dream redemption

Chapter 174 Tactics

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When the sword net is intertwined with sword lights, two divine lights burst out, like sword lights, cutting through emptiness and looking directly at the source!

"It turns out that this is a special kind of energy, which is fundamentally different from pure illusion!"

Murong Xiao's eyes shone with light, the sword net of the secret book suddenly disappeared, and several sharp and fiery bright sword qi shot out, cutting off all the blades!

In the face of unknown things, human instinct will produce fear, which has nothing to do with courage and will, it is a biological instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages!

Before, Murong Xiao almost mistakenly believed that this phantom king had the ability to turn some illusions into reality, so he was extremely afraid of her, this ability is already close to the fantasy space!

But now, Murong Xiao is keenly aware of this kind of energy fluctuation, and her scruples are much less, from passive to active!

"Why didn't you attack in the illusion just now?"

Murong Xiao, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly opened his mouth, causing Huan Wang, who was panting slightly in the dark, to pause.

"If my guess is correct, you don't have much energy left. Do you think you can still defeat me?"

"Heck, your psychological tactics are too naive. Although my sister doesn't have much energy left, it's enough to deal with you."

The charming voice of the Magic King came from the ubiquitous void, and the tone did not change at all, making it difficult for people to figure out the reality.

"Ten minutes left."

The phantom king's voice seemed to be like a death urging spell, which made people tremble instinctively.

"The same goes for yours, meanwhile. You also made a mistake..."

As soon as the words fell, Murong Xiao's body had already turned into a dazzling sword light, slashing towards a certain place in the room!

"call out!"

The sword energy pierced through the air, revealing its sharpness, and the surrounding air was broken into pieces, blowing away, like a hurricane blowing out of thin air!

The sharp and blazing bright sword energy is like a long rainbow through the sky, like lightning piercing through the sky, it cuts to a void in an instant!

The air twisted violently, as if a raging fire suddenly ignited underneath.Grill it hard!

An illusory and transparent figure flashed away from the distorted air, leaving a drop of blood in the void!


The thick floor is like tofu, easily pierced by this sword energy, leaving a small hole that has been baked at high temperature, and the front and back are transparent. From it, you can faintly see the same small hole on the floor of the lower room!

With the fierceness of the bright sword energy, I am afraid that this sword energy does not know how many meters it penetrates into the ground.Hope no one has a tragic gun...

But these, Murong Xiao has no time to take care of them.The sharp eyes, like the light of a sword, firmly locked on this fleeting figure, and the almost boiling will of the sword burst out, breaking through the air, making this figure impossible to hide!

The weeping sword light, under the infusion of true energy, released a bright light, carrying all of Murong Xiao's will.Slash out!

The narrow space was suddenly illuminated by the light of this sword, and filled the air.The powerful energy surged and splashed, and the unmatched power wave swept across the air. The room that had been destroyed to no shape suddenly cracked everywhere, a large piece of building materials fell, and the wall near the window completely collapsed.Slammed hard on the sidewalk on the fifth floor!


At the moment when the Weeping Sword's light was about to cut through the sky, a pitch-black dagger suddenly manifested from the void, rubbing against the Weeping Sword's body with a cluster of dazzling flames!

Murong Xiao's whole body was full of vigor.The incomparably exuberant power of qi and blood gushed out, and the powerful power contained in the sword light suddenly burst out, smashing the violent energy impacting on the dagger in one fell swoop!

From the pitch-black dagger, dots of light blue energy spots vibrated out and merged into the air.A figure with sleeves was forced out of the void by the huge slashing power of the Weeping Tears Sword!

The figure in the sleeves is a young woman about 25 years old. She has a delicate and charming face, and her body is soft and boneless. A little bit of white skin is exposed under a long sleeves dress, like suet white jade, making people feel affectionate and unbearable to touch. bump!

This is a beautiful woman with all kinds of charms. She has both the reserve of an oriental woman and the enthusiasm of a western woman. She is naturally charming and can directly draw out the most primitive desire in a man's heart.It was impossible to imagine that such a woman would have such great strength!

Murong Xiao's eyes are calm and unwavering, the way he looks at the Huan Wang is like a fat pig in the eyes of a butcher, he will kill anyone if he doesn't kill you.

After the sword of Weeping Tears was slashed out, Murong Xiao didn't even think about pulling it back. His body turned into a beam of sword light, shot out with lightning, and charged in front of the Magic King in an instant. Through some special and wonderful transformation, Murong Xiao's bright sword energy was multiplied!

A trace of panic flashed across the exquisite and charming face of the Magic King, and his body suddenly floated backwards, like a butterfly wearing flowers, fluttering in the dance room, irregular and unpredictable!

But it didn't work!

Murong Xiao's sword intent had already locked onto her before, no matter how erratic her figure was, how to dodge, under the guidance of the sword intent, as long as she didn't escape very far, Murong Xiao's sword intent would , definitely be able to cut her body in the first time!

However, the Magic King is by no means easy-going. As he flew around, the jet-black dagger in his hand suddenly struck out without any movement or sound. This dagger seemed to be full of magic, capable of devouring everything, including light and air. , sound, and even energy fluctuations are completely hidden. It is definitely an artifact that assassins dream of in sneak attacks!


The pitch-black dagger and the sword of judgment met in the air, and the two powerful energies collided with each other in the air. The huge fluctuations caused could not be swallowed even by the strange dagger in the hand of the Magic King. The room completely collapsed, and all the nearby glass products burst!

A few passers-by who were weaker and watched the movement on the fifth floor of the hotel suddenly went into shock, and the rest of them covered their ears one after another and became temporarily deaf!

In the void, a powerful energy shock wave suddenly spread, a little bit of blue light, a faint white light, jumped from the empty space that was hit into a vacuum, like a dream, as beautiful as a clear jellyfish, and equally deadly!A huge stone ceiling fell into it, instantly turning into nothingness!


The tyrannical huge force waved away, and the bodies of Murong Xiao and the two of them flew upside down under the action of this huge force!

Murong Xiao's body was like a fired shell, smashing hard through the corridor of the hotel and embedded in the wall of another room!

Murong Xiao's body was shaken, and the power of exuberant Qi and blood surged out, instantly shattering the wall and smashing it to the street below, causing countless passers-by to run away!

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