dream redemption

Chapter 46 Reentry Blade

(I went to the bank to open an account today, and the enthusiastic manager helped me get a copy of my ID card, saving me from making a trip, but at the same time, I got an electronic cipher device that I don’t know. What is this thing for? use)

After thinking for a while, Murong Xiao already had a result in his mind, and opened the hidden task list.

"Hidden mission: the redemption of the vampire; mission completion rate: 70.00% five; step four: go to the world of blade warriors to obtain the blood of the vampire ancestor Kreid. Do you want to execute step four?"


"The mission world is confirmed, "Blade Warrior 3"."

"3...2...1, teleportation begins!"

A white rainbow passed through the sky, like lightning flashing through the sky, and disappeared directly into the void in front of my eyes.

"In some corner of the world, the power of darkness is always there, and the power of justice is always fighting against it."

"Faction automatic planning; vampire, reputation: respect; blade warrior: hatred; human zheng fu: friendly."

"Identity is automatically determined: Blood God. (Note: Whether it is a vampire or a blade warrior, I want to catch you and study it.)"

From the same God's perspective, the bustling city of the 21st century shows its enthusiasm and vitality in Murong Xiao's eyes.

However, in the unknown inner world, all kinds of dark and evil are happening. Murong Xiao can clearly see both the outer and inner worlds, and a sense of dominance arises spontaneously.

Murong Xiao knew that this was an illusion, which had been driven away the moment it occurred.

"The mission is officially started!"

A white light flashed in his eyes, and the bustling city quickly approached Murong Xiao.In other words, Murong Xiao quickly approached this reinforced concrete city.

Dozens of high-rise buildings can be seen everywhere, and the walls of buildings waiting to be demolished are covered with graffiti that promotes violence. The contrast seems so strong and harmonious, just as there are two layers in this world.

Murong Xiao walked into the shadow of a building against the sun, took out an old-fashioned mobile phone, and dialed an encrypted number.

"Boss! Boss, is that you?"

A voice trembling with excitement came from the phone, Murong Xiao could easily feel the joy of the owner of the voice on the other end of the phone.

"It's me, the power left by Feith, how is the business going?"

Murong Xiao's usual flat voice seemed contagious and calmed down the person on the other end of the phone.

"Boss, you are worthy of being a half-immortal, and you can predict things like a god! After we sent Lao Wei to another city, the day ranger really didn't have the heart to trouble us again. After your instructions, I took over the responsibility of the more than 100 people. The armed forces quickly took control of the underground forces of the entire city, and after several years of development, the control of the city has completely fallen into our hands, and the high-level members of the military region are all our people."

"Well, that's good. I really didn't misunderstand the person. I have fully mastered the power of the blood god and overcome the shortcomings of the vampires. Now there is one thing I need you to do for me."

Murong Xiao looked at the extended sunlight, stepped back a few steps, and said calmly.

"Okay no problem! What's the matter?"

"Help me find out the whereabouts of the ancestor of the vampire. As far as I know, he should have been awakened, and he should be in the city where I am."

"Okay! I'll do it right away, wait for my call!"

As soon as the other end of the phone finished speaking, there was a rush of blind voice, Murong Xiao smiled lightly and shook her head, then put the phone in her pocket.

After a few rounds of shopping in the busy street, Murong Xiao walked into a luxuriously decorated room.

"Hello, welcome."

A white network administrator in uniform greeted politely, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

"Hello, give me a soundproof private room, the kind without surveillance."

Murong Xiao smiled lightly, quite gentlemanly.

"OK, just a second."

The network administrator fiddled with the keyboard for a while, then took out a key, and said, "In private room No. 27, the surveillance camera has been turned off as you ordered. This is the key."

Murong Xiao was very satisfied with the service attitude here, took out a gold bar from his pocket, and said, "It feels good here, this is the deposit, and if there is any extra, just treat it as a tip."

Murong Xiao took the key and turned around to look for the No. 27 private room.

The young network manager gave Murong Xiao a strange look, and thought to himself: What a strange guest, who would only bring gold bars when going out.

However, this strangeness disappeared without a trace the moment he touched the gold bar.

A strong surprise instantly spread to every corner of his body.

"This... this is... true!"

The young webmaster's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe his touch!Based on the feel he developed after working in the gold shop for three years, he knew that this was a real piece of gold, and its purity was extremely high. This small piece was enough to cover half a year's salary for him!

He even thought he was dreaming, and bit the gold bar with his teeth in disbelief, and as a result, several familiar tooth marks appeared on the gold bar.

"It's not a dream! This is real gold!"

Shocked, he also guessed that Murong Xiao's identity was not simple, so he turned off the power of the camera in private room No. 27.

Looking up at the camera whose standby light was gone, Murong Xiao smiled faintly and turned on the computer.

I don't know why, even the icons on the computer are in Chinese, I have to admire the magical power of the dream space.

When he opened Google, Murong Xiao had just entered the first keyword, and the thing he was looking for popped up immediately!

"Unprecedented discovery in the history of archaeology! Surprisingly discovered the remains of the Qi-shaped civilization 4000 years ago!"

"Miracle! Numerous complete chevrons have been unearthed in Syria!"

"Syria Surprisingly Discovered the Qi-Shaped Civilization!"


These pieces of news almost burst the computer screen, and without exception, they are all about the relics of the chi-shaped civilization unearthed in Syria.

Kreid, the ancestor of the vampire, is the founder of the Qi-shaped civilization. If he is awakened, there must be a major discovery of the Qi-shaped civilization. Facts have proved that Murong Xiao's deduction is correct.

At the very least, it can be proven that Creed has been released.

After confirming his thoughts, Murong Xiao played a shooting game to pass the time.However, to his surprise, due to Superman's reflexive nerves, all the enemy players who confronted him were headshot.Because of this, Murong Xiao was accused of cheating and was kicked out of the room.

"Cainted, how does this foreigner look like a real penguin player?"

Depressed, Murong Xiao simply downloaded the player and started watching the movie.

"Drip drip!"

The cell phone in Murong Xiao's pocket suddenly rang.

"Any news?"

"Well, the ancestors have indeed awakened in Syria. According to our information, they are indeed in New York. I have sent an army of vampires to assist you, Boss."

"Okay, you're doing great."

Murong Xiao nodded in satisfaction. The person on the phone was his clever little brother back then, and now he is the chairman of the San Francisco Vampire Council, holding great power.But for his mysterious "half-immortal" boss, he still obeys orders.

He sent an army composed entirely of vampires, equipped with anti-ultraviolet equipment, they can also move in the sun, the restrictions are greatly reduced.

Knowing the handover time and place, Murong Xiao glanced at the time at the bottom of the screen and continued watching the movie.

After reviewing the Resident Evil series of movies, the time was approaching. Murong Xiao drank the last drop of red wine in the bottle and walked out of the net.

It was already sunset at this time, and the afterglow of the setting sun stretched Murong Xiao's shadow very long, the sunset glow in the sky turned bright red under the sunlight, like a drunken cheek, one couldn't help being intoxicated by it.

After stopping a taxi that was bright red like the sunset, the middle-aged man with a short beard opened the door enthusiastically, and said, "Little brother, where are you going?"

"District 54."

Murong Xiao responded with a faint smile and sat on the soft seat.

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