were completely naked!

Hundreds of thousands of white-robed and gold-rimmed priests knelt down neatly on the ground, chanting the Bible devoutly.Turning a blind eye to the wonderful scene on the altar that is enough to arouse the primal desire of all men.

The ten beautiful girls looked pious and calm, praying silently.

"The devil has come, and the world will suffer catastrophe! I implore the benevolent Lord to show mercy to the world, cast light, and illuminate the darkness! Angel, come!"

An old man in a golden robe and a crown on his head chanted, his voice was extremely loud in the church!

"I implore the angels to come!"

Thousands of people bowed down together and chanted in unison. The whole church was immediately enveloped by a holy aura, and the altar emitted a soft white light. This kind of sacredness is set off to the extreme!

While the brilliance of the altar was circulating, ten faint phantoms of angels emerged from it.

Among these angels, there are men and women, nine of them are double-winged angels, and only one woman has four wings on her back!

The chanting of these believers, with the appearance of these ten angels, reached a point and became extremely devout!Especially among them, there is also a distinguished four-winged angel!

"Thank you Almighty Lord!"

The pope who was wearing the crown buckled it again excitedly, even the jewel-encrusted crown almost fell off.

The appearance of the angels is very outstanding, the temperament is holy and perfect, they really deserve to be called angels!

As soon as these ten angel spirits appeared, they immediately began to look for a carrier. After all, their souls could not exist in the human world for too long due to certain restrictions.

And the ten girls on the altar have been carefully selected, their appearance and physical fitness are all top-notch, so they naturally became the choices of these angelic spirits!

The four-winged female angel took the lead and penetrated into the body of the No.1 girl first!

The other nine angels also found their targets one after another, scrambling to get into the host's body!

The chanting in the mouths of the girls stopped immediately, and expressions of incomparable pain appeared on their exquisite little faces, but the piety in their eyes did not decrease at all, and instead became more fanatical. They were fanatics who had been brainwashed by the Holy See since childhood!


The body of the No.1 girl couldn't carry the huge energy of the four-winged angel at all. After holding on for ten wonderful times, there was a loud noise and exploded into bright spots all over the sky!

"Bang bang bang!"

Immediately afterwards, there were three loud bangs in a row, and the bodies of three more girls were exploded by the powerful energy!

The three male two-winged angels howled unwillingly and went back into the altar.Only the four-winged angel, relying on his formidable strength, was about to be sucked back to the altar by an inexplicable attraction, and suddenly got into the No.2 girl's body!


The last male angel was forced out of his body by the four-winged angel, and after howling angrily, he was sucked in by the altar without any resistance!

The bodies of the remaining six girls are extremely inflated, like a balloon that has been blown to the limit, and it will explode when touched!

The eyes of the girls gradually changed from painful to dazed and cold, and their bodies gradually returned to normal!

The bodies of these girls endured the infusion of the angel's power, and became as transparent as crystals. A spar the size of a pebble was faintly visible in their hearts. Among them was a vivid image of an angel, and countless white ones. Silk threads emanate from these angel images, connecting every cell in the body!

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