dream redemption

Chapter 30 Victory

(Please recommend for collection!)

At this time, most of the vampires in the ballroom had escaped, and only a few dozen vampires with slightly higher combat effectiveness were left fighting with the blade as if they were dying, or...in other words...death.

"Garlic essence is added to the blood plasma."

Murong Xiao glanced at You Zai's blood-dripping nozzle, then swept his eyes over the vampires whose strength had dropped, and finally stopped at the man dressed like a blade warrior.

"Number: 8978, Ability: Master-level gun control; Bloodline: Rider; Status: Armed; Comprehensive combat power: 18."

This is a young man from the east, with extremely fast speed and superb marksmanship. The aura he exudes is weaker than the blade, but it is weak to a limited extent. It is easy to kill these vampires.

"Brad, you go to Feith, leave this to me!"

The invitee yelled and shot Quinn in the knee.

Brad, that is, Blade, nodded indifferently, and quickly chased towards the exit.

The invitee's combat power at this time was close to 15, which meant that he hadn't activated the soul binding.

At this time, three vampires with submachine guns rushed in from the entrance and shot at the invitee.

Kun En, who had been abused by him, scrambled and fled to the entrance of the ballroom while he was dodging.

"Dream Power, don't run away!"

The man in the windbreaker fired continuously while rolling, and all three gun-wielding vampires were hit in the head, turning into flying ashes.

"Hey baby, don't run away!"

The man in the windbreaker gave a strange laugh, and aimed his gun at Kun En's head.


Quinn's speed remained unchanged, and soon disappeared around the corner of the meat warehouse.

It wasn't that the man in the windbreaker missed the shot, it was Murong Xiao who fired the shot, the man in the windbreaker jumped away immediately after feeling the killing intent, the bullet just opened a hole in the wall.

The man in the windbreaker instinctively shot Murong Xiao when he was running away.

The fireworks from the powerful submachine gun stopped after less than two seconds, and the magazine was exhausted.

A series of bullets swept the bench until sawdust scraped onto the corner of Murong Xiao's clothes.

"Yoha! And a big fish."

The man in the windbreaker grinned at Murong Xiao who was not far away, threw the submachine gun with an empty magazine aside, and pulled out the Tang knife on his back: "Come to a duel!"

"This guy has no problem with his mind? But it's just a good time to try out his familiar swordsmanship."

Murong Xiao held the sword in one hand, and the tip of the sword pointed at the man in the windbreaker between the eyebrows.


The man in the windbreaker held the hilt of the sword with both hands, and made a very classic Japanese kendo starting gesture.

The man in the windbreaker fixed his eyes on Murong Xiao, and moved slowly, looking for flaws in Murong Xiao's body.

Murong Xiao's movements were relatively casual, even his whole body was in a relaxed state, with so many flaws, it made the man in the windbreaker feel like he couldn't make a move.

"Did this guy strengthen Dugu Nine Swords?"

The man in the windbreaker muttered, kicking his legs on the ground fiercely, the reaction force generated by the powerful force pushed his figure towards Murong Xiao, and the Tang knife in his hand cut across Murong Xiao's neck in a half circle.

This slash was extremely fast, causing bursts of whistling in the air.

"So fast!"

Murong Xiao's eyes froze, and with his dynamic vision, he could only capture blurry images.

Naturally, the sword in Murong Xiao's hand was horizontal to his side, and at the same time, he used the elementary lightness kung fu, and his figure floated half a step backward like catkins.


The huge force almost shook the sword in Murong Xiao's hand, the sharp edge of Tang Dao brushed his cheek, and a three-centimeter bloodstain oozes out little bit of blood.

"Delicious blood..."

The man in the windbreaker didn't chase after him in a hurry, but stuck out his tongue and licked the blood on the blade, showing a fascinated expression on his face.

"How can your blood be so delicious?"

Although the man in the windbreaker strengthened the same bloodline as Daofeng, he was not Daofeng, and he did not restrain his blood-sucking desire.

"I don't think you have bad taste."

Murong Xiao's pupils suddenly contracted, then dilated, beating like a heart, looking extremely strange.

The expression of the man in the windbreaker changed suddenly, and he felt Murong Xiao's breath became extremely dangerous in an instant, so he reached out to draw the gun at his waist reflexively.

"Don't you think it's a little late to draw the gun now?"

The man in the windbreaker felt his hand lighten, and the pistol he had just drawn disappeared into Murong Xiao's hand. At the same time, a bloodstain also appeared on his face.

"Fuck, damn pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!"

The man in the windbreaker didn't talk nonsense, he just ran away without saying a word of cruelty.

How could Murong Xiao make him happy, his internal energy circulated rapidly in his meridians, and his elementary lightness kung fu brought his speed to the extreme, leaving a series of faint afterimages of his whole body in place, which instantly appeared in front of the man in the windbreaker.

"Your duel is not over yet."

Murong Xiao swiped the weeping sword in his hand, the speed was as fast as lightning, the man in the windbreaker only had time to tilt his head, the tip of the sword brushed against his scalp, cutting off a piece of hair.

The man in the windbreaker gasped, and hurriedly raised his sword back to defend.

With a movement of Murong Xiao's figure, the Weeping Sword in his hand turned into a traceless horse sword, and shot towards the man in the windbreaker between the eyebrows.


The two weapons sparked fiercely in the air, the man in the windbreaker was shocked by Murong Xiao's huge power after opening the soul binding, his tiger's mouth burst open, and Tang Dao almost came out of his hand.

Murong Xiao strode forward, the Weeping Sword was close to the blade, and with a twist of his wrist, he brought out a huge turning force, and the man in the windbreaker moved his arm involuntarily, lifting it high.

Murong Xiao leaned forward, raised the tip of the sword, the man in the windbreaker's wrist was pierced, and the Tang Dao fell to the ground.

Murong Xiao took advantage of the situation, and the palm of the man in the windbreaker fell down with a stream of blood.


The man in the windbreaker let out a scream, cold sweat burst out on his forehead, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Murong Xiao gently pulled out a sword flower, shook off the blood on the sword, and put it in her arms.

He kicked the man in the windbreaker in the stomach, and the huge force caused his body to fly backwards, throwing a blood-red parabola and kissing the wall heavily.

"Cough cough..."

The man in the windbreaker slowly slipped to the ground, coughed up a mouthful of blood, and moaned weakly.

Murong Xiao grabbed his collar, lifted it up, and pressed it against the wall.

He punched the man in the windbreaker hard on the face, and the man in the windbreaker only felt that he was in a noisy concert hall, and all kinds of sounds kept ringing. He knew that the power of this punch had shaken his brain and had hallucinations.

"Go to hell..."

The man in the windbreaker laughed mockingly, and a pocket pistol appeared in his intact left hand. Although the muzzle was small, the tongue of flames that spewed out was not small. The scorching bullets pierced Murong Xiao's eyebrows with kinetic energy exceeding the speed of sound.

The incident happened suddenly, Murong Xiao can guarantee that the man in the windbreaker did not hide any guns on his body!

In desperation, Murong Xiao only had time to avoid the point between his eyebrows, but the bullet still hit his right forehead, creating a blood hole with a diameter of one centimeter.


The severe pain in the head was no less than the aftereffects after opening the soul binding for the first time. Even Murong Xiao couldn't help howling in pain with his iron will, and for the first time, vampire fangs grew out of his mouth.

The intense pain seemed to break something in Murong Xiao's body, he slammed the windbreaker man's head away, and bit his carotid artery hard.

The warm blood contained a special energy, which resonated wonderfully with Murong Xiao's body, increasing his recovery speed several times!

"Ding dong!"

There was a crisp sound when the bullet landed, and the bloody hole on Murong Xiao's forehead quickly closed, and finally there was not even a scar left.

"Oh! Damn it! Let him go!"

At this time, Blade, who went out to chase Feith in vain, had already rushed back. Seeing the man in the windbreaker, he immediately pulled out two submachine guns, but did not fire immediately, fearing that the bullets would accidentally kill the dying man in the windbreaker.


Murong Xiao turned her head, a trace of scarlet blood trickled down the corner of her mouth, and calmly took off the bracelet on the left wrist of the man in the windbreaker.

"Shet! Damn vampire!"

Dao Feng was wearing sunglasses, covering his eyes, but Murong Xiao thought, he shouldn't be happy.

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