dream redemption

Chapter 19 Perfect Blood

(Haha, No.14! Fellow Taoists are really awesome! Although school starts tomorrow, it’s also a new week, the third shift, and the day after tomorrow too! Hope to continue adding more!!)

"This man is called Alexander #Kevinos. Because of his special physique, he survived, and awakened a certain power in his body, and obtained the gift of eternal life."

Maybe it's punishment...

Murong Xiao complained in his heart, saying this, he was completely sure of Ke Wennuosi's conditions.

"This person, could it be you?" Murong Xiao asked in "shock".

"Yes, with the power of immortality, not afraid of the sun, no different from ordinary people." "I believe your father must be very satisfied with this exchange condition, what do you think? Young man."

Ke Wennuosi smiled confidently, no one can refuse the temptation of eternal life.Who in the world is immortal?Whether you are a generation of pride, sitting on thousands of miles of mountains and rivers; or you are a beautiful city, crowning the world; after a hundred years, you will end up in the loess, longevity has always been the lifelong pursuit of human beings.

Faced with such a temptation, Murong Xiao was moved, and he had no reason not to be moved!

"To live alone is not so much a gift as a curse."

Murong Xiao stays calm, when negotiating with others, it's best not to let others see that you have moved, this is what the book says.

"Hehe, young man, I can feel your heartbeat."

Murong Xiao didn't dare to look at Ke Wennuosi's eyes, those mysterious eyes seemed to be able to penetrate all disguises and directly probe into his heart.

"Rather than be alone, I would rather grow old."

Murong Xiao's tone also calmed down. He asked Lucifer just now that the repair ability of the dream space can keep his body in peak condition, and immortality is of little significance to him.

Ke Wennuosi frowned, he felt that the strong longing in Murong Xiao's heart suddenly weakened, it seemed that it was true as he said, he would rather grow old gradually.

After thinking for a moment, the worry about his son made Ke Wennuosi urgently need a strong army in his hands.

"Young man, I am amazed at your determination."

After a long time, Ke Wennuosi finally spoke, said: "I can give you my blood, but I hope your things can satisfy me."

Murong Xiao wanted to say something, but suddenly found that she couldn't speak, and her body was firmly imprisoned, as if she had been hit by Monkey King's immobilization spell.

On Ke Wennuos's wrist, a thin thread of blood writhed like a living thing, and finally plunged into Murong Xiao's chest.

Murong Xiao felt that this was a kind of substantive spiritual power, which pierced into his heart like a blood vessel, infusing Kevinos' blood into his body.

"Is this the overlord's bow?"

Murong Xiaoyu cried without tears, originally wanted him to defend against the attack of the werewolves tonight, who knew that after all this, there would be no rejection reaction?

As the perfect blood of the immortal flows into the heart, and then is transported to every corner of the body, a wonderful feeling arises from the bottom of my heart.

Like the feeling of healing in a dream space, a warm feeling permeates every cell in the body, bringing unparalleled comfort.

The toxins deposited in the blood were excreted through the pores, and Murong Xiao felt that his whole body was full of strength, but the keen perception of opening the [-]% soul binding clearly told him that this was just an illusion.

"Okay, your physique is about the same as mine, and your blood can greatly extend the lifespan of human beings. But that's all, this is my bottom line."

Ke Wennuosi stared at Murong Xiao closely, the threat could not be more obvious.

Murong Xiao was sure that as long as he said "no", this handsome old man who looked weak due to blood transfusion would kill him without hesitation.

Is Kevinos' source virus or his recessive gene that can change the disease and make it beneficial to himself?



An imperceptible ray of light swept across Murong Xiao's body, and a series of messages immediately came to mind.

"Number 9527; ability, primary lightness skill enhancement, superficial internal strength; special enhancement, perfect blood carrier; comprehensive combat power 10."

Sure enough, this old monster is not a good thing, playing word games with me.

A trace of dissatisfaction flashed in Murong Xiao's eyes, and he said to himself: "You are the first grader, don't blame me for the fifteenth grade."

"This is a bullet. These black powders are the representative of our outstanding civilization in China, one of the four great inventions."

"Oh? I've heard of this. Isn't gunpowder used to make firecrackers for celebrations?"

Ke Wennuosi's complexion gradually returned to ruddy, and he asked with interest.

"The origin of gunpowder was firstly an unintentional product of ancient alchemists' alchemy, but it changed the course of human history."

After explaining the method of making gunpowder and Covinos finished the experiment, it was already evening and the sun was setting.

"Young man, I wish you good luck." Ke Wennuosi left gracefully, leaving behind a village of Fokker like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"Do you think that you can make firearms by memorizing the structure and assembly of parts? In this era, can you make special steel? Ordinary metals simply cannot withstand 12.7mm bullets."

Murong Xiao sneered coldly, and originally wanted to use the design blueprint of an old-fashioned gun as a condition for him to protect the village...

On the third night, with the gradual rise of a full moon, those without combat effectiveness were placed in the cellar in batches to hide, or...waiting to die.

A werewolf's unique howl came from the woods in the distance, and the chill atmosphere enveloped the entire village, and even the full moon in the sky turned red like blood.

"Four hours! Lord Victor will come to accept our tribute in four hours, cheer me up!"

Rex put on a helmet that covered his face, and his voice became grim.Although, after paying tribute to Victor, most people would become his slaves, but at least it was much better than turning into irrational beasts.

"Captain, except for Rex, everyone present was implanted with silver in their bodies by St. Feather; damn it, our trip was for nothing!"

Tai Tan's rough voice whispered in Murong Xiao's ears, but with his volume, it was difficult for others to hear him.

However, this move of Saint Feus was obviously acquiesced by Rex, and the implanted people were also willing. They would rather die the moment they became werewolves than hurt their relatives and friends after losing their minds. .

"Titan, if I can survive, I will definitely compensate you with enough silver coins!"

Rex pulled out the long sword at his waist, and the flickering cold light showed the sharpness enough to cut gold and jade.

"Aw..." "Aww..."

In the woods, the werewolf who smelled the blood of the same kind suddenly went crazy and howled at the moon. The bright moonlight seemed to be able to arouse their deeper anger and make them stronger.

"Ow hoo hoo..."

A most powerful werewolf climbed on top of a hundred-year-old tree king, and the resonant howling of wolves was heard far away, stirring over the village.

Under the reflection of the moonlight, strong black shadows rushed towards the village at high speed.

The ground trembled, and these dozens of werewolves ran with the momentum of thousands of horses galloping, and even gave people the illusion of a torrent, as if the village of Falk would be flattened in the next instant!

"Amazon, defend the city crossbow!"

The number of this group of werewolves was more than forty according to visual inspection, and their overall combat strength was above six, with the strongest one reaching ten.

The city defense crossbow hummed heavily. The spear-like crossbow bolts were endowed with powerful kinetic energy by the strings twisted by steel wire and animal tendons. They penetrated the abdomen of a werewolf with a burst of sound, and the strong power even knocked it to the ground. His body was firmly nailed to the ground.

"The crossbowman is ready, shoot immediately after entering the shooting range!"

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