dream redemption

Chapter 39 The God of Light Art!

(Crazy for recommended collection!)

"Ding, the application is approved, the number is 9527, the private space permission is level one, after upgrading to level two, it needs to consume 1000 dream power, are you sure?"


As Murong Xiao's words fell, the operation of the entire private space came to a halt, and he felt that he was one step closer to the atmosphere of the real world.

"Lucifer, have you improved your detection ability?"

"Of course!"

Lucifer blinked at Murong Xiao, and a panel resembling the character attributes in the game appeared in front of him.

Number: 9527.

Status: Normal.

Lineage: Carrier of Perfect Blood, Blood of Vampire, Carrier of Bright Blood, Body of Blood God.

Skills: master-level firearms control, swordsmanship expertise (integration), primary light attribute internal strength, primary lightness kung fu.

Special Ability a: First Embrace ([-]: Rely on absorbing blood to obtain powerful recovery ability; [-]: Can consume the blood of oneself ao to control oneself and other creatures, the effect depends on the strength difference between the two parties. (Note: This ability can be combined with the blood god physique Obtain pseudo-immortality.)

Special ability c: pseudo-immortal body; the blood is not exhausted, and the body is immortal.

Special ability d: blood energy, a kind of blood energy containing a dark atmosphere; characteristics, cold and corrosive.

Combat Strength: 23.

[Note: This data is the normal state value. 】

"Sure enough, it's much more detailed, and the combat power assessment is also normalized, rather than the theoretical maximum."

"Show the Oneiroi power you have now."

"Kill one of the invitees and get 1000 Dream God Power."

"Due to diligent study and hard training of advanced primary internal strength, I have obtained 500 Dream God power."

"Kill the plot character Feith and get 500 Oneiroi Power."

"Kill 210 vampires and get 1050 Dream God power." [Okay, I'm too lazy to count, so I rounded up the whole number, fellow daoists, please forgive me. 】

"There are 50 Oneiroi power remaining before step [-] is executed."

"Enhancing the private space authority consumes 1000 Oneiroi power."

"A total of 2100 Oneiroi powers remain."

After injecting the blood of light in the mission world, the blood color between the pupils faded a part, at least the pupils and the whites of the eyes could be clearly distinguished.

However, the perspective is still blood-red, as if looking at the world from another space.

"Master, don't worry, it will be normal after getting the blood of the ancestor!"

Lucifer flapped his wings and transformed into a pair of sunglasses and landed on Murong Xiao's hand.

Today's dream space is abnormal and people can see people, but most of these people cover their faces, as if they are afraid that they will offend someone here and be recognized in reality.

When passing by the auction house, Murong Xiao had a whim, and entered a small closed room to call up the auction item information.

After a general glance, I found that they were all brought back from the mission world, nothing high-end.

Suddenly, Murong Xiao's eyes froze, and an item placed here for consignment caught his attention, or it moved his heart.

"From the mission world "Blade Warrior 3", the blood of the vampire's ancestor. Price: 10000 Dream Power."

"It's too expensive, otherwise it would save me a lot of time."

Murong Xiao quit this option and continued to browse, maybe there are some martial arts cheats.

I found a lot of inner strength methods, but Murong Xiao felt that it was not suitable for him. For example, although "Nine Yin Scriptures" was praised as the general outline of martial arts in the world in Jin Yong's book, its attributes did not match Murong Xiao's bright inner strength.

Although there is another kind of blood energy with diametrically opposite attributes in his body, but the existence is reasonable, and this cannot be the reason for him to practice yin attributes.

Although he didn't find Ruyi's inner strength method, a piece of acquisition information caught his attention.

"Unlimited intake of emotional inhibitor Paxian, 50 Oneiroi Power each."

"Oh? I didn't expect the dream space to be so dark, the price difference is fifty times."

Murong Xiao felt emotional, and threw twenty Paxian in his dimensional bracelet into the auction house, kept seven for himself, and immediately got a thousand points of Dream God Power.

"Where, Lord Oneiroi is only earning ten times the price difference. It must be that no one has accepted the collection task recently, and the market demand is huge!"

As soon as Murong Xiao said bad things about Dream Space, Lucifer immediately jumped out to complain.

"Could it be that the things sold in the dream space are all brought back from the mission world?"

"Of course not, it's just that this emotional inhibitor is rather special, and the dream space has made restrictive treatment.


It is understandable after thinking about it, this potion can help newcomers quickly adapt to the cruel task world, it is easy to lose the motivation to become stronger, and it is normal to make restrictions.

"Master, the guy who bought your things asked to talk to you, will you answer?"

"No, if I don't give special orders in the future, I will refuse it for me."

"Understood, done!"

On the exchange platform, Murong Xiao looked at the method of internal strength cultivation that Lucifer had chosen for him.

"The "Introduction to the God of Light" is divided into nine levels, which records the cultivation method of internal strength from the beginning [that is, the elementary level] to the realm of true energy; it comes from the fantasy novel "One Sword Lingchen", the top overlord sect: Guangming Holy Mountain, for Inheriting the mental method directly. It can be obtained by consuming 3000 Oneiroi Power."

"Although the name is rather old-fashioned, but as a secondary set, it has done its best. Make sure to exchange it!"

This was the case every time Lucifer exchanged, and the remaining Oneiroi power never exceeded three digits.

As Murong Xiao finished speaking, a complex map of the meridians of the human body was branded in his mind. When he meditated and visualized, he could see a ruddy arrow running along the eighteen meridians in the body in a mysterious trajectory.

"Whenever the master's internal strength advances, the cultivation method for the next level will naturally appear."

Lucifer was afraid of hearing something unfavorable to Oneiroi from Murong Xiao's mouth again, so he immediately explained it.

It took Murong Xiao four hours to follow the arrows in his mind, and finally completed the first cycle of the Introductory Chapter of Guangming Shenjue.

Everything was difficult at the beginning, but after completing the first Sunday move, everything became logical.

After carrying the small Zhou Tian nine times in a row, the bright aura in Murong Xiao's inner strength strengthened again, and the originally peaceful inner strength began to take on a tinge of fiery heat.

"Back to reality."

"The application is approved, the bloodline skills are being sealed..."

"Items that exceed the level of technology in the real world, dimensional bracelets; special items such as the blood of flames; emotional inhibitors, etc...The stripping is complete."

"Ordinary iron sword, twice as good as ordinary people's physical fitness assessment... Since the invitee has a second-level authority guide, the assessment is passed!"

"Teleportation preparation, 3...2...1; teleportation complete!"

Back to the man-made forest in the eastern suburbs, the bleak winter did not affect this evergreen forest too much. The sun is still shining in the green shadows, but it is less vibrant and more chilly.

January is one of the coldest times in this city. The bitter cold wind blew past, making people's faces ache. Even the red sun that just showed its head was startled, and it pulled up a black cloud to cover itself.

Another gust of cold wind blew up, rolling up snowflakes dancing all over the sky. This was the first snow in the city. Yu covered the earth with a silver dress, drawing a beautiful picture in the not dense forest.

Murong Xiao gently stretched his muscles and bones. His physical fitness twice as much as that of ordinary people is already the limit of the human body. It feels very good to have strength, very good!

Although his physical fitness has reached twice that of ordinary people, Murong Xiao still looks very thin, his muscles are strong but not obtrusive, they are streamlined, and he has extremely strong explosive power.

Compared with the last time, the time to return to the villa was much shorter this time. Standing in front of the door, Murong Xiao took a deep breath, subdued her naturally murderous aura, and showed a slight smile on her face.

"Yo, Brother Murong is back."

Qing Wu is wearing men's casual clothes that are popular nowadays, her confident and sunny demeanor is fascinating.

But, why does this dress look so familiar?

"Qing Wu, you're wearing my clothes again..."

Murong Xiao had a wry smile on his face, and his tone seemed pale in front of her.

"What's the matter? It's not that I won't pay it back. Besides, it's not the first time."

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