dream redemption

Chapter 155 Trial of the Water Demon

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Hearing this, the Ghost Rider nodded, and said, "Old Carter gave me a scroll that he said was very important before. I think this is what the Witch Heart Demon wants. I hid it before, and the Witch Heart Demon found it." You won't be able to capture Roseanne until later, damn it!"

The first love is obviously Ghost Rider's reverse scale, for her, he can even bet the whole world!

As the Ghost Rider said, he took a scroll in his hand and waved it in front of Murong Xiao's eyes.


"The Saint Van Gonzal contract, the product of the trade of the Demon King, has the power of a thousand evil spirits to hate, and it is said that it can turn the world into purgatory."

Murong Xiao nodded and said, "That's it."

The ghost knight tightened the contract, and the words of old Carter flashed through his mind, and he couldn't help but feel that the contract was extremely heavy.

"It can turn the world into hell..."


"I can stop him!"

The empty eye sockets glanced at Murong Xiao, and the ghost knight put away the contract.

Under the silent night sky, two long flames burst out of the air, causing bursts of howls.

The farther west you go, the closer you get to the uninhabited desert, and even the common tenacious cacti are gone.

Here, it seems to be a restricted area of ​​life!


The soul chariot braked suddenly, and the rear wheels rubbed violently against the yellow sand on the Gobi, leaving roads scorched black.

Lan Huo let out a long hiss, and the tall man stood up, almost stopping his figure!

On the boundless and unfettered Gobi, a cliff like a knife suddenly appeared!

The cliff is extremely dangerous, but it is straight at ten degrees, like a barrier rising from the ground, which makes people feel the uncanny craftsmanship of nature.

This cliff seems to have been cleverly designed, even if they stood very close, they couldn't find it. If it weren't for the two of them's superb riding skills, they might have rushed straight down.


Lan Huo's hard horseshoes directly stepped out of the ground into two bowl-sized potholes, and stone dust flew up.

A tinge of paleness appeared in the distant sky, and Murong Xiao's eyes fell to the bottom of the cliff.


This was Murong Xiao's first feeling.


At the end of the woods, a dilapidated and dilapidated village showed the sadness of the setting sun under a few rays of the sun.

Gobi, rainforest.The two completely different scenes are forcibly combined, giving people the feeling that there is only an inexplicable discomfort, like chronic pharyngitis.

"Looks like we're running out of time."

The Ghost Rider sat back under the soul station car, and suddenly stepped up the accelerator, the high-speed rotating tires rubbed against the ground quickly to create a scorched black.

"Be careful, don't expose yourself to the sun."

Ghost Rider turned his head and said to Murong Xiao in a hoarse voice.

Before he finished speaking, the soul chariot had already driven him directly to the bottom of the cliff!

"I should tell you that."

Lanhuo spewed out two dragon-like flames and jumped directly off the cliff!

Ghost Rider, can also be said to be the power of hellfire, can make his mount drive on any plane!

In other words, whether it is vertically upward or vertically downward, or even the water surface, for them, it is no different from flat ground!

Seeing that the ground was getting closer and closer to him, like a wall that was constantly approaching, the ghost rider lifted the front of the car, and the soul chariot was immediately parallel to the ground and landed steadily, without any pause in speed during the period.

Lan Huo leaped, like an antelope hanging horns, elusive, and his speed was on par with Ghost Rider.

Under the woods, there is a water surface that is more than two meters deep, like a flooded rainforest, silent, gloomy, and weird!

Lan Huo stepped on the waves with all four hooves, like walking on flat ground, and wisps of water mist were transpiring.It seemed to feel that something was wrong with the atmosphere, and its speed also slowed down.

Ghost Rider has a beautiful woman in his heart, and his speed does not slow down. The Soul Chariot is like a speedboat on the water, pulling out a long white water wave.

Murong Xiao patted the horse's back, stepped off the blue fire and immediately understood, stepped on the water surface with bursts of torpedo-like explosions, and quickly chased after the Ghost Rider while splashing water.

Wu Xinmo was wearing a long black windbreaker, the hem of the clothes was slightly messy, and he looked a little embarrassed.

In front of him was a sexy and hot western woman with long blond hair.At this time, the woman's neck was pinched by the Witch Heart Demon like a kitten.

Behind him was a water-stained water monster with long hair clinging to his body.

"They are here."

Wu Xinmo opened his closed eyes and said calmly.


The water demon frowned, dripped a string of water drops, looked at the witch heart demon suspiciously, and asked, "Could it be that group of angels came after them?"

Thinking of the group of angels who left him with deep memories, more drops of water dripped from their bodies, making it difficult to tell whether it was cold sweat or his characteristics.

"No, it's a war jing."

The witch heart demon turned his gaze to the water demon, and said, "Both warriors are here."

"Could it be, that damned warrior betrayed us?!"

The water demon's tone was extremely cold, like an ice demon, extremely angry.

"No, he won't. He needs, the power..."

The Witch Heart Demon showed a smile of victory.

"Hmph, my boyfriend is here, you bloody demons, go back to hell!"

Luo Shan, who was pinched by the Witch Heart Demon, spoke coldly, hoping to hurt their morale.

"No, no, my little beauty, I will let you, and your boyfriend, be buried here together."

The Witch Heart Demon sneered, and said to the Water Demon, "Stop them."

The water demon froze for a moment, showing a puzzled expression.

Wu Xinmo raised his head to look at the gradually increasing sunlight in the sky, and said calmly: "Delay their coming here."

The water demon understood it, revealed a cruel grin, and turned into natural elements and drifted away.



Two bubbles suddenly popped up on the calm water surface, faint waves of magic power rippling, although faint, Murong Xiao keenly sensed it.

Lan Huo's footsteps stopped suddenly, and a plot of the movie flashed across Murong Xiao's mind in an instant.

Before he could open his mouth in the future, the stagnant water surface indeed suddenly surged with big waves, shaking the surrounding trees constantly!


The water waves rolled over, carrying a powerful force, and instantly swept the Ghost Rider's body into the water.


Like a branding iron with burning sleeves being thrown into water, a large mist of water evaporated, immediately covering the surrounding area in a vast expanse of whiteness.

Murong Xiao jumped into the water without any hesitation, causing the surrounding water mist to double in thickness!

This water monster is related to Murong Xiao's mission, but he must not die at the hands of the ghost rider.

Under the seemingly calm water surface, there is an incomparably strong undercurrent vortex surging, and the strong water force penetrates into every hole, exerting an incomparably powerful entanglement force, firmly binding Murong Xiao's limbs!

Murong Xiao's body trembled wildly, and a huge force swung out, breaking most of the water force in an instant.However, immediately there are more water powers coming up to replace them, and the entanglement becomes tighter and tighter!

It is hard to imagine that the softest water in the world has such power!


The voice of the water demon came from the water in all directions.

"Master War Jing, you are useless."

A transparent figure suddenly appeared in front of Murong Xiao's eyes, holding the Saint Van Gonzal contract in his hand!


A mocking and cheerful smile appeared on the water demon's transparent face, and a powerful force suddenly stretched across Murong Xiao's neck, crushing the metal-glowing bones until they creaked.

"Idiot, look into my eyes."

Murong Xiao's hoarse voice had a special magical power, which made the water demon look at his empty eye sockets unconsciously.

Two vortexes of blue flames rotated at high speed, creating a huge gravitational force aimed at the soul!

"Your soul has been stained by the blood of the victims. Feel their pain!"

"Oh! no..."

The body of the water demon was instantly ignited by the fire of hell, and the coat of natural elements turned into ashes in an instant, revealing the soul of a fallen angel!

The water demon struggled desperately, trying to get rid of this invisible and huge gravitational force, but to no avail!


Visible to the naked eye!The water demon is so powerful that it can be seen with the naked eye, its soul is devoured by Murong Xiao, divided into two equal parts and drilled into the eye sockets, becoming fuel for the fire of hell!

One hundred units of Guilty Souls!

The soul of one water demon is worth a hundred ordinary people!

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