dream redemption

Chapter 163 Three Demons

(Please recommend for collection! Thanks to the "fat cat" classmate for the reward!

The immortal body of the group of ghosts has no effect anymore, because the hundreds of souls in his body, pierced by the sword intent that Murong Xiao pierced through the air, suddenly shattered!


Murong Xiao's left leg made an overwhelmed crack, and cracks appeared, almost breaking!

Correspondingly, there was a huge reaction force, and the ground under his feet was like being bombarded by shells, and it exploded, splashing all over the world!

Murong Xiao's body is like an arrow leaving a string, leaving a howl of sound tearing the air in the void, and it shoots out with electricity!

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

Dozens of fireballs, in no particular order, slammed into the ground almost at the moment Murong Xiao jumped away, as if he had some revenge on the earth, and the explosion kept trembling, and the thick crust almost turned over, revealing Bloody magma!

The light power in his body surged, and the aftermath of the fireball's explosion was no less than that of a missile explosion, but it couldn't shake Murong Xiao's body in the slightest, as if he was an invincible god!

Under the strong repairing power of the light force, the bone of the left leg recovered instantly, but its hardness could not be recovered instantly, far inferior to the bone tempered by the body sword art!

"Blag cluck!"

The place where Murong Xiao stood was instantly frozen by an absolute low temperature. The coldness that could almost freeze the soul instantly sealed Murong Xiao's body in a huge piece of ice, and the moisture in the air within a few miles was squeezed out. Clean, everything is condensed here!

"He's not that good either."

A figure, completely constructed of translucent ice crystals, separated from the huge ice.

"Be careful, smash the ice cubes completely."

A body with condensed flames slowly floated out of the magma, playing with a highly condensed small black fireball in its hand, scorching the ground until it made a "chi chi" sound!

"let me."

In the void, arcs of lightning flashed, a powerful electric field was generated, and a blue figure stepped out, surrounded by countless electric snakes.When the voice fell, an electric arc was released from his hand, condensing into a huge lightning hammer. The powerful voltage directly distorted the air, refracting colorful rays of light.


The ice cube trembled suddenly, huge cracks spread visible to the naked eye, and a powerful light force overflowed from it!

"What?! Impossible! No one can escape from my ice trap!"

The ice demon suddenly exclaimed, his tone was not as cold as before, but a little more fear of the unknown!

"Quick! Hurry up!"

As soon as the fire demon spoke in a hasty and fiery tone, the small fireball that had been condensed in his hand was thrown out suddenly!


The lightning giant hammer of the electric magic hand did not hesitate, and smashed it down vigorously!The huge power and strong current made him invincible in the past!



The huge ice cubes were instantly shattered into icy slags all over the ground under the lightning hammer, and even the ground was smashed into a big hole!

Under the dark blue lightning hammer, a violent flame flashed, and a circle of dust was stirred up, causing the ground to tremble violently!This is the power of the fire demon's fireball being blasted into the ground!

"Did... kill him?"

The lightning giant hammer, with a strong current flowing through it, hit the hard stone ground until it was loose and porous, and pieces of it were scorched black!There was no movement underground for a long time, and the voice of the ice demon rang out, breaking the silence of this space.



The fire demon and the electric demon spoke at the same time, their eyes made of natural elements looked at each other, and moved away the lightning hammer.Approaching the big pit carefully and looking down.

The big pit is full of scorched and exploded earth and rubble, and there is nothing else.

"Ha, that guy was blasted to the brim! My frost had already frozen most of his internal tissues."

There was a sense of relief in the Ice Demon's tone, and the coldness dissipated a lot.

The fire demon was also slightly relieved when he heard the words, the ground under his feet quickly liquefied into magma, emitting a terrifying heat wave.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple."

The voice of Dianmo gives people a tingling feeling, not because of distracted thoughts, but because of electric shock on the skin.

"You are too nervous, let's hurry up and help His Highness the Demon King, we must not let the people in heaven open the portal."

Ice Demon's tone was obviously the most relaxed. He didn't think anyone could survive their cooperation.

"Sword of Judgment!"


"The Sword of Judgment! Everything may be broken, but the Sword of Judgment will never be broken! Look for it!"

Dianmo seemed to realize something suddenly, and shouted loudly.

"Are you looking for it?"

Murong Xiao's calm voice suddenly came from behind the three demons, at the same time, two sword lights quickly crossed the body of the ice demon, and the extremely fierce sword intent contained in them broke through the air, killing them His soul was torn apart in one fell swoop!


The icy body crashed down, and the soulless natural elements quickly melted under the scorching heat!

"Ding! Kill the aborigines of the mission world: ghosts, witches and heart demons) and get 20000 dream power. The progress of the mission has increased, and the current progress is 70.00%!"

"Ding! Kill the aborigines of the mission world: Ice Demon, and get 10000 Dream God Power. The progress of the mission has increased, and the current progress is 80.00%!"

The reminder of the dream space is very humanized, and it will only sound when you have time to check it.

At the same time, the Huo and Dian demons who heard the sound had no time to turn around and shot out suddenly. A solid fireball covered with flowing flames and a fist made of lightning instantly bombarded Murong Xiao's body!

No!It should be said that it instantly hit the angel's light wings that had already protected his body under Murong Xiao's ribs!


Murong Xiao retreated three steps in a row, each step left a deep footprint on the ground, and stone dust flew up.

Protected by the angel's light wings, Murong Xiao's body was only subjected to a little insignificant shock.

It is better to cut off one finger than to hurt his ten fingers. This is the tactic that Murong Xiao made up before he drew his sword. Even if he takes some damage, he must resist the attacks of the other two demons and kill one of them!

That's what I thought, and I did the same thing. Angel Light Wing's defense ability exceeded expectations, absorbing all elemental attacks!

While retreating to relieve his strength, Murong Xiao took the time to glance at the battlefield on the side of the Demon King, and found that the pitch-black void had gradually returned to normal, but it was completely covered by the black mist gushing out of the Demon King's body!Even if there were occasional flashes of white light, it was getting weaker and weaker.

"time is limited……"

Murong Xiao's thoughts turned, the light energy in his body was consumed several times, and there was not much left...

Murong Xiao holds the sword in both hands, the sword of judgment has been changed to the left hand, while the right hand is holding the weeping sword tempered day and night with painstaking efforts.

On the weeping sword body, a layer of glowing white light emerged, like the divine brilliance cast by the scorching sun, exuding a fiery, powerful, and sharp aura!

The body of an elemental demon is made up of elements, and its core lies in the soul...

These thoughts flashed through the mind quickly, Murong Xiao's extremely fierce eyes suddenly fell on the bodies of the two demons, causing a chill in their hearts, and they couldn't help but take a step back!

"A sword..."

Murong Xiao's gaze is calm and cold, it's the gaze of a dead person!

"Damn guy, turn me into ashes!"

Murong Xiao's gaze made Huo Mo feel extremely uncomfortable. This is the discomfort from the soul level, as if an eagle is staring at a snake and just wants to hide it desperately!

However, the hostility and vanity cultivated by domineering in hell firmly supported him, making him restrain the instinct originating from the soul, and firmly nailed to the spot!

Of course, in order to conceal the fear in his heart, the fire demon instantly mobilized the magic power in his body, condensed a giant flaming palm, and enveloped Murong Xiao's body from above!

The air swayed violently, the lines on the palms of the giant flames were blurred and slightly distorted, completely covering Murong Xiao's body!


Stepping out with sword steps under her feet, Murong Xiao's body seemed to turn into a sword light piercing the void, she shot out suddenly, and instantly escaped from the enveloping range of the giant flaming palm!

At the same time, the two swords in both hands drew strange and unpredictable trajectories, flashing dangerous lights.

The Dianmo was much more cautious than the Fire Demon, pointing like a javelin, and followed his thoughts to attack Murong Xiao's advancing route densely. It also greatly affected Murong Xiao's charging speed!

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