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"What's the matter? It's not that I won't pay it back. Besides, it's not the first time."

Qing Wu waved her hands nonchalantly and said, "It's been a long time since I visited my alma mater, just in time for you to come back and go with me."

"It's still snowing, but obviously it's going to be nice."

Murong Xiao glanced at the snow falling outside the window, and smiled softly.

"Okay, I'm going to pack my things."

Qing Wu seemed very happy, and ran up the stairs humming a ditty "clap ceng ceng ceng", and came down with a big bag of things after a while.

"Lighters, grills, seasonings, tents, sleeping bags... Are you sure you want to visit your alma mater?"

Murong Xiao was sweating profusely, with black lines all over her head, she was clearly going camping!

"Today is 29, and tomorrow night is New Year's Eve, won't you still have something to do?"

Looking at Qing Wu's tiger-watching gaze, Murong Xiao didn't look sideways.

"Of course it's fine."

"What are you talking about, let's go."

Qing Wu threw a big bag over, and Murong Xiao caught it very easily. Although the weight of several tens of catties is not light for ordinary people, given Murong Xiao's current physical fitness, it is very easy to take a few more.

Qing Wu's eyes lit up, she stepped forward and patted Murong Xiao's shoulder heavily and said: "It seems that you have been exercising a lot, brother, and you are in good health."

When she arrived at the garage, although Qing Wu didn't buy another helicopter to stuff it in, Murong Xiao was "surprised" by the sturdy shape of a certain brand off-road vehicle.

After stuffing several packages into the back seat of the car, Qing Wu drove to Beishi.

The middle school the two attended was relatively poor in the city. It was located in the suburbs. Outside the wall on the back of the campus was a mountain that stretched for hundreds of miles.

Now that the New Year is approaching, the school has already been on holiday, and there are no ghosts in it, let alone people.

After locking the car, Qing Wu borrowed her strength from inside the fence, and flipped up three times, five times and two times, like an agile ape.

After Murong Xiao handed over a few travel bags, he also easily climbed the wall.

This kind of thing was done a lot when I was in school before, and now I am naturally familiar with it.

Walking around the alma mater, the familiar facilities have not changed, everything is the same; what has changed is people and mentality.

Unknowingly, the two came to the back of the school, the cold wind was howling, the snow was falling, and the two of them unconsciously got closer.

"Murong, shall we go hunting?"

As Qing Wu said, regardless of Murong Xiao's attitude, she directly turned over the wall.

Murong Xiao shook her head secretly, she already knew she had this idea, because the back mountain of the school is inaccessible, there are still some wild animals, and they would dig out bird eggs and catch rabbits when they have nothing to do.

After handing over a few big bags, Murong Xiao also climbed over the wall.

At this time, the back mountain is hardly green anymore, the ground is covered with a layer of dead leaves, and some places have been covered with a little white.

"Let's go, let's go into the mountains and go to the valley!"

Just as Murong Xiao gained a firm foothold, Qing Wu dragged her to go deep into this mountain that might be blocked by heavy snow.

"It's very dangerous, do you know that, if the mountain is blocked by heavy snow, you won't be able to get out."

Murong Xiao shook his head, if he set up a camp outside the mountain, there is still some discussion.

"It's okay! I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of? At worst, we'll die together."

Qing Wu dragged Murong Xiao's arm and said, "Besides, martial arts practitioners should stay close to nature. Let's go!"

In the end, Murong Xiao bowed to Qing Wu's repeated pleas and followed her into the mountain.

After walking for several hours along the path that can't be counted as a road, I finally heard the long-awaited sound of water.

In Murong Xiao's impression, there is a meandering river flowing through the mountains, leading directly to the moat.

Water flow, dead leaves, snowfall, hibernating woods and a beautiful woman constitute a beautiful picture.

Although the severe winter is cold, there is also a hidden vitality. Hibernating creatures are accumulating energy for the next year, such as trees, grass, and even the earth.

For a moment, Murong Xiao seemed to have a feeling, and couldn't help being indulging in the snow all over the sky.

"I'm going to camp here today, I'm going to catch some wild game like rabbits."

As Qing Wu said, the person had disappeared.

"Be careful!"

Murong Xiao yelled at the place where she disappeared, and began to choose a place by the river to camp.

After he pitched the tent by himself, it was already an hour later.

After looking through several backpacks, I only found half a bag of instant noodles...

"No, do you really want to catch rabbits to satisfy your hunger?"

Looking up at the sky, it is estimated that it will be completely dark before walking out of the mountain.

"Lucifer, can you find a rabbit or something?"

Murong Xiao rubbed her belly that had started to rebel, and contacted Lucifer mentally.

"Master, my ability is detection, not search, okay..."

I believe that if Lucifer is not in a skeuomorphic state, he must have a helpless expression on his face.

"Haha, brother, look at what I brought back!"

Qing Wu's voice was magnetic, and there was a touch of bewitchment in the free and easy way.


Thinking that he might be hungry tonight, Murong Xiao's voice became weak.

Looking back gently, Murong Xiao's eyes suddenly straightened.

In Qing Wu's hand, there were three more hares!

"You, how did you do it? Do rabbits like to commit suicide these days?"

Murong Xiao swallowed his saliva, dark red blood oozes from the heads of the three hares, one can tell they were killed by heavy blows.

Could it be that Qing Wu's peerless youth even captivated the rabbit?Are you willing to give your precious life for her stomach?

"What is this nonsense!"

Qing Wu tossed the rabbit, clapped her hands and said, "Brother's concealed weapon skills haven't regressed yet, isn't it easy to hit a few rabbits?"

Washing her hands by the river, Qing Wu ran up to Murong Xiao, wiped her naked bare hands on his body, and said: "Like a fire, I'm hungry."

"It's so cruel that you can actually kill such a cute little animal."

Qing Wu: "..."

"You butcher, cold-blooded killer..."

"Enough, I can't bear it anymore. Please, these are just a few hares to feed your hunger, Mr. Murong, please don't elevate their lives to the height of human beings, okay?"

"In my eyes, many humans are inferior to small animals..."

Murong Xiao smiled, took out a saber from his pocket and went to the river to deal with the rabbit.

After Qing Wu lit the fire, Murong Xiao had already easily skinned and removed the dirt from the hare, leaving only moderately fat and thin rabbit meat.

"Hurry up, I'm starving to death, I need to eat two later!"

Qing Wu couldn't wait to fix the processed rabbit meat on the grill, and was about to put it on the fire to roast.

"No hurries."

Murong Xiao grabbed the rabbit meat and rolled her eyes: "I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, wait for the fire to be lower before roasting."

"But it's meat, and besides, I'm really hungry..."

Qing Wu looked at Murong Xiao pitifully, her beautiful eyes shone brightly, like autumn water, almost melting Murong Xiao completely.

"However, the result of roasting this way is burnt on the outside and raw on the inside, are you sure?"

Murong Xiao remained unmoved, don't use the same trick on him a thousand times...

Very invincible saint warrior.

"Well, I'm not sure."

Qing Wu turned around and walked into the tent, exclaiming: "Brother, you are good at making tents! Do you often go camping with girls?"

"Cough, no."

Murong Xiao spread some seasonings on the meat to prepare for the barbecue.

After waiting patiently for more than half an hour, most of the dry firewood I picked up was burned into a kindling like a charcoal fire, and the fire also subsided.

Murong Xiao put the meat on the rack and turned it slowly.Although he hadn't done barbecue a few times, cooking and the like remained the same. It was nothing more than the color and aroma, the heat, the combination of ingredients and seasonings.

With the passage of time, the original bright red rabbit meat gradually turned golden under the licking of the tongue of fire, and a tempting meat fragrance wafted out.

The temperature of the flame fully roasted the fat in the rabbit meat, and the shiny fat dripped into the fire, making a "chi chi" sound.

After Murong Xiao sprinkled some mixed powder, a scent that was several times stronger immediately hooked Qing Wu out of the tent.

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