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However, the army seemed to be prepared. Once a tear gas bomb was thrown, more tear gas bombs would be fired immediately, as if there was no end to it!

A large number of tear gas bombs immediately exerted a terrifying effect. The citizens in the refuge were choked and coughed, and tears kept streaming from their eyes. Coupled with the thick smoke, their inner fear was suddenly magnified to a limit!

Chaos arises!Tens of thousands of people ran around, and many people were knocked to the ground immediately. After several rounds of trampling, their souls returned to the west!

The thick smoke made these ordinary people lose their sense of direction. After a period of collision, someone finally rushed out of the exit!

With the first one, the second one will appear soon, like pushing dominoes, more and more!

Immediately, a large number of citizens discovered that the so-called "sleeve bomb" was not as miraculous as he said, and did not explode.

Then, a large number of citizens who heard the voice rushed over with tears on their faces, and they all rushed out.

As for the dozen or so wounded lying at the exit, under the premise that their own lives were not guaranteed, no one had the heart to care about the lives of others, so they tragically disappeared under the feet of the people...

A layer of faint, almost transparent zhenqi came out through the body, completely blocking the irritating gas released by the tear gas bombs.Murong Xiao's condensed eyes, like a sharp long sword, completely cut through the thick mist, revealing a clear road!

The crowd rushed towards the exit, Murong Xiao had no choice.He can't really go on a killing spree...

In the mission world, Murong Xiao may be able to be ruthless and treat them as NPCs in real games, but in the real world, he still can't treat human life as nothing, especially these people, and many innocent people...

"My sword is not cold enough, I made a mistake..."

While thinking about it, Murong Xiao had already used the cover of smoke bombs to put on a set of ordinary citizen's clothes over the energy-gathering clothes.Put on the oversized sunglasses simulated by Lucifer, and follow the flow of people out of the shelter.

At the wide exit, several thick camouflage armored vehicles divide it into relatively narrow passages that can only allow two people to pass side by side. There are more than a dozen passages in total. At the end of each passage, there are several soldiers with submachine guns. One by one, they carefully checked the faces of the citizens who had escaped from the refuge.

Once there is any suspicious person, or similar in appearance, they will be scolded regardless of their protest.Seize it forcibly.

"You can't do this! The guns should be aimed at terrorists, not us civilians!"

"Let's get out!"

"The conscience of heaven and earth. You actually used tear gas on us and pointed guns at us, not letting us go out!"

"Ri, do you know that the guns in your hands, and even the military boots on your feet, are all purchased with the tax money of our people..."


The young lieutenant suddenly pulled out the gun on his waist, and fired a loud gunshot into the sky, immediately suppressing all voices of dissatisfaction.All suppressed.

"Enough! The fundamental purpose of our army is to protect the fundamental interests of the people, shut up the fuck!"

The eyes of these citizens were irritated by the tear gas bombs before, and they could not see things. Now they are also a little blurred, and only a vague figure can be seen.

Although most people scoffed at what the lieutenant said.But under the deterrence of dozens of submachine guns, they all wisely chose to shut up and waited in line to pass the inspection honestly.

Murong Xiao hid in the growing crowd, with the weeping sword hidden in his sleeve.Looking for the best time to shoot, at the same time, the eyes hidden under the lens glanced around to calculate the best evacuation route.

The efficiency of the soldiers was very high, the crowd in front of Murong Xiao quickly decreased, and it would be his turn soon.

"Take off your sunglasses."

The leading soldier's tone was stern, and the muzzle of the pitch-black gun was raised, pointing at Murong Xiao's head.

Murong Xiao raised his right arm slightly, then lowered it lightly, directly passed through the muzzles of several soldiers, and rushed to the street with a large group of citizens.


A citizen easily walked through this passageway surrounded by armored vehicles, with a hint of suspicion on his face, and a slight feeling that something was wrong, but now it was a matter of life and death, how could he have time to care so much, the citizen just paused slightly, and then Put your head down and leave quickly.

"I'm not a terrorist, look carefully!"

Dozens of people passed through this passage without any risk. These soldiers were like sculptures, motionless. The serious faces under the gas masks did not even blink their eyes.

A resentful young man with yellow hair stepped forward and "accidentally" bumped into a nearby soldier with his shoulder.


"Plop! Plop! Plop!"

The soldier seemed to have lost all his strength, and was bumped lightly by the provocative young man with yellow hair, and immediately fell down!

Immediately afterwards, there was a domino effect, and all the soldiers in this passage were knocked down one by one, and within three seconds, they all fell down!

"Uh...what's the situation?"

The young man with yellow hair was dumbfounded. He didn't know what was going on at all, so he froze in place for a while.

The lieutenant standing on the armored vehicle immediately noticed that there was a situation in this passage, and immediately jumped off the armored vehicle, and at the same time shouted: "There is a situation in the fifth passage! All soldiers are ready to fight!"

The soldiers who heard the shouting immediately opened the safety of their guns, gathered in an orderly manner towards passage No. [-], and within a few seconds, this passage was firmly blocked!

The lieutenant went through the carotid arteries of several soldiers one by one, and found that their pulses had completely disappeared, and even the corpses had begun to freeze.

"Drive the armored vehicles away and lift the blockade."

The lieutenant quickly gave the order and turned on the headset at the same time.

"Sir, there is a situation on my side. Seven soldiers were killed. It is speculated that the target of the mission has escaped from the shelter!"

"Received! Lift the blockade, but beware that the target is still mixed with this group of citizens, and notify the police to come and deal with the corpses in the shelter."

The major's calm voice could not hear any emotion, and he quickly gave the most appropriate order.

Hearing that he didn't mean to blame himself for negligence, the lieutenant was slightly relieved, and faithfully carried out the command of the officer.

On the other side, the major also contacted the head of the military base.

"Commander Pan, we lost seven soldiers, but we didn't see the target. We suspect that he took advantage of the chaos to leave with the crowd..."

After quickly reporting the situation here, the major quietly waited for the next order from above.

Commander Pan didn't keep the major waiting, and the voice of strategizing soon came from the satellite phone.

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