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There was no time to react!Before the dozens of martial arts officers could even see Murong Xiao's figure clearly, they were all knocked down, without the slightest possibility of resisting!

"Stop everything for me!"

Murong Xiao's voice, under the diffusion of true energy, was like a thunderclap on the ground, making the orderly evacuation team quiet down immediately!

"Oh my god! It's him! That lunatic!"

"Terrorist! Run!"

"Help! Army! Where's the army?!"

"Why am I so unlucky!"

"Don't be afraid, everyone, there is only one of him, let's go!"

Looking at Murong Xiao who suddenly appeared at the door of the refuge, the citizens who had not had time to evacuate immediately erupted into a huge chaos after a short period of silence. Under the instigation of some people, they rushed towards the exit, trying to rely on the crowd tactics Charge Murong Xiao across. \

Glancing indifferently at the rushing crowd, Murong Xiao's eyes were calm and unwavering, and with two submachine guns in his hand, he fired a round before they approached the exit!

"Da da da da da!"

A tongue of icy flames shot out from the pitch-black muzzle, dozens of bullets shot out with indifferent luster, and accurately hit these people's calves, splashing clusters of blood on their sleeves!

"Closer to the exit, the place where the bullet enters is your head!"

Murong Xiao's icy voice was transmitted to the ears of everyone present with a strong zhenqi, with a firm tone.No one doubts the weight of his words.

After throwing more than a dozen grenades from Wu Jing near the exit of the shelter and another emergency exit, Murong Xiao showed a devilish smile.

"The newly developed sleeve grenade will detonate as soon as human radiation approaches. Who is interested in trying it?"

The citizens with guns were lying on the ground crying, the cold muzzle of Murong Xiao's hand exuded the deadly smell of gunpowder smoke, and a dozen quiet grenades; all these made the citizens of these shelters choose to retreat wisely.



This young man who was trying to stir up emotions again suddenly had a terrifying blood hole between his eyebrows, the blood of the orangutan sleeve mixed with white brains gurgled out, mixed with the pungent smell of gunpowder smoke, and immediately made the citizens around him bow their heads Spit up!

"I don't want to hear anything."

Murong Xiao fired his gun into the sky again.These citizens who were extremely frightened, resisted not making any sound. A girl couldn't bear the oppressive atmosphere, but her mother could only cover her lips and sobbed suppressedly. Even so, it made the people around them fearful. .

The researcher guessed right, Murong Xiao wanted to take a large number of hostages so that the army would not dare to use weapons easily.This situation will undoubtedly become beneficial to him, as long as the Oneiroi system is upgraded.You can temporarily leave the real world to avoid the limelight.

It sounds impossible for one person to control tens of thousands of hostages, but it is true.They have the ability to break through Murong Xiao's blockade, but the price is likely to be tens of hundreds of lives, no one is willing to take the initiative to die, even if it is only a second longer life is good, this is human nature, just like Nanjing back then massacre……

After initially controlling these hostages.Most of the citizens who shot before have already fainted from the pain. If they are not treated, they are very likely to die.

"Someone who knows how to bandage will bandage them up. There should be medical supplies in the shelter."

Murong Xiao sat down directly on the ground, poking his spirit into the space ring.

Lucifer's spiritual frequency has a wonderful resonance with Murong Xiao, and with Murong Xiao's permission, Lucifer's spiritual frequency can also penetrate into his ring.

"Lucifer. Discovery."

Flicking over the sleeves with spirit, Murong Xiao gave an order to Lucifer, while she probed towards the earrings of the King of Huan.

Judging from the fluctuations it emits, this is a piece of space equipment.

With Murong Xiao's spiritual power approaching.As if some kind of restraint of this space equipment was activated, there was a rather strong spiritual power swinging out immediately, like a closed door, firmly blocking Murong Xiao's spiritual power out!


Murong Xiao snorted coldly, his spiritual power instantly transformed into extremely fierce sword intent, and blatantly slashed towards the mental shield beyond the earrings!


There was an invisible wave coming from the earrings, and the mental shield was like an immovable mountain. After enduring the bombardment of Murong Xiao's sword intent, there were only slight waves.

"It's a strong restriction, but break it for me!"

The light in Murong Xiao's eyes soared, wisps of sharpness burst out, and a spiritual sword completely condensed by spiritual power was suddenly thrown out, with the fierceness of cutting through everything and piercing everything, he slashed down brazenly!


From the interspatial ring, a silent loud noise resounded directly through people's souls, causing several people who were closer to Murong Xiao to faint on the spot!

The indestructible spirit was shielded by the fierce sword intent, making a sound like glass shattering, and a crack spread!

With the feedback of huge shock force, Murong Xiao still somewhat underestimated the tenacity of this spiritual shield. Although he cut a crack in it, his condensed spiritual sword also shattered under a huge counter-shock force !

Transparent spiritual shielding, a spreading crack gradually disappears, and it even has the ability of automatic repair!

However, Murong Xiao would not give it this chance, just when it was trying its best to repair the crack, a more powerful and sharp spiritual sword had been condensed out, with a terrifying aura of cutting everything, shooting out!


The strong spiritual barrier was pierced by the sharpness of the spiritual sword, and dozens, hundreds of fine cracks spread rapidly from the pierced places, like dense spider webs.


Under Murong Xiao's control, the same cracked spiritual sword exploded and turned into extremely sharp small swords, completely cutting through the extremely strong spiritual shield!

"Crack clap!"

The spiritual shield turned into pieces of transparent fragments that shattered, and strands of pure spiritual power spread out, filling the entire space ring.

Murong Xiao's eyes shone brightly, and his spiritual power turned into a greedy vortex, which involved all the spiritual power and refined it fiercely!

The spiritual condensing method of Yijianshu is fully suppressed. After breaking the spiritual shield and refining the overflowing spiritual power, the spiritual power that has just broken through to the first level and is still slightly vain has completely stabilized!


Murong Xiao, who was always paying attention to the outside world before she had time to put her mental power into the earrings, sensed that someone was running towards the exit of the shelter because she couldn't bear the huge mental pressure here.


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