dream redemption

Chapter 160 Angel Battle Formation

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Wings are the energy hub of an angel, the more wings there are, the more energy the angel contains, and the stronger the strength will naturally be!

"Five-winged angel, royal family with purple pupils!"

This chapter is played by hand)

If his real body came, he could easily kill all the angels under the seven wings.But now this is the human world, this body...

"It seems that Saint Michael is bound to win the sword of judgment this time."

The Demon King fell back to the ground and regained his human appearance, with his hands resting on the crystal skull cane, his eyes lowered slightly.

"Son, you don't want the world to become a place of heaven."

The Ten Thousand Demon King turned his gaze to the group of ghosts, and his voice was steady and magical.

"Oh, of course."

The group of ghosts tilted their heads, their lips like octopus tentacles squirmed, and made a repeated sound. Hundreds of evil spirits around them faintly manifested, and the dark breath of freezing souls swallowed all the nearby lights!


"Join us!"

The father and son of the Wanmowang knew each other and smiled at each other.

In the spiritual world, Murong Xiao, relying on his home court advantage and extremely fierce swordsmanship, fought inextricably with the soul of Saint Michael, presenting a stalemate.


The Wanzhang Excalibur was shining brightly, bursting out with peerless sharpness, with the power to cut through the world, it was suddenly suppressed!


Infinite rays of light suddenly appeared in a chaotic spiritual world, a beam of light reflecting the sky emanated from Saint Michael's body, and the same holy cross sword with a height of [-] zhang manifested from the top of his head, cutting with Murong Xiao The incoming spiritual swords collided fiercely!


The quality of Murong Xiao's soul is naturally incomparable with the so-called "god", and it was shattered at the moment of collision!

However, the competition at the spiritual level is not only about strength, but also about faith and will!


The sword of the gods that had been chopped into pieces was condensed from the spiritual world again. Not only did it not weaken a little due to several times of shattering, but it seemed to use it as a sharpening. Even fiercer!

In this chapter, a madman beats by hand) It's a dragon, coil it up for me; it's a tiger, get down too! "

Murong Xiao's stern shout was stirred and passed on throughout the entire spiritual world, majestic and majestic, as bright as the sound of the sky, severely impacting the will of Saint Michael, and the sword of the spiritual god cut it down without hesitation!


"What a tenacious will!"

St. Michael let out a cry of surprise, his hands were clasped empty, as if holding a sword, and he slashed down brazenly!

The holy cross sword in the sky was pulled, and it also made a straight vertical slash, and it collided with Murong Xiao's spiritual sword fiercely!


An extremely tyrannical wave of power suddenly spread out from the point where the two swords met, with the aura of destroying everything, it blatantly blasted a big hole in Murong Xiao's spiritual world!



Murong Xiao's Spiritual Sword and Saint Michael's Cross Sword made a huge gap at the same time, and the terrifying crack spread!


As the sharp edge burst out, Murong Xiao's spiritual sword immediately returned to its original state, and its sharpness became stronger. It seemed that even the spiritual world couldn't bear the sharp air that pierced the sky, and the slightest cracks were silently opened!

A trace of long-lost fear appeared in Saint Michael's heart, and even the speed of his shots slowed down a bit, without the momentum that was inevitable before.

"and many more……"

Saint Michael suddenly let out a loud shout, but Murong Xiao was unmoved, and slashed down with the spiritual sword!

There are gusts of wind and thunder, the strong wind is blowing, and the chaotic air is violently surging!


The holy cross sword that St. Michael swung hastily lost the vigor before, and was cut to pieces by Murong Xiao's spiritual sword in one fell swoop!


The extremely fierce characteristics of the swordsmanship of the will was brought to the limit, not only smashing the cross holy sword, but also slashing to the manifested body of Saint Michael with the unparalleled sharpness and will to cut through everything!


St. Michael's body was chopped to pieces, and he flew towards a corner of the spiritual world.

Murong Xiao beat the dog in the water, his spirit and will were highly condensed, and the sword he formed was shining with brilliance and peerless sharpness!

"Wait! The external situation is about to explode, and the sword of judgment in your hand is the source of the struggle. Once a war starts, you must be the first target to be eliminated by the two parties!"

Saint Michael's speech was fast, before Murong Xiao was cut off by the divine sword, he finished the words.

The sharpness of the sword of the gods suddenly stopped on the top of Saint Michael's head, and the strong wind almost blew his robe away.

"From what you mean, you want me to cooperate with you?"

Murong Xiao's body suddenly manifested from the spiritual world, tens of thousands of feet high, like a chaotic demon god who created the world, so tall that people can only look up to him, and brought great pressure to Saint Michael.

"That's right, you give me the control of your body for the time being, I will attack, and you will assist, destroy the power of hell!"

"It seems that you have no sincerity."

A mocking smile appeared on the corner of Murong Xiao's mouth, and the sword in his hand suddenly cut off!


The light wings behind Saint Michael blurred for a while, and his body disappeared under the sword in an instant!

"Okay! The control of the body will be returned to you for the time being. I will be responsible for pulling the power of heaven. You will kill the demon king for me!"

St. Michael also manifested a body tens of thousands of feet high. Thinking that the situation outside was already very urgent, he gritted his teeth and made a decision.

"make a deal."


Murong Xiao's body was suspended in the air, and the sword of judgment in his hand emitted a faint divine light, shining with a bewitching luster.


The body of the Demon King began to swell the moment the angels appeared in the sky, like a continuously blown balloon, bursting his decent dress in an instant, revealing a kind of faint blue skin cuticle, and his face became incomparably Ferocious, gradually out of human form!

The power of the five-winged angel forced the Demon King to catalyze the true form of the demon in order to exert the strongest magic power!

The angels stopped in the air, and gradually began to increase their aura. Circles of bright energy swayed around their bodies, flowing slowly according to their positions, and outlined a faint pentagram array!

"Five-in-One Angel Battle Formation?!"

The Demon King's demon body is three meters high, covered with a layer of blue cuticle, like a huge insect, full of powerful power, and the blue luster has a demagogic power, which makes people feel Unknowingly lose your mind.

"It's such an ugly appearance, I can only make do with it at the moment."

The Demon King spoke with his mouth interlaced like dozens of steel knives, and the huge worm eyes wrapped in a layer of spar-like material shone brightly. He looked at the five angels who were gradually solidifying in the empty star array, and their aura was almost condensed into one!



Two shouts came from the mouths of the two leaders almost at the same time, piercing the clouds and cracking rocks, shaking the air, and smashing the floating clouds!


Behind the girl in the golden robe, the first wing suddenly condensed, and an incomparable aura erupted from her delicate body, forming an aura visible to the naked eye, pushing out all the air, and spreading a gust of wind !

Correspondingly, the light wings behind the other four angels seemed much dimmer, and the third wing behind the other three-winged angel almost collapsed, obviously a lot of force was exerted.

The moment the golden robe girl's voice fell, the other four angels moved in unison, as if they were one person!

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Several bursts of bright fighting energy shot out, and the powerful power fluctuated and spread, which suddenly exploded the air in the void, interweaving a sky net, completely covering Murong Xiao's body!

There is no doubt that the large net woven by the explosive bright energy has extremely terrifying destructive power. Even a piece of extremely hard aerospace alloy cannot escape the fate of being shattered in an instant!This is also because its function is mostly used for restraint!

Of course, the bondage of these angels is the sword of judgment. As for the mortal holding the sword, he will be crushed to death by the way.

Naturally, the Demon King would not allow these angels to snatch it. The huge and visually stunning body seemed to defy the attraction of the earth, and suddenly rose to the sky!

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