dream redemption

Chapter 32 Parliament

(A new month, a new beginning, the fifth day, I hope fellow Taoists will continue to work hard!)

This is Feith, a handsome young man from the West. The decadent aura about him is definitely the favorite of rebellious girls.

"Hey buddy."

Fei Si casually walked over to Murong Xiao and sat down, smiled and handed him a cigarette: "Why is your spirit so poor? I played with Ma Zi all night last night."

Murong Xiao took the cigarette, but did not light it, and shook her head sleepily.

"Hey! Hey! Take heart, I heard that you killed a day ranger, so you won't be so useless!"

"You think killing a day ranger is eating hot pot, how can you sleep enough for half the night?"

Murong Xiao gave Fei Si a white look, her eyes were already narrowed, like a sleepy kitten.

However, Feth understood that if anyone dared to treat this harmless-looking vampire next to him as a kitten, the end would be very ugly, because this is a fierce tiger, a tiger with its claws put away!

"Two nights later, I have a party. This is the address. I'll wait for you."

Feth stuffed another business card with the address into Murong Xiao's pocket, showed a smile that any man could understand, and patted Murong Xiao on the shoulder, expressing that I am very optimistic about you.

"This Feith is very good at winning people's hearts."

There was an inexplicable smile on the corner of Murong Xiao's mouth. At least, he threw out an olive branch without making Murong Xiao feel disgusted.

"Fez! Tell Fez to come in!"

Gao Tiannu's voice came out clearly, causing Feith to have a slight sneer on his face.

"Come on, let's go in."

Feith pulled Murong Xiao up from the ground, and helped him into this dark conference room.

Murong Xiao smiled lightly, but did not refuse, and his thoughts turned.

There were still two vacant seats in the council, but it was obviously not for Murong Xiao and the two of them. There were two elders absent from the council this time.

"Fez, what do you mean!"

Seeing that Fei Si helped Murong Xiao to the chair as if no one was there, Gao Tiannu threw a bunch of photos on his face and started to attack him.

The other dozen or so elders were silent and did not say a word. Now that they could not protect themselves, it would be wise to sweep the door by themselves.

As everyone knows, it is precisely because of this mentality that their power is gradually emptied, and they eventually become sacrifices.

"Fez, there's too much movement in your dance hall! Not only have you attracted day rangers, but even the human government has begun to put pressure on us!"

Feith lightly blew out a smoke ring: "We are new humans, we should rule them, not sign some shit treaty!"

"We've been living like this for thousands of years."


After a conversation similar to the one in the movie, Gao Tiannu couldn't do anything about Feith, so he could only talk about blood, which obviously touched a certain nerve in Feith, and made him show his murderous intentions, so he said a few words With harsh words, he stared at Gao Tiannu like a dead man, and left quickly.

Perhaps it was the empathy of the death of the rabbit and the fox's sorrow, these elders all stared angrily at his back.

"Hey girls."

Murong Xiao lazily leaned back on the chair, and made a sound to draw the eyes of the elders to herself.

"What are you talking about! Pay attention to your identity, this chair is not for you!"

Gao Tiannu stared at Murong Xiao firmly, the anger in his heart was no longer suppressed, his eyes almost burst into flames!

There was also a bald-headed elder, who seemed to have been aggrieved for a long time, was dazzled by anger, jumped up from the chair, and punched Murong Xiao's face with agility.

He obviously exerted all his strength in this punch, hitting bursts of sonic booms. If it was an ordinary vampire, he would definitely have his head explode without being able to see his fist clearly, and he died unexpectedly.

"If you want to stand up, there will be sandbags delivered to your door. I didn't exchange for the blood of the protagonist."

Murong Xiao showed a faint smile, and instantly opened the soul binding.

Step out, close the momentum, and release the soul bondage.

A group of vampire elders only felt a blur before their eyes, and the bald elder flew out at an even faster speed, smashing a big hole in the wall, his sternum collapsed, and he was breathing rapidly.

Injuries that are fatal to humans are nothing to vampires, as long as they are fed some blood, they can recover quickly.

"Now, can we have a good talk?"

The aura emitted by Murong Xiao when he opened the soul binding made these elders whose overall combat power is generally lower than 15 feel palpitated. Although it was only for a moment, it made them feel a deadly threat.

They only remembered now that this person was the main target of their council this time, killing a powerful existence of a day ranger!

"Murong, you strike too hard."

Gao Tiannu took out a piece of document paper from the drawer, on which was printed all the information he could collect about Murong Xiao.

With the all-pervasive intelligence network of vampires, only a few pieces of information have been collected, and all of them are useless!

Murong Xiao's mystery made Gao Tiannu frowned.

"Sorry, I'm already very light, I will pay attention next time."

Murong Xiao still looks like he lacks sleep, which makes it hard for these old monsters who have lived for thousands of years to notice his thoughts.

"what do you want?"

Gao Tiannu seemed to be the head of the council, as soon as he spoke, the other elders who wanted to speak stopped.

"Save your life."

Murong Xiao narrowed her eyes, looking as shrewd as a fox.

"Haha, a joke! After living for so many years, this joke is the funniest!"

Gao Tiannu laughed loudly, as if he had heard the best joke in the world, but Murong Xiao could tell that his confidence was obviously lacking.

The other elders also joined in and forced a laugh, and sent their younger brothers to carry the bloody elder down for treatment.

"Haha, for the sake of making us so happy, I'll give you a vampire captain, this is the letter of appointment."

Gao Tiannu casually pushed a document over, turned his face away, but kept staring at every subtle movement of Murong Xiao's body from the corner of his eye.

Murong Xiao didn't even lift her eyelids, and said flatly: "Fei Si's condition is to be the deputy commander."

"I think, being an adjutant under Feith has a higher status than everyone here."

Gao Tiannu's complexion changed wildly. Although the other elders were dissatisfied, they did not refute and acquiesced to this.

"Then why should I look far away?"

Murong Xiao smiled lightly, revealing an inexplicable meaning.

"Bastard!" Gao Tiannu slammed the table with his palm and said angrily, "Do you still want to be an elder?!"

"Isn't that okay? I come from a noble family with pure blood." "How could a pure blood vampire like me be willing to live under a bastard like Feis who became a monk?"

"What's more, if I and Fei Si both lose, wouldn't it be great for you to take advantage of the fish?"

Murong Xiao smiled faintly, and said in an unpredictable tone, which made the hearts of these elders move.

"What if you win? Are we still inferior to you? What's the difference from now?"

"At least, my blood is pure and I won't kill you."

Murong Xiao simply closed his eyes, causing all the elders to apply invisible pressure.

"But what if you can't beat Fez? Our situation will be worse than it is now."

Gao Tiannu's expression calmed down, and he expressed his concerns for the elders.

"At least you have a chance to breathe."

The corner of Murong Xiao's mouth twitched mockingly, and said lightly: "Can your situation get worse?"

This sentence can be said to have hit their weakness and left them speechless.

Indeed, Feth could destroy their remaining forces at any time now, and it couldn't be worse.

"Get rid of Feith, and you will be one of the elders."

Gao Tiannu stared at Murong Xiao coldly and made a decision.

"You are too dishonest."

Murong Xiao stretched out a slender finger and shook it, saying: "If you don't keep your promise, there's nothing I can do, right?"

"We can sign the document first, and it will take effect after Feith disappears."

Murong Xiao finally lifted his eyelids, and said: "Then you guys sign. Find me a place to sleep, and when I wake up, I want to see an elite army, no random names."

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