dream redemption

Chapter 140 Hell Fireball

Murong Xiao paused, a ball of hell fire quietly burning in the palm of his hand, exuding a terrifying aura of burning souls!

"Hehe, maybe we can also reach a deal. 8 9 Reading Network"

As the witch heart demon spoke, he took out a scroll from his pocket.

"A contract with the devil?"

Murong Xiao's eyes were fixed, and at the same time, she used the detection skill on the Witch Heart Demon.

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"Ability [-]: Frost! Can control part of the cold power!"

"Special ability: Devour souls! Be able to devour human souls to strengthen yourself!"

"Combat power: 1098!"

Murong Xiao shook his head secretly, the information he got was pitifully little.

"No, no, no. This is not a contract with the devil. For you, this is power."

The witch heart demon slowly unfolded the scroll, and said in a very seductive tone: "This is the powerful method of hellfire."

Wu Xinmo said, showing a smile of winning, pushed the scroll over, and said: "To show sincerity, this scroll is regarded as a deposit for the transaction."

Murong Xiao's eyes flickered, he took the scroll and carefully examined the words on it.

After a while, Murong Xiao took a deep breath and said slowly, "What do I need to do?"

The Witch Heart Demon showed a smile that he knew this before, and said softly: "It's very simple, help me find the contract of Saint Van Gonzale. After I get the contract, I will give you the remaining eight volumes."

"Ding! Trigger mission: Saint Van Gonzal contract!"

"Mission introduction: Help the Witch Heart Demon to obtain this contract that carries a thousand souls, and he will thank you!"

"Mission Completion Condition: The Witch Heart Demon obtains the contract."

"Reward for completing the mission: the cultivation method of hellfire; reward for failure of the mission: minus 10000 dream power."

"Whether to accept?"


"make a deal!"

A flame flashed in Murong Xiao's hand, and the scroll immediately turned into ashes.

According to the records on this scroll, the fire of hell has nine stages in total according to its power. When the soul is strong enough, it can stimulate the fire seeds of hell according to a special method to stimulate a more powerful fire of hell!

In addition, each scroll recorded a spell that multiplies the power of hellfire!

The first stage of the hellfire, which is the stage Murong Xiao is in now, the temperature: up to [-] degrees!

Comes with hair: hell fire ball!

Murong Xiao recalled the arrangement of the fire elements of the hellfire ball in his mind, and in the palm of his hand, a mass of hellfire rose up, spinning at high speed!


Following the completion of the last step of Murong Xiao's spiritual power building, the temperature of the hellfire suddenly subsided, condensing into a deep yellow fist-sized fireball!

"Oh? It seems that you are very skilled in using hellfire."

In Wu Xinmo's eyes, a hidden murderous intent flashed.

Murong Xiao smiled lightly, and after the fireball was scattered, another fireball was condensed, and then scattered again, and the cycle repeated.

The time for Murong Xiao to condense a hellfire ball is about three seconds, consuming a unit of evil souls. After practicing hundreds of times, this time was shortened to two seconds!

"It's not enough! The arrangement of the hellfire elements must be burned into the soul, form an instinct, and be able to be cast instantaneously, this spell can be regarded as a successful cultivation."

Thoughts were spinning in Murong Xiao's mind, and he naturally caught the murderous intent in the witch's eyes, but before getting the contract, Murong Xiao didn't worry about him turning his back on him, watching his palm turn into a skeleton, a ball of hell fire quickly condensed .

The fire of hell is condensed into a fireball, and its destructive power is doubled!After hitting the target, it is also given the characteristic of bursting!


On the floor on the left side of the wine, a pile of earth and rocks suddenly rose!

As the shadows raged, the pile of earth and rocks seemed to possess a soul, turning into a bald man in a windbreaker.

"Hi Old Demon."

Wu Xinmo greeted, Old Demon twisted his neck ferociously, and did not answer, staring at Murong Xiao fiercely.


A puddle of clear water that is rare in the desert suddenly poured in from the window, turning into a drenched man with long hair on the floor.

"Water demon."

The water demon flicked away a water plant on its cheek, and after staying on Murong Xiao for a moment, the water demon fell on Wu Xinmo.


There was a lot of wind in the wine, and the tables, chairs and other objects, no matter how heavy they were, were swept up by the strong wind and smashed to pieces!

A man with a blue complexion, a void lower body, and sharp triangular teeth suddenly flew in from the door!

"Witch Heart Demon, why did you summon us?"

"Feng Mo."

Wu Xinmo smiled slightly, turned his gaze to Murong Xiao, and said: "This is a war Jing, and now he is also my man."

Witch Heart Demon said, raised his hands high, and closed his eyes slightly: "Look for the contract of Saint Van Gonzale, and feel this wonderful world!"

"What's the use of this contract?"

Old Demon shook the joints of his whole body and twisted his head constantly, as if he was very uncomfortable with this body.

"Find it and we can take over the world. Take over...everything!"

The Witch Heart Demon walked to the ear of a human corpse and spoke in an extremely seductive voice. When the words fell, the corpse exploded!

"Why are there only three of you? What about the six demons of gold, wood, sand, fire, ice, and electricity?"

The Witch Heart Demon closed his eyes, revealing the devil's face faintly.Apparently, he was very displeased with the other demons' being late.

"Hey! They think they are powerful in the world, so naturally they are not willing to submit to you."

The water demon whose face was made of water laughed and said, in his tone, he was very unhappy with the other six demons.

"Their goal is not as great as yours. Killing people everywhere is their purpose in coming to the world."

Old Demon twisted his neck and said with a ferocious expression: "A guy who has no strength but pretends to be deep..."

Old Demon's eyes turned to Murong Xiao, showing sharp teeth.

"Earth Demon: The aborigine of the task world, a fallen angel expelled from heaven, whose soul lives in the earth element, has the power to control the earth element, and if the soul is immortal, the body will not die! Combat power: 480."


Murong Xiao raised his eyelids slightly, his hands instantly turned into bone palms, and the two hellfire balls quickly condensed!


The hellfireball dragged out a brilliant tail of light, and suddenly hit Old Demon's chest.


The explosion force of the two fireballs immediately blasted a big hole in Old Demon's chest, allowing light to pass through from front to back!

The Old Demon's body was shaken by the impact of the explosion and fell down one after another, hitting the wooden wall heavily!

With an incredulous gaze, Old Demon looked down at the chests that were still glowing with fire, his face was full of horror!

Before they had time to say anything, three more fireballs came through the air with scorching heat, blowing Old Demon's body to pieces!


The blazing hellfire suddenly swept Murong Xiao's whole body, instantly transforming into a Ghost Rider!

Murong Xiao's figure blurred for a while, like a high-speed moving flame, suddenly rushed to another body of the Old Demon that was about to form, and the bone palm covered with hellfire suddenly grabbed its body!


The figure of the witch heart demon suddenly appeared in front of Murong Xiao, his hands firmly grasped Murong Xiao's wrist, the power of the first-level hellfire only made him frown slightly.

"He's still useful, he can't die now."

The witch heart demon's eyes fixedly stared at Murong Xiao's eye sockets where the blue flames of hell were throbbing.

"Okay, I'll give you a face."

Murong Xiao turned around directly, and the scorching hellfire poured into the flame totem between his eyebrows like a hundred rivers returning to the sea.

"But be careful next time!"

Murong Xiao's eyes as black as lacquer coldly stared at Old Demon who had regained his form, showing his murderous intent unabashedly.

The witch heart demon frowned slightly, while the wind demon and the water demon both looked gloating, but looked at Murong Xiao with a hint of fear.

"Damn boy! If it weren't for the great suppression of my strength, I would have already torn you into a pile of rotten bones!"

Old Demon said with a ferocious expression, but there was still a touch of horror in his eyes.Just now, his soul felt a strong breath of death!If it wasn't for the Witch Heart Demon's timely action, his soul would have been burnt to nothingness by the terrifying hellfire at this time!

"We have an old saying in the East, 'If you do your own crimes, you can't live', I think it is very suitable for you."

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