dream redemption

Chapter 47 Earrings

(The collection is almost three hundred!)

Murong Xiao responded with a faint smile and sat on the soft seat.

"Area 54? The middle-aged driver's face suddenly became strange, and he said: "This is a military restricted zone!Brother, you are not a local, if you don’t know where to go, I can recommend a few. "

This uncle obviously regarded Murong Xiao as a foreign tourist who was fooled.

"You misunderstood, Area 54 is indeed my destination, you just take me there."

Murong Xiao talked about this, and the middle-aged driver didn't say much, and set off skillfully on the road.

The scenery on the side of the road receded rapidly, tall buildings and pedestrians turned into faint afterimages. With superhuman eyesight, Murong Xiao even saw a vampire frantically sucking the blood of Yiming girl in the dark.

After driving for about half an hour, when the sun was about to set, a wasteland surrounded by high-voltage barbed wire appeared in Murong Xiao's eyes.

Two armed soldiers stood meticulously in front of the barricade, like tall and straight pines, giving people the illusion of being immobile as a mountain.

"Little brother, I can only send you here."

The middle-aged driver smiled apologetically and stopped a hundred meters away from the high-voltage barbed wire.

"It's troublesome."

Murong Xiao didn't take it seriously, and also threw down a piece of gold of tens of grams, and turned to walk towards the sentry post.

In his eyes, there is no real difference between gold and loess, but it feels very good to spend money like dirt.

"Stop! Military restricted area, trespassers will be shot on the spot!"

The two soldiers immediately pulled the bolts of the guns, and the muzzle of the guns emitting gunpowder immediately aimed at Murong Xiao's eyebrows.

"I'm Murong Xiaoxiao, your chief should know that I'm coming."

Murong Xiao stood on the spot casually, with her hands in her pockets, looking careless.But the two soldiers who pointed their guns at him suddenly became tense, and their hairs stood on end, as if they were the ones pointed at by the guns.

One of the soldiers said a few words on the walkie-talkie, and the two soldiers put down their guns as if they had received an order, and said, "Please come in."

Murong Xiao nodded, and boarded a military jeep that was approaching quickly.

After driving for more than ten minutes, the jeep stopped in front of a complex of modern buildings.

A soldier in his 50s stood in front of the door, with a little bit of gray hair on his sideburns, but he didn't look old, but gave people a very energetic feeling.

"This guy is a vampire."

In Murong Xiao's blood-red line of sight, this old man was light blue, indicating that his energy surpassed the limit of ordinary people.

"This must be Mr. Murong."

The military vampire smiled and said nonsense.


Murong Xiao also smiled and got out of the car.

"I am the supreme officer here. I don't know if Mr. Murong has mobilized an army to come to my jurisdiction. What is the mission?"

Murong Xiao raised her eyebrows, she didn't expect that little brother's energy is so great, even the New York Military District is very afraid of him.

"It's nothing, just find someone who will destroy the balance between the two races."

Murong Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, and said lightly.

The vampire commander laughed, and led Murong Xiao to an open space, saying, "It is estimated that the army will arrive by transport plane in 10 minutes."

The vampire commander left in a hurry. For a vampire army to enter, he had a headache, but he had to agree. Now he can only make arrangements first to minimize the impact of possible bad events.

Murong Xiao didn't pay much attention to this, she closed her eyes and began to experience the enhanced blood energy in her body.

When Marcus' blood entered Murong Xiao's body, it began to play a role, causing the blood energy in his body to grow at a constant speed. Until now, the amount of blood energy has already made Murong Xiao faintly feel unsatisfactory. Feel.

After all, it is not the power that I have worked hard to cultivate, and it will always restrain my own power. I hope that the blood enhancement provided by the dream space can eliminate this drawback.

There are several vampire powers in Murong Xiao's body now. Although there is no major problem now, it is definitely a taboo for those who pursue extreme power.

In less than a few minutes, the sound of a propeller smashing the air sounded in the sky, and the strong airflow made the clothes rattle, but his feet seemed to be nailed to the ground, and his figure did not shake at all.

Two beams of lights shot down, piercing the gradually darkening night sky, and two thick cables hung down at the same time, each carrying advanced weapons, and their whole bodies were wrapped in a layer of battle suits made of special materials.

These soldiers descended very fast, except for using their hands to borrow force from the cables, their bodies were almost as fast as jumping directly from an airplane.

For ordinary special forces, such a way of landing is enough to disable them for life, but they won't, they are vampires!Just slightly bending the legs can dissolve the huge impact force, and the strong recovery ability can display amazing mobility on the battlefield where every second counts!

110 The three vampire soldiers assembled quickly, and the queue was neat and meticulous!

"Rookies, your clothes are leaking!"

Murong Xiao gestured and said something inexplicable.


The neatly lined up soldiers saluted uniformly, giving people a sense of solemnity.

"Your task is to dig out the ancestor of the vampire for me at all costs, no matter what method is used! The task is now carried out!"

"yes, sir!"

More than 100 vampire soldiers, in groups of ten, quickly disappeared into the military restricted area. One of the vampires, who looked like an officer, presented a miniature headset and gestured for a phone call.

Murong Xiao reached out to take the diamond earrings, with a rather weird expression on her face.

This headset can be said to be a modified diamond earring...

"Can you give me some more?"

After finding out the properties of the headset, Murong Xiao said to the officer.

"of course can."

He took out a rectangular box from a pocket of his tactical vest, and said, "Turn the diamond to the same radio frequency, and you can make calls within a radius of a thousand kilometers."

In the box, five earring-like connectors are quietly placed.

"Item Name: Diamond Radio Communicator; Type: Science and Technology; Effect: Communicators with the same frequency can realize clear calls within a thousand kilometers, and there are ten frequencies in total. They can be sold to Dream Space for 100 Meng Shenli each."

Nice little thing, it looks like you don't have to pay, and you're not afraid of being blocked, unless all the electromagnetic waves in this area are disturbed.

Murong Xiao tossed the earring away, pointed the tip at her earlobe, and gently pricked it down.

As soon as the ear hurts, the powerful self-healing ability immediately heals the wound, making this connector seem to grow on Murong Xiao's earlobe.

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