dream redemption

Chapter 20 The Reinforcement Arriving Early

(Two chapters in a row! There will be more updates in the afternoon, fellow Taoists!)

"The crossbowman is ready, shoot immediately after entering the shooting range!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The heavy defensive crossbow fired spears one after another, and a total of three werewolves were hit, and they were nailed to the ground.

"whoosh whoosh"

Dozens of arrows were like flying locusts, forming the first wave of blows to the werewolves running.The silver-plated arrows make the werewolf's self-healing ability have no room to play.

"All the personnel with low combat effectiveness gather together as much as possible, check the weapons and make sure they are covered with silver! Prepare to work hard!!"

In less than a moment, the werewolf and the human were in hand-to-hand combat. After only one encounter, several werewolves jumped over the dirt wall, threw the weak human to the ground, and bit off their necks.

"Everyone has it, fight freely!"

Murong Xiao chopped off a werewolf that was eating, and the flesh and blood drove them completely crazy, and even fought each other for a human corpse.

If it weren't for its terrifying infectivity and terrifying fecundity, this race might have already perished.

"Ah! Devil! Run away!"

Unable to bear the shock of witnessing the werewolf cannibalism, a young villager dropped his weapon and ran into the village.


Murong Xiao coldly withdrew the Tang Dao that had pierced into the deserter's heart: "Death to those who flee without authorization!"

The sharp blade was soaked in blood, and with his indifferent expression, all the witnesses couldn't help but shudder. This man is more terrifying than a werewolf!

Stimulated by the death of the villagers, everyone clenched their weapons and fought the werewolf desperately.

The werewolves stimulated by the blood are almost indifferent to the changes in the outside world, Murong Xiao only needs to approach them and chop off their heads with a knife.

After such a while, all the werewolves have climbed up the city wall, and their sharp claws make it impossible for any terrain to cause trouble to them. In the movie, they can even run on the cliff!


A werewolf covered in blood set his sights on Murong Xiao, roared and ran over!


The werewolf slapped it, the sharp claws cut through the air, and pressed hard on Murong Xiao's chest.

If this claw is firm, the skin will peel off even if it is not dead.

Murong Xiao turned around, and the Tang Dao in his hand turned into a light and shadow, instantly chopping off the arm it hit.

Immediately afterwards, Murong Xiao's body didn't stop, and he hit the werewolf's jaw hard with his elbow, knocking it to the ground.With one foot on the werewolf's chest, the knife turned and accurately inserted into its heart.

"Aside from sneak attacks, you are indeed useless!"

Quickly drew out the knife, Murong Xiao said coldly, his eyes fell on the other werewolf.


Behind Murong Xiao, a werewolf lurking up stealthily showed half of the tail of an arrow in the eye frame, and the beautiful arrow feathers buzzed and trembled.

"Great job, Amazon!"

Murong Xiaochong stretched out his thumb to Amazon who was not far away, and at the same time performed the elementary lightness kung fu and turned around, Sen Han's blade pointed towards him, stabbing out like a seppuku!


The sound of metal piercing into flesh and blood sounded, Murong Xiao turned his wrist, stirred it hard, turned around and pulled out the knife.

"Happy! Haha, as expected, the battlefield is the final destination of a man!"

Wiping the black blood off his face, Murong Xiao said coldly: "The same trick, don't use it on me a third time!"

The killing sword technique is simple and practical, and all moves are based on taking people's lives. It is most suitable for use on the battlefield.

The pure killing, the rough roar, the joy of the knife piercing the flesh, made Murong Xiao completely fascinated by the bloody close combat.

"Looking at it this way, the task should be completed easily. Am I being too cautious?"

After a frenzied slaughter, there were not many werewolves left, and Murong Xiao couldn't help feeling suspicious.

"Aren't the werewolves the greatest danger?"


Just as doubts arose in my heart, an inhuman roar came from among the group of resisting people.

The skin all over his body was black and red, covered with werewolf scratches. At this time, the wounds on his body healed quickly, the thick body hair grew wildly, and the muscles in his arms were extremely swollen.


The blacksmith lay on the ground in pain, his hands turned into sharp claws, clenched into fists, and slammed on the ground.


After a loud roar, a little silver mixed with bright red blood fell out from his wound.

Red blood!The werewolf virus mutated into a second-generation virus!

Murong Xiao's pupils contracted suddenly, as if he understood something. This village stimulated the birth of the first immortal, and the mutation of the werewolf virus was also here.

"Stop it!"

Following Murong Xiao's shout, the remaining two militiamen pointed their hand crossbows at it, and fired the last two silver-plated arrows without hesitation.


The silver-plated arrowhead easily pierced into the tough skin of the blacksmith werewolf, but it couldn't inflict as much damage on it as the ancestor werewolf did. It only made it angrier after howling in pain.

The blacksmith werewolf waved his arms as thick as thighs, and his huge claws instantly knocked away several militiamen who couldn't dodge nearby.

Tonight coincides with the full moon, and the mutated second-generation virus has a characteristic that the original virus does not have; that is, it ignores time, and only the full moon can successfully transform into a werewolf. The reason for the transformation on the night of the full moon.

The seven militiamen who were swept away had their tendons broken and fractured, and they couldn't die any more. However, the strange thing is that their corpses were still shaking, and they let out a terrifying growl from their throats. Pieces of thick body hair gradually grew out and implanted in their bodies Silver is slowing down their transformation.

"The ancestor of the second-generation werewolf, it is extremely contagious, its resistance to silver is greatly enhanced, and it has simple wisdom; its overall combat power is 12."

"Stop it quickly! Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!"

At least for Murong Xiao.

Murong Xiao yelled loudly, running his internal energy crazily, exerting the effect of elementary lightness kung fu to the limit.

With a knife on his body, a powerful force burst out, the cold blade broke through the air, two waves of air rolled and stirred along the blade, and the blade slashed obliquely like a piece of ponytail!

The second-generation ancestor werewolf roared wildly, waved his arms, and slapped Murong Xiao with its huge claws.

With the blessing of Murong Xiao's whole body, the Tang Dao, which contained weak divine power, chopped off half of its palm in one fell swoop, and deeply cut into its shoulder.


The pain made the second-generation ancestor even more angry, and its other intact paw slapped Murong Xiao's shoulder vigorously, smashing the nearby bones to pieces.

Murong Xiao snorted in pain, directly entered the soul-bound state, turned the handle of the knife suddenly, the sharp blade broke the bones, and also cut open its heart.


The howling of the second-generation ancestor werewolf came to an abrupt end, because a silver arrow shot through its throat.

"Hey, it's not an Amazon arrow."

Murong Xiao sat down weakly on the ground. After continuous high-intensity fighting, and the opening of the soul binding consumed the last bit of his physical strength, now he didn't even have the strength to wipe off his sweat.

"Take everyone away, put the necks on the humans infected with William's plague! Hurry up! I believe you don't want to see the sun tomorrow!"

A noble and slightly rebellious female voice sounded from behind, followed by the continuous sound of horseshoes colliding with armor, occasionally mixed with the roar of werewolves.

It's Victor's death killer army that has arrived ahead of schedule!

"Compulsory task 70.00: Because more than 2000% of the villagers in Falk village were infected with the werewolf virus, the judgment failed; get negative 37 Oneiroi power. Uninfected people in Falk village: 3700 people, get 36 Oneiroi points; [-] hours later, Invitees will return to the fantasy space."

A reminder of the dream space appeared in his mind, Murong Xiao smiled, and it is not unreasonable for him to fight with his life, this time at least he does not need to be obliterated.

"Human, you are brave."

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