dream redemption

Chapter 31 Dimensional Bracelet

(The first is off the list, but it is still seventh, so please recommend and collect!)

Dao Feng was wearing sunglasses, covering his eyes, but Murong Xiao thought, he shouldn't be happy.

"Do you want him?"

Murong Xiao looked at the man in the windbreaker in his hand following Dao Feng's gaze, and pretended to be suddenly enlightened: "Then I'll pay you back!"

Throwing the man in the windbreaker who had already weakened his breath to Dao Feng, his figure disappeared into the ballroom at the same time.

Unlocking the soul binding requires a lot of physical strength, if it hadn't been for absorbing the energetic blood of the man in the windbreaker just now, Murong Xiao would have exited the soul binding state at this time.

Even so, the soul binding didn't last long, otherwise he really wanted to fight the protagonist in this movie.

Feith's dance hall opened under a meat warehouse, and when Murong Xiao retreated, he happened to meet the police who had been late.

"Don't move!"

"Get down, put your head in your hands, and turn around slowly!"

"lay down your weapon!"

Facing the clamor of these police officers, Murong Xiao just smiled disdainfully, performed his lightness skills, knocked down several police officers at a speed exceeding the limit of ordinary people's dynamic vision, and disappeared at the door of the meat warehouse.

"Damn it! What's going on!"


"Hell, is this human speed?"

"Hey, isn't this a hallucination?"

Several police officers who were knocked down were stunned and spoke loudly to their colleagues beside them to express their strong shock. There was even a stunned man who muttered words such as "dream" and "vampire" in his mouth.

At this moment, Dao Feng chased after him, but the murmuring policeman suddenly shot him. The other policemen were stimulated by this, and they didn't care about what to say. Several submachine guns fired together, hundreds of The bullets flew at the same time, if you can dodge it like this, then you are not a sun walker, but a god.

So, Dao Feng had just chased him out, and before he understood what was going on, he saw blood on his body, which made him scold his mother.Fortunately, the equipment on his body was equipped with steel plates, even if he was shot, many of his bullets were blocked.

Ultimately, the Blade escaped the police with a few bullets.

As soon as he got out of the meat warehouse, Murong Xiao felt weak all over, and the state of soul binding was automatically released, almost fell to the ground directly.

He stopped a taxi casually, and Murong Xiao found a hotel in Chinatown that didn't require ID. They are very friendly to some Chinese who do not have valid documents.

"Kill an invitee of the hostile faction and get 1000 Oneiroi Power."

As soon as he checked into the hotel, the dream space sounded a reminder that the man in the windbreaker had been drained of blood by Murong Xiao, and it was pretty good that he could last for so long. An invitee was worth a thousand points, which was comparable to many tasks with the same reward. Much simpler.

"Could it be that this is the way of raising Gu that Dream Space uses?"

"Ding ding, ding ding!"

The mobile phone in Murong Xiao's pocket rang, it was left for him by his younger brother before he left, to contact him.


"Boss, I heard! The day rangers found the dance hall, and countless of their own race died! Fortunately, you are famous and mighty..."

"Speak to the point, skip it if you flatter me."

"Oh, we heard from Quinn that you got into a fight with a day ranger, and we thought you... By the way, you weren't injured?"

The voice of the younger brother on the other end of the phone was obviously very excited, as if he had fought the Day Ranger himself.

"No, don't worry, there will be one less day ranger from now on."

"Oh my God!"

The younger brother's exclamation came from the other end of the phone, and Murong Xiao could vaguely hear a gasp.

"Boss! It's done! It's done! You know, how high is the reward for the Day Ranger from the Vampire Council now?!"

"I'm not interested in this. If possible, I would like to meet these elders."


After hanging up the phone, Murong Xiao took out the bracelet from the windbreaker man from the other pocket.

"Lucifer, check it out."

Murong Xiao found that Lucifer's ability is very useful; in battle, it has the function of knowing oneself and the enemy; in terms of items, it also has the function of identification, it is not an exaggeration to call it a magical skill.

However, Murong Xiao also understands that one should not rely too much on this ability, everything is done in moderation, and relying on oneself is the truth.

"Item: from fantasy space technology; name: different-dimensional bracelet; volume: one cubic meter; it needs energy such as Yuanli, Xianli, Zhenqi, Douqi, Jingshenli, and internal energy to use."

"It's really space equipment, and it's permanent."

Murong Xiao replaced the one-time cheap item in his hand, and looked at the contents of the bracelet with anticipation.

The number of the man in the windbreaker is higher than his own, and his overall combat power is much higher than his usual state, and the items inside are not much worse.

"Red wine, red wine, red wine, still red wine..."

Murong Xiao was speechless, and bought a space equipment, except for a powerful pocket pistol, it was filled with red wine!Oh, and ten blood bags.

"Could it be that these wines are brewed from blood?"

Murong Xiao released a sliver of internal energy, and with a thought, a bottle of wine fell into his hand out of thin air.



A light flashed on the sunglasses, and the information about this bottle of red wine immediately appeared in his mind.

"Bloody grapes; from the fantasy space; introduction: A fine wine made from the pure blood of young girls and red grapes, drinking it by people with vampire blood can increase the speed of physical recovery."

"It turned out to be several times."

Without saying a word, Murong Xiao drank the whole bottle of wine like pouring beer, and suddenly felt a warm breath rising in his stomach, and his limp body began to regain strength.

"This is the blood bottle. No wonder you bring so many. You are really a ghost."

"But it's much better than his blood."

While talking, Murong Xiao took out another bottle and poured it down, and transferred the items in his disposable bracelet to the dimensional bracelet.

"This thing is worth at least 1000 Oneiroi power points, plus that one thousand click kill reward, this really is a world where the weak eat the strong."


The vampire council was held on the second day, and the elders of these vampires, who had almost been emptied of their rights, circulated the settlements destroyed by the day ranger to each other, and became furious.

"I think, I need an explanation! Why, we have so many hidden strongholds destroyed!"

The black-haired and black-eyed elder Gao Tiannu slapped the table hard, showing his inner anger.

This is actually a kind of helplessness. Now in this city, these purebred vampire elders are the highest center of power in name, but in fact they have already been emptied by Feith, and they can only vent by slapping the table.

"How much did our people lose?"

Gao Tiannu suppressed his anger as much as possible. As he has been more and more angry over the years, his endurance skills have obviously improved a lot. If it was before, he would have led people to fight hard.




An elder with a beard resembling Marx repeated it once, saying: "Our people will disappear, so it cannot be counted."

"Hell, the Day Ranger is trying to wipe out our vampires. Call Faith in! His ballroom is getting too much attention and must be closed!"

Gao Tiannu couldn't hold back any longer, roared angrily, his eyeballs were bloodshot.


Outside the parliament, Murong Xiao was called up early in the morning by his younger brother with adoring eyes, and brought him here, yawning boredly.

"Because of your feat of killing the day ranger, the faction's reputation has been raised to respect."

It took too long to activate the soul binding yesterday, and one night's sleep was simply not enough.

I sat on the steps outside the door for a while, and when I was about to fall asleep, a blond western youth with a cigarette in his mouth and a casual expression came over carelessly.

This is Feith, a handsome young man from the West. The decadent aura about him is definitely the favorite of rebellious girls.

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