dream redemption

Chapter 170 Beamon

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Looking at it like this, with the sharpness of the claws, even cutting steel is not a problem at all. It is hard to imagine what the consequences will be if the claws are grasped just now!

Looking up, the muscular animal arm is also covered by a layer of hard horniness, like armor, with the texture of scales.


Murong Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly, and a strange color flashed in the depths of her calm eyes.

The Behemoth in front of me is very similar to the genetically synthesized beast in the world of Resident Evil. It is three feet high, like a building, covered with scale-like cuticles, combined with a body as tall as a three-story building. It gives people a strong sense of visual oppression, almost overwhelming people's eyeballs!

Although the appearance of this Behemoth is very similar to the genetically synthesized beast in the biohazard world, its degree of danger is very different. Its violent breath is several times stronger than it, just like a giant insect in the deep mountain compared to paper Tigers are not qualified to be compared at all!

"Compared to genetically synthesized beasts, maybe this is a bit like a legendary beast..."

Murong Xiao smiled slightly, the weeping sword light and the sword of judgment were unsheathed at the same time, the extremely sharp edge burst out, cutting the air around him to pieces, even Lan Huo couldn't bear this peerless edge, the tough skin It was scratched with bloodstains.

The giant Behemoth couldn't take a single blow, its violent arrogance rose into the sky, its huge body was like a crushing machine, striding towards Murong Xiao to crush it, its huge claws were covered with thick cuticle.Like a huge hammer, it trampled the ground until it was covered with cobwebs, and it was pitch black and bottomless!

Lan Huo raised his hooves and hissed long, and he stood up. Facing this Beamon, who was like a prehistoric giant, his courage was not lost at all. Instead, under the stimulation of the sharp edge, his viciousness was aroused, and his eyes were flooded.

Murong Xiao turned his true energy under his feet, and borrowed the strength of Lan Huo's body.It turned into a white light and soared into the sky, instantly rising to the height of the Behemoth's eyes!

Lan Huo's body bears the weight, and the hind hooves of the ground press the hard road surface out of the fine cracks, which spread like a spider web.

Murong Xiao's momentum and fighting spirit were condensed in an instant, just like his figure, he quickly rose up, like a sword that pierced the sky, like an ancient giant.Drag the sky!

Although his figure is insignificant compared with the behemoth Behemoth.But at this moment, in terms of aura, he looks like a sword god looking down on the world. His small body contains astonishing power, which makes people look up to him!There is an urge to worship.

The gigantic Behemoth had to raise its head slightly at this time, only to feel that it could look directly into Murong Xiao's eyes!


There is no nonsense, strength is king!

The swords in Murong Xiao's hands burst out with unparalleled sharpness, pure and flawless light and true energy leaked from the sword body.There is a blazing bright breath in the breath, purifying everything!

The Sword of Judgment multiplies the power of the bright sword energy, and the weeping sword intent surges out, blesses the sword energy with the sword's invincible, piercing properties, and slashes out brazenly!

A circle of pure white air waves swayed from Murong Xiao's body, like a huge stone was thrown into the calm water surface, and there were continuous ripples in the air.Powerful power fluctuations swept through!

One sword carried Murong Xiao's sword will, under the magnification and blessing of the Sword of Judgment and Slashing Formation, this sharp and blazing bright sword energy was fully three feet long.As tall as a Behemoth monster, it was as if a blazing sun had slashed down. It was so hot and fierce that it could almost smash a mountain into pieces!

The unstoppable anger and the death oppression of the fierce sword qi ignited all the fierceness of the Behemoth Behemoth!


The behemoth opened its huge mouth enough to swallow a car, revealing a mouth full of criss-crossed sharp teeth.

A loud roar suddenly burst out from his throat, and the strong sound waves created ripples in the air like circles of water waves, and went straight to the sky, shaking all the fog in a radius of several miles to shattered!

With the sound of this roar, the body of Behemoth Behemoth suddenly swelled up, and the muscles of the whole body were like an inflated balloon, which doubled in an instant!Covering the whole body, the horny layer like a lin armor also instantly turned into the color of blood sleeves, a series of ferocious lines emerged, and the violent breath was like a substance, oppressing the air!

After the giant roar, the aura of the Behemoth Behemoth instantly rose infinitely, like an abyss, like a mountain!

Especially the two arms of the Behemoth giant beast, the blood-colored lines seem to come alive, circulating, the cuticle continues to proliferate, and instantly becomes several times thicker, giving people a mountain-like heaviness, as if the whole body Defense, all condensed on the arms!

Behemoth's arms are crossed, and it is in the shape of an "x" in front of its body. On the thick cuticle, there is a halo of earthy yellow faintly, as if it is connected to the earth, as immovable as a mountain, giving people an unshakable intensity Feel!

If the Behemoth Behemoth is an unshakable mountain, then Murong Xiao is a divine sword that cuts through the sky, pierces the void, and shoots everything!

It's a long story, but in fact everything happened in an instant!Murong Xiao's sword energy, like a rainbow passing through the sky, is like lightning piercing through the sky. In a flash of light, it has already slashed in front of the Behemoth Beast!


The sword energy pierced through the air, and the fragile air was instantly smashed to pieces under the powerful force, forming a suffocating vacuum world, from top to bottom, it suppressed towards the top of the Behemoth!

Before he had time to think, the Behemoth's arms rested on top of its head, and an incomparably blazing bright aura descended, and the fierce sharp aura kept cutting the defenses on its body surface!


The two collide, one attack and one defense!

When they collided with each other, the bright and fierce sword energy was brought to the limit, and the defense formed by the arms of the Behemoth giant beast lasted for less than a second before being cut through by Murong Xiao's sword, like a flower in a mirror and a moon in water!

Immediately afterwards, the pure white and blazing bright sword energy with an indestructible edge slashed off the head of the Behemoth Behemoth, unstoppable like divine punishment from heaven and earth!


The blood waves of the orangutan sleeve gushed out from the body of the Behemoth giant beast. Driven by the huge slashing power of the sword energy, the huge body that was neatly divided into two halves flew back heavily, stirring up the fog in the air.


Beamon's huge body slammed down violently, causing the ground to tremble, and the splashed dust added a gray-black color to the permeating fog, and the thick blood raged, causing the zombies in the distance to howl in unison. , Bees are coming!

Lan Huo stepped on the ground with all four hooves, jumped up high, and accurately caught Murong Xiao who fell from the sky.

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