dream redemption

Chapter 146 The Sword of Judgment!

(Please recommend for collection! Every click of everyone is also the greatest support and encouragement for weeping!)

Bright energy can cure all kinds of diseases, greatly enhance people's life span, and make people feel comfortable.No wonder this church is so prosperous.

As time passed by every minute and every second, in the hundreds of veins and thousands of acupuncture points in Murong Xiao's body, true energy gradually filled.

The characteristics of the God of Light Art are, first, the light breath it carries, which has huge extra lethality against creatures of the dark type; second, it is pure!Incomparably pure!

Murong Xiao is now at the peak of the early days of Houtian, but the quality of the true energy in his body is comparable to that of a practitioner of the same level of cultivation in the late days of Houtian!

As time passed, the sun gradually set to the west, and the number of people in the church began to decrease. Murong Xiao, who was sitting on a chair and hadn't moved for several hours, attracted the attention of several clergy, but this was not medieval Europe. The Holy See, citizens enjoy freedom, they can't say much, and work on their own.

"I'm sorry sir, we are closing here. If you are also a believer in the Lord, please come back tomorrow."

A young priest said with a smile, his eyes full of sincerity.


Murong Xiao opened her eyes, smiled lightly, and walked out of the church.

But Murong Xiao didn't go far away, and paid attention to the movement of St. Michael's Church across the street.

After a while, when the last clergyman locked the door and left, there was only one old priest who was watching the night in the church.

Murong Xiao glanced at the half-sinking sunset, and put away the parasol.

The outside of the church is surrounded by black painted iron railings to form a small open space, in which some flowers are neatly planted, which is both elegant and fresh.

To Murong Xiao, the two-meter-high guardrail made no difference in sincerity and peace, and he stepped over it in one step.

The door of the church building is not locked, but it is relatively heavy, and an ordinary person will never be able to push it open!

Above the black gate, there is an exquisite angel relief. The angel is holding a crossed long sword, and an aura of calm and majesty emerges spontaneously. It is lifelike and vivid, as if this angel is really standing in front of people.

Murong Xiao spit out strength in his hands, and the door weighing hundreds of catties slowly opened, and a ray of light poured out from the crack of the door, rippling like water waves, and the extremely strong bright breath made the true energy in Murong Xiao's body tremble. Get excited and run on its own, like a trickle, like a breeze.

At this time, the church hall, bathed in soft white light, showed a holy and sacred atmosphere, which made the hell fire in Murong Xiao's soul jump slightly.

The nemesis of hellfire is only sunlight, which seems to be restricted by some rules, and it is calm about other light forces.

As the night gradually fell, the light in the church did not decrease but increased. In the eyes of the demons, it was similar to the lice on the monk's head.

However, demons cannot set foot in a place with such a strong light atmosphere!

"No wonder it closed so early, with such a strong bright atmosphere..."

Murong Xiao's eyes were slightly closed, relying on the induction of Guangming's true energy, she walked towards the place with the strongest breath.

Bypassing the tragic and sacred huge cross, Murong Xiao walked towards a row of rooms where the clergy rested.

After passing through the long corridor, Murong Xiao turned left again and stopped in front of a small open space.

Behind the clearing is a du li hut with a pointed roof and red tiles, in a typical European style.The incomparably rich bright breath came from it!

"An angel? Or something else?"

Thoughts were spinning in Murong Xiao's mind, she took a step forward, stretched out her hand and pushed towards the small door.


The small wooden door rubbed against the door frame, making a teeth-stinging sound.

It was not Murong Xiao who opened the door, but an old priest with white hair and beard, with a kind face.

The old priest looked Murong Xiao up and down, and his eyes finally stayed on the flame totem between his eyebrows.

"Knights of you."

While the old priest was looking at Murong Xiao, Murong Xiao was also looking at him.

She was dressed in a spotless holy robe, her skin was delicate and rosy like a baby's, and a cross covered with copper rust hung on her chest, from which came an incomparably strong bright aura!

"Give me the cross around your neck."

Murong Xiao fixed his eyes and said lightly.

At the same time, after using the detection skill, a special mental frequency resonated, and a transparent box appeared in Murong Xiao's eyes.

"Name: Charlie; Identity: Aboriginal people in the mission world, the last pope of Christianity, and the carrier of angels!"

"Skills: melee combat, cross swordsmanship, bright grudge!"

"Bright Dou Qi: Since an angel once came to his body, his physique can cultivate the Angel's Bright Dou Qi. Level: Fusion!"

"Combat power: 58."

The fighting qi level is the same as Murong Xiao's true qi, both of which are integrated and penetrated, but the combat power is several times lower than Murong Xiao's.

"It should be my body, much stronger than his..."

With thoughts in Murong Xiao's mind, he directly grabbed the bronze cross on Charlie's chest!

"Young people, why are you so impatient, I'll give it to you."

Charlie smiled slightly, and took off the cross at a speed that absolutely didn't match his appearance, white light flickered in his hand!

Murong Xiao's hand was like lightning, the palm of his hand was like claws, he pressed down suddenly, the surging energy in his body burst out suddenly, like a hungry eagle hunting in the sky, before the claws reached, the air had already swayed with gusts of wind, blowing Pope Charles away. His holy white robe was blown backwards, clinging tightly to his body!

This claw is so firm that even a rhinoceros can be knocked down in an instant, and an iron mound can be crushed in one fell swoop!


It's too late to say, then soon!

The bronze cross held by Charlie suddenly erupted with a bright white light, and the surging energy of light swayed away!

Under the infusion of Charlie's bright energy, the bronze cross turned into a holy cross in an instant!

Charlie turned his wrist, leaving a fan-shaped brilliant light and shadow in the air.

There was a sound like a tearing silk in the air, showing its terrifying edge!

Murong Xiao's eyes flashed, and his wrist suddenly felt cold. If he wanted to continue grabbing, unless his swordsmanship was perfect, he would temporarily lose his left hand!


There was a flash of sword light under Murong Xiao's feet, and the sword step was taken out instantly. In just an inch, his wrist was completely out of the shadow of Charlie's sword light!

"Combat power: 328!"

Murong Xiao's eyes froze, how could a sword bring about such a huge increase? !

"If you want it, come and get it!"

Charlie's tone was full of confidence, and he held the dazzling holy sword tightly with both hands.

"Item: Sword of Judgment (damaged!), Introduction: The core of the portable holy sword of Saint Michael, the angel of judgment in heaven, was stolen out of heaven by the fallen angel!"

"Effect [-]: The energy of the light system can be multiplied after being transformed by the angel battle pattern at its core!"

"Effect 30.00: It has a huge restraint effect on dark creatures, and the damage is increased by [-]%!"

"Bringing skills: Angel Judgment! Can incarnate as an angel at the cost of burning your own vitality, and judge good and evil!"

"Quality: perfect!"

"It's a good thing, it can be used when killing demons."

The corner of Murong Xiao's mouth twitched slightly, and the tearful sword light instantly slashed out, the blazing sword light was like a day, emitting immeasurable light!

"How could you have..."

A frightening gleam flashed in Charlie's eyes, and before he could finish speaking, the tears and sword lights were already in front of his eyes!

The extremely simple sword, but it has the meaning of returning to the basics, and it is easy and freehand when you pinch it casually, without the slightest smell of fireworks!

Swordsmanship, superb!

Charlie only had time to strike the sword of judgment in front of him, and the surging light power surged, constantly weakening the power of Murong Xiao's sword and resisting its sharpness!

Murong Xiao smiled lightly, and didn't force her, she made a wrong step, turned her wrist, shedding tears like a venomous snake, suddenly hit Charlie's throat from an unbelievable angle!



At this moment, Charlie only had his head in his mind, and the bright power burst out under his feet, lifting a large piece of soil on the ground, and at the same time, his body flew backward at an unprecedented speed with the help of this huge reaction force!

He is fast, but Murong Xiao is faster!

Walking like a shooting star, his body is like a sword light, with a sword on his body, weeping sword light, pulling into the distance between the two at a speed visible to the naked eye, the sharp edge pierced through the air, cutting his throat, a thin line Long blood line!

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